Cosma Empire

Chapter 433

“Let’s find a place to have a drink?” Kevin has an intuition that he may have discovered something that is unavoidable, so his tone has become very moderate, more like a communication between friends, not a red one. The sale of fruit.

His words played a very good effect, Nils nodded agreed, he and Kevin found a bar nearby, asked for a very remote corner, and ordered a bottle of sensible spirits.

The current contraband investigation bureau is facing a very embarrassing situation. The purpose of this trip was originally proposed by Mr. Marcus to support the second prohibition, so as to tear the old party territory. This has indeed been achieved. The Prohibition Bureau has a lot of power and is directly responsible to the state bureau, not through the city hall, nor the management of the city hall.

Some places, such as Tenel, have played such a role.

However, the Bureau of Contraband Investigations on the New Party’s site is a bit embarrassing. They don’t need to exercise their power here. For example, like Irian, most bars have their own business licenses, and the largest wine merchant, Durin, also owns liquor licenses. . Their actions are legal after they have legal documents and are not targeted by the Bureau of Prohibition. In such a city, the days of the Prohibition Bureau are not good.

Obviously, Ordo also has a business license for the bars in the rich areas. Although most of the bars in the lower city do not have this paper, these people are not so good, unless they are reported by their peers. At the same time, there is another problem. Even if there are flaws between the peers, they will not report them. Through official methods to achieve their goals, this dishonest means will be cast aside by everyone, and even lead to the reputation crisis of the gang.

Under such circumstances, the RAD on the New Party site is like a somewhat redundant department, and there is nothing to do all day.

After they sat down, they drank a little wine and felt a lot of relaxation. Nels had never known how to speak, not what he wanted to say, but Kevin took his key. In fact, all the artworks that enter the Government House will be registered and recorded in a book. This book is currently in the safe of the Governor’s Treasury. After the death of the Governor, all the keys were taken back by Vivian. It seems that a woman who has no heart is actually having her own style.

The book recorded more than 300 pieces of art, including who sent it and when it was sent, but now the art in the Governor’s House adds up to less than 285 pieces, and more than 20 pieces of art have been Completely disappeared.

Nairs didn’t have the courage to make such a maddening thing. Although it is no longer the old society in the past, the nobility does not even need any evidence to let the police arrest the people with suspicion, but once the matter is exposed, he will not be better. . The jail of hundreds of years is affirmative unless he can plug this loophole.

As long as he has money.

The problem is that he has no money, or he has only got a small part of the money.

The idea of ​​stealing the Lord’s artwork and getting it out is the idea of ​​Vivian’s two big brothers, and they are presiding over them, using the excuse of the work of Nils and another person to give them reasons for “maintenance”. Take out the artworks that the Governor does not like from the Governor’s Office, and then send them back after the package is dropped.

It is not a high imitation fake thing sent back, but it is the original picture frame or the original of the base and some messy things. After completing the warehousing procedure, it will be sent to the collection room. In the past few years, they stole a lot of things and sold them. For the first time, they may have been threatened, and they have conscience and conscience. However, under the generous income appeasement, they gradually became accustomed to the “poison” of the idea that “the son steals Laozi is not a thief” and became as it should be by rights.

When the two Young Masters have no money, they will steal a piece of art and send it to the Confederation to sell it. 5% of the money is given to the two artisans, and the other is divided by the Vivian two big brothers. .

The original plan was to steal the register that registered all the works of art at about the same time, so that even if the Governor did not notice anything, he could not remember everything in his collection. They were picking. When it comes to art, I look for things that have not appeared in the Governor’s Mansion for a long time.

Who can think of the Governor’s sudden fall, and his power is shrinking, especially the imperial dynasty was overthrown, the new party came to power, and those who used to hang on him were gone. How can the Governor of the Governor take out the book without registering the book? They have no reason to ask for this thing. The entire Governor’s Office is responsible for Steward. Without reason and excuses, even if they have fooled the Governor, they will fool Mr. Steward.

So it left a handle.

Once things are shaken, the two children of the Governor’s two are unlikely to do anything. They just take out their home things and sell them, and the two craftsmen will be bad luck because their behavior is legal. It is defined as “theft.” The value of those works of art is amazing, and once they stand in court, it means that they cannot leave the prison in this life.

Nears and another craftsman were careful, and as the Governor’s body deteriorated over the years, energy and memory declined, they gradually relaxed their vigilance. In the past, those who could not see the light were finally able to use it. Naturally, they began to pay attention to this style. They stayed in places like the Governor’s Office for a long time, and their aesthetics and tastes were higher. The turf of a square dollar was in line with the aesthetics of Nairs. He could afford such a fee, so he used it. .

It was these turf that made him show his feet.

Kevin’s sentence pierced his psychological defense. He was not sure if Kevin would really do it. He was looking for someone to accuse him of stealing the Governor’s Office, but once he did, Mr. Steward of the Governor’s Office would Start to check all the artwork, and then there will be a major event.

After drinking a cup and a half of spirits, Nils was a little drunk. He held his head in pain and kept shaking his body. “I don’t know what to say…”

Kevin gently patted his back. “I just want to chat and tell me what happened. You know, I am the best lawyer in the empire. With my help, even if you kill someone, I can let the judge believe that it is that. He is damned, