Cosma Empire

Chapter 351

Diwell hasn’t been fully swayed until now, and it’s only one aspect. On the other hand, he has become a representative of the “opposition” of Otis.

In fact, the reason people agree with Diwell stems from a conversation between him and Durin in the church. The effect of the words may seem very bad in Durin, destroying a series of core contents behind him. But in the eyes of locals, Diwell’s words really represent the voices of all of them. They are satisfied with their current life. They don’t want to make any big changes. They just want to be able to manage them like they did before. Let them The life of “a high degree of autonomy” goes on.

This city is not a city of empire, not a city of the New Party, a city of the old party, or a city of the mayor.

Here, Otis is the city of all Otis people!

It is precisely because most people have this kind of thinking, so they have no special emotions for the new mayor. It is the kind of incompetence that you are not welcome, and that we are not sad when you leave. The most recognizable to Diwell is that when Durin asks him what requirements and hopes to change in his current life, he counters Durin with silence and satisfaction, letting Durin know that the city does not need him. He is superfluous here!

All sentient human beings are social animals, and they all need recognition and recognition from society. A few days ago, people probably didn’t know who Diwell was, what was it, what had been done, and what had been done. Soon after those words were passed out, some middle-aged and old people recognized him soaringly. When he walked down the street, someone would take the initiative to greet him.

Diwell gradually felt that there was a heavy burden on his shoulders, from the strange and slight resistance at the beginning, to some enjoying this feeling, he was already indulged in unconsciously. This feeling of being needed is something he has never felt before in his lifetime. The pair of eyes are full of affirmative eyes. When each warm palm is with him, a voice constantly affirms in his heart. Something he didn’t pay attention to.

This thing is called social responsibility and social responsibility given by others.

Hyde couldn’t help but look up and look at this guy again. He already heard that the president had some problems when he planned to build a branch here. The biggest problem was this one called Diwell. He is curious as to what kind of people will reject the rejuvenation of a nation and will refuse others to extend his arm from heaven. Now he saw, an ordinary person, the only thing left for Hyde is that the guy’s back is very straight.

“What are you doing here?” Hyde lowered his head again, and he couldn’t stand this guy.

Diwell tears open his sleeves and wraps his wounds. “We are here to stop the park from pushing the center of Ping City.”

“Oh? Why? As far as I know, the park in the city center does not belong to anyone, but also you, you have no right to interfere with the decree of the city hall…” Durin didn’t know when he had arrived at the scene, he set aside the crowd from Hyde Going behind him, Hyde took the initiative to stand aside, and Durin looked at the familiar guy and asked softly. His tone is very calm, and it is also very light. He does not seem to have emotional questions, just a casual question.

Diwell didn’t know that Durin would arrive at the scene so quickly, and he didn’t know what they were doing, and would bring Durin over. Many people, including him, think that this is only a trivial matter, and Durin will know about it, and then the two sides will start negotiations and find an intermediate point that everyone can accept to decide things. Durin continued to level his center, and the opposition, in addition to receiving some compensation, also won a victory.

This is the conclusion after they think about it. After all, Durin is also the mayor of a city. It is impossible to personally control everything. The city hall has raised what many people do, not just to give Is the mayor worried?

Diwell Zhangkou is a “Mr. Durin”. He hasn’t had time to talk about it. Durin shook his head and interrupted his language.

“In the church that day, we are all compatriots, so anyone can call me Mr. ‘Durin’. But today we are not in that sacred place, but on the street of Otis, so you must take my job title. This is the most basic courtesy!” Durin glanced at him, like a smile yet not a smile.

Diwell repeated his head and repeated, “Mr. Durin, you have just arrived in Otis soon, it is not clear about the situation. There are many crops planted in the park in the city center. These crops can not only increase the role of green plants. It can also make some poor families and some elderly people living alone get some food supplies.” Diwell said that he was also paying attention to Durin. He saw Durin listening very seriously and continued to say, “If you shovel Flattening the park in the city center, this will make many people start to hungry, so everyone hopes that you can have a way to resettle these people, which is why we are here.”

