Cosma Empire

Chapter 341

When Sally came out of the house that was about to collapse, she looked at the paper in her hand and suddenly she felt that smuggling was a stupid thing. Because some people use a better way to start sucking blood from them, and these people live in Otis.

The seemingly handsome young man is willing to provide Sally with a complete set of instruments, and he presented his new wine license and liquor license, and then issued a patent entitled “Condensed Wine Blending” formula”. To put it simply, these people have legalized certain levels of alcohol to some extent. It takes a lot of money to get this whole set of documents from here, and it is not a one-off. Each authorization cycle is only one quarter. After more than one quarter, you must come back here and be slaughtered by that guy before you can continue to be legal. “smuggling” private wine.

Sally suddenly felt a bit boring. When all this was legalized, was it smuggling?

What about the smuggling atmosphere?

What is the tension in smuggling?

The kind of uneasiness keeps praying, and when you reach your destination, you are so happy and unsatisfied.

Does it mean that they will soon turn from smuggling gangs to businessmen?

She didn’t know, she was not interested in knowing that she returned to the station with all the proofs and pulled her two carriages out of the tractor from the police. Looking at the two cars parked on the side road, Sally was a little embarrassed. After this trip, I am afraid that all the smuggling rules in the north-south direction must be changed. She didn’t know what kind of temper the mayor of the city had to do, and he did things that others could not do, as long as he could persist.

Sally can’t imagine how much profit will be eaten here in the huge smuggling trade between the North and the South. But she knows that perhaps this small city will soon become different.

The fact is that, as Sally imagined, it took only three days, and the smugglers in Namelin City knew the news and were constantly spreading out. In particular, after Sally carried the tax-declaration certificate and all the documents neatly, after the goods were delivered to the place without any surprise, the inexplicable sense of loss made many smugglers excited.

Yes, the profit from Otis has to be taken halfway, but half of the profits are exchanged for safe business channels, and the value is not worth it. Most of the smaller smugglers think it is worthwhile. They were small in scale. If they can’t protect themselves and the safety of the goods, it is very likely that an accident will be enough to send them all into hell. Large-scale smuggling organizations feel that this is also good, especially when they know that the city’s mayor is called Durin, and they are more willing to work with him.

Who is Durin, the bottom people don’t know much, but the top people know it too clearly, especially since this year, Durin used money and force to clear the way, and with the help of the navy’s power to perfect his own smuggling channels, all engaged in this line. People know that they have a new partner and an opponent.

People who make their heads on their belts never make a small look, because those who are carefree and careless have long been the skeletons on the side of the railway. They investigated how much sighed in relief after Durin. This guy is playing with his own, not interfering with others, and will not let others interfere with him, which makes people feel relieved. In addition, there is a contradiction between the underground money laundering dealer and Durin. Durin is very prestigious on the top of certain fields.

Being able to have such prestige is actually related to money.

To wash a sum of more than 70 million yuan, it is definitely not something that can be done with a touch of the mouth. There are many doorways involved. It can be said that it is the money to wash Durin, the biggest money laundering in the empire. The dealer has not received a new job since receiving the list, and is still washing the money for him. Big customers naturally have the wait for big customers. The rules of the past ten, and then to Durin, it has become ten.

Even the dealer was afraid that Durin suddenly turned his face and took the initiative to call Durin, Durin’s money, and they were still in operation. There are too many things involved in this, but all of them reflect that Durin has a certain reputation.

If you have prestige, you can be reassured. If you don’t know how to pretend to have no reputation, you will want to cooperate with people who have a reputation. At least you can rest assured.

With such a small push, Otis suddenly seemed to be bustling.

There are seven eight-eight-eight people who get off at the airport every day, and there are two or three when there are few. At the same time, a batch of agricultural carriages appeared outside the station. The scrubbing was clean and dedicated to killing guests… … passengers.

