Cosma Empire

Chapter 293

鈥淲hat are we missing?鈥?Durin looked at the local Guartian compatriots and turned his eyes and swept over everyone鈥檚 face. 鈥淲e are upright, kind, hardworking, honest, we have many virtues, but we There is a lack of blood. When our compatriots are treated unfairly, what we lack is a kind of blood, a courage to dare to use eggs and stones.”

“I don’t agree with the use of throwing an egg at a rock to prove our courage, our blood, but if you don’t touch it, how do you know that it is really a stone? Maybe it’s just a look Another kind of stone like ‘the egg’ we have not seen?”

“The purpose of bringing these things to you is not only to make everyone’s life better, but also to take the opportunity to find our blood and courage. I hope that when Mr. Buddy invites me next time, I am not here. Come at night, but during the day. I hope there are more cars to pick me up and make the scene more decent. I hope that each of you will wear hundreds of clothes with a confident smile on your face.”

“I hope that when you walk on the street, you will no longer be despised by people, but will bow down to fear you.”

Durin turned and reached out again, clenching his grip with Buddy. “To achieve this goal, work hard!”

Soon, Durin left the city in Mr. Buddy’s stay. He still has a lot of places to go and won’t stay here for too long, even if one day is not enough. In just over a month, he ran 13 cities and then came to the most important place in his trip. The city is called Monte in the three most prosperous cities on the East Coast. The city is as prosperous as Irian, and as one of the three deep-water ports of the past, even in winter, there are many tourists.

Monte is the southernmost of the long coastline of the Empire and the closest city to Confederation. It was once affected by the war, and most of the city was destroyed by gunfire. After the Great Patriotic War, the New Party seized power. With the encouragement of the New Party, many businessmen funded the reconstruction of the city. As the tourist city closest to Confederation, the atmosphere here is completely different from the north, more open and more free.

This is a city dominated by merchants. Although the city hall performs its power, it is actually the merchants who control the city. Some people say that this is a paradise for businessmen. As long as you have money, you can do anything here and buy anything, as long as you have money.

More than once, the City Hall wanted to intervene to get back its own power, but each time ended in failure. The capitalists used money to rebuild the city and built the city as perfect as Irian. How could they be so kind and not asking for the empire to contribute? They hold more than two-thirds of the building’s property rights in the city, and 60% of the city’s residents are their employees.

Anything that makes them unhappy, there will be a group of workers who are told that they are about to lose their jobs to go to the town hall to demonstrate. For Irian, it may be a demonstration that affects the face and image of the city. However, in Montel, the demonstrations became one of the 鈥渓andscapes鈥?of the region. Many tourists heard that they were going to hold demonstrations before they rushed over.

Over time, the City Hall has also dispelled this idea, at least until they have the ability to buy the land of the city before they can provide jobs for more than 900,000 citizens.

Durin needs to completely spread his private wine in this place. This area will sell tens of thousands of bottles every month, and even more. Once you take a certain market share in this place, it is equivalent to catching a chicken that will lay golden eggs, which is one of his most important places.

Repeating the meeting as many times as before, but this time the meeting is no longer in the dock or in a park, but in a restaurant. This restaurant is just around the corner from the Golden Light Avenue and Third Avenue in Monterey. It has a small door and looks more like a hairdresser or other place from the outside. The environment in the restaurant can only be said to be okay, there are seven tables, and when Durin comes in, there is no one guest. When he wondered if he was in the wrong place, a slightly fat guy laughed and walked down the second floor.

He quickly walked up to Durin and held out his hands to hold Durin’s hand, very enthusiastic. The facial features that are not so delicate on the round face are crowded into a pile in his smile. “Welcome welcome. Since receiving your letter, I have been waiting for your visit. Come, let us go upstairs. “It was said that he realized that he had forgotten his introduction and shot his head. “I am Sebble.”

Durin laughed, self-introduction followed the chubby Sai Bei on the second floor, the second floor is only half of the first floor, there is only one table, there are already a few people standing on the edge of the stairs waiting for the Durin entire group, entered After sitting in the room, Sebray let people tell the cook and can serve.

He enthusiastically introduced Durin, this restaurant is his industry. His father was recruited during the Great Patriotic War. Because the dishes were good, they became the chefs of the officers. In the strict sense, they did not go to the front. After the war, the officer was upgraded and left, and his father returned to Monte, and then opened the restaurant with some money and a few faces accumulated during the war.

Until now, this restaurant is already the industry of Sebray.

Perhaps because of the business, his reputation in the Guartian of Monte is probably not the highest, but the reputation is the highest. It’s like picking a general in a dwarf, always picking one out. Durin thinks that since this guy is doing business, many things don’t need to be taught, saving him a little time.

“Mr. Durin, don’t know how much wine you brought this time?”, a slightly oily fat face shimmering with a greasy reflection in the light, and Durin’s brow slightly twisted, he always felt a little wrong. Can not tell him anywhere.

While he was alert, he said quietly: “This time I brought a thousand boxes of wine!”

Sebray took a sip of cold, that is 12,000 bottles of wine, according to local prices, this batch of wine can sell at least 240,000 prices, and is still a wholesale price. If you open the retail, a bottle will have at least 30 yuan, and his eyes will suddenly burn a hot fire, which is an amazing wealth. Sebble, who has been running a small restaurant, was more enthusiastic at the moment, constantly talking about Durin’s good words, and this allowed Durin to gradually discover what was wrong.

That is, Sebble is too different from the merchants and small capitalists he has seen, and the guart compatriots he has seen before. Think of Durin here to understand that the problem is here. He was thinking about whether or not to hand over the goods to Sebble. The way he looks like it is hard to believe that he has the ability to take on the responsibility that Durin has given him, but now he can temporarily find someone who has prestige in the local Guartian. These are a bit difficult.

Perhaps this cyber is not as unbearable as he imagined? And he will also leave people here to help Sebble open the market, and stare at this guy by the way. Thinking of Durin here, there is a lack of motivation to continue this chill with this guy. He said a few words repeated many times. Sai Bray鈥檚 excited guarantee will lead the local Guartian to the glory. After eating something, Durin left behind. The members of the six fellowships then left directly, and he still has many places to go.

After watching Durin leave, the smile on Sai Berry’s face converges. Instead, he is a greedy fanatic expression. He strode to the warehouse and watched the boxes filled with private wine piled up like mountains. The whole body was Slightly trembled.

These are all money!

In his life, including his father, he only left a small restaurant in his life. The money in the bank is not more than 5,000. But what is it here? Is a few hundred thousand fast! The money may not be earned in his life, but the money is here, right in front of him.

Rich people are stupid!

Really, he did not consider the way to open the city’s market by rushing in the way that Durin said. Rush is to die. Whether you are dead or someone else, it means spending money and avoiding disasters. If you have a peaceful way to make money, what do you have to do so? Sebble didn’t believe that letting his compatriots go to the fire for a few games, they could stimulate their blood, and they would make Guartian’s status improve, and he would not believe the stupid lies.

He is more convinced of money. Only money can change a person’s social status, can change the way people around you think about it, why do you have to do things that may hurt people to get people’s respect, is it not easy to use simple methods?

He decided to sell the wine, but not to the bar, but to other wine dealers. Maybe the income will be lower, but it doesn’t matter, it wins safely, and he has not paid a penny for the shipment.

No matter whether the innocent Durin will cooperate with him in the future, he does not care. With more than 200,000 yuan, where can he live without it? Even if you leave Monte, it is not unacceptable. If you really want to hide this year, it is really impossible for people to find it casually.

When he came out of the warehouse, his face had calmed down. He looked at the people left by Durin on the dock, and there was a severe light in his eyes. He knows that if he wants to dispose of the wine according to his own ideas, he must hold on to these people, and maybe even have to do it.

The muscles on his face were loose, with a warm smile moved toward those people who went over, more than 200,000 huge profits in front of me, what other businessmen are afraid to do?

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