Durin looked down at his injured arm and pointed and said, “Is your arm all right?” Diwell shook his head and Durin suddenly smiled. “Mr. Diwell, there are three in what you said.” The first problem is that the park here is not a private property of a citizen or citizen. It does not belong to anyone. Before anyone buys the land, it belongs to the empire and belongs to the city hall. The man’s decision to destroy the public property in the park with the consent of the city hall that was not taken has already violated the law.”

“The second problem is that the city itself has a shelter. The shelter is also responsible for the relief. Anyone who can’t afford a meal can go to the shelter to get help. I believe there won’t be starved by anyone. If anyone Starving to death, the responsible person will bear all the responsibilities. This cannot be a reason and excuse for some people to destroy the park and occupy non-private land, and it is not a bridge of morality to cross the law.”

“The third question, before you gathered here, did you apply to the relevant office of the City Hall, or tell?” Diwell gave a sigh, then shook his head, and Durin’s tone became a bit harsh. “You don’t have Notifying the City Hall notice to arbitrarily convene a large number of citizens to gather together, and seriously interfered with the construction of urban construction projects. May I ask Mr. Diwell, who gave you the courage and power to let you trample on the law several times?”

“You have to know that the empire is an imperial empire. Everyone is equal before the law. As long as you break the law, you will not be able to escape the legal sanctions. I hope that when you see you next time, you can be like now. “This is calm.” Durin said, he lowered his head. He took out his hand from the pocket and rubbed the dust on his neckline. Then he looked at the Hyde with his head turned. “Take the suspect who illegally called the opportunity to take it back. Other organizers who participated in and implemented this illegal plan also implemented their identities as soon as possible, and I need to see them accept the law.”

When Diwell wanted to say something, Hyde hit his face with a fist, and with what he was going to say, swallowed back with the blood.

Durin crossed Diwell and walked to the crowd. The people in the crowd had already heard what Durin had just said, and they stepped back involuntarily. Each and everyone’s face was full of coziness. They are willing to oppose the mayor and oppose the City Hall pushing the park in the Ping City Center, but it does not mean that they are willing to “illegal” and accept “trial”.

The group effect collapsed under the collision of a car, and the momentum that was reckless in the past was also disappeared, leaving only deep fear of the consequences.

“I am the new mayor of Otis City. Today I am standing here to tell you everyone. Building Otis is the common responsibility of all citizens. Only when the city is built, the young people who leave the city will be re-established. Come back here and reunite with you. I believe everyone in Otis City wants to become another Namelin, or even more than Namelins, which requires us to work together!”

“Some people don’t know what the purpose is. They don’t want the city to become rich and beautiful, and they don’t want to live rich. You don’t want to be able to reunite with your family. But you are bewildered by these people. Obeying them with a twisted and malicious guide, standing on the opposite side with me.”

“I know that some people may be brainwashed a bit serious, thinking that I am telling lies, empty words. I also know that some people have come to wake up and realize their mistakes.”

“Today, I am here to make a promise with everyone…” Durin held out three fingers in front of everyone. “If Otis can’t be as prosperous as Namelins in three years, I will resign!”

The bombing of the crowd seems to have been put into each and everyone bombs, and instantly it is like a tumbling water, and the screams go straight into the sky!

If he can’t do it in three years, he will resign. In the presence of so many people, even if Durin is a shameless person, it is impossible to continue in the position of the mayor. This is not what he said to a certain individual, a small monk, but to the citizens of the entire city. Undoubtedly, every word and every sentence he said will spread throughout the city in the shortest time. Once he can’t do it, he will be cast aside by the whole city.

Even those who didn’t believe in Durin at first started to shake up.

After all, Durin’s identity and status are there, he is a mayor, a political figure, such an oath is definitely not a play!

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