Big cities have the benefits of big cities, and small cities have the advantages of small cities. There are many things happening every day in big cities, but people don’t know everything, they only know the changes around them. Small cities are much simpler. The big things are enough to make the whole city talk. The city has changed in less than three weeks since the new mayor took office. This makes some people reluctant to leave the city. Someone who is motivated has felt the change.

They may not know what the future of the city looks like, but they know that there is already improvement.

The money that Durin had in his hands was exploding at a mad rate every day. He not only let the smugglers take the initiative to set up a den, but also alerted the mayor of Irian.

These things that Durin did not intend to marry anyone, nor who to take advantage of, because he is the mayor, the city’s largest official, even the governor has only the power to oppose him, does not stop his power.

“Durin, isn’t it a bit too much for what you have done recently?” After the voice of Durin appeared in the receiver, Irian’s mayor, Hossington, immediately complained. “These things you are doing are giving The New Party’s face is smeared. Some people think that your approach has hurt the interests of the New Party. I hope that you will immediately terminate what you are doing now and apologize to the victim public!”

Durin made it easy to say that the trick was simple, but before he used the scheme, others had never used it. Perhaps they also thought about it, but they did not implement the problem because of the face. After all, the mayor of a city officially washed the smugglers. It is a bit shameful and not worth it. Once they do this, it is equivalent to encouraging smuggling, not only conflicting with the cabinet’s ruling plan, but also morally resisting the middle class and possibly losing the election.

But these questions are not at all considered by Durin. What is the whole Otis?

Nothing at all!

What does he dare to do?

Nothing at all!

For Hossington’s statement, Durin is just a calm laugh. “Mr. Mayor, if the cabinet has a resolution, you can let the cabinet members contact me directly. I will consider how to do it after considering it. But…”, he said that he paused here. For a moment, Houston, who silently let the other end of the phone line, was immediately annoyed. There was no doubt that Durin didn’t say anything behind it, accusing him of not having this power and not enough to manage him.

This made Hoxton very, very annoyed, and Durin arranged for him to go out, whether he received a suggestion from a higher level, he was the executor. There was a problem with Durin. He might not care about the pat on the butt. Everyone knows that he has money. It doesn’t matter if the rich do anything. But then the next slap would fall on his Hossington, and he was going to run for the next governor, and at this time Durin had completely disrupted his plan.

He said with patience: “Durin, this is not a discussion, but a request. Some people have submitted some descriptive documents to you, saying that you participate in and organize smuggling, and use the official identity as a cover and umbrella. This matter has been taken seriously by the adults, you may be stalking! You…”

Durin didn’t give Hossington the opportunity to continue talking. He interrupted the other person’s words. “Mr. Mayor, if you have nothing else, I will hang up. I am very busy here. If I have time, I will give it again. You hit it. So goodbye!”

After hang up the phone, Durin shrugged his bladder and continued to bury his head in the next step of planning for the city. Every day these smugglers will bring him tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of income, in addition to the state to shut up the governor, and some will be used for urban transformation. Otis is too poor, too rudimentary, too backward, not at all in line with his plans for it, and the things that Hossington said are completely meaningless.

Furthermore, each state of the empire is equivalent to a small autonomous kingdom. The laws of each state are different except that they comply with the Supreme Basic Law. It may be illegal to sell alcohol in this state, but it may just be unruly to go to another state to sell alcohol. Irian Durin could even open up the winemaking and selling wine, and did not see the contraband bureau and the city hall to sanction him, so he did not need to inform the new party cabinet, as long as the state government passed, anyway, anyway He is not going to climb up.

As for how to persuade the governor of the state government, it is nothing more than taxation. Any politician who is interested in higher status and more power will not simply cover the full meaning of the banknote with the word money, and this gives Durin a perfect opportunity.

Durin didn’t know, but he had speculation that after Hossington was hung up, the guy called the phone to Durin’s boss, and he decided to talk about Durin. Can find a way to stop what he is doing.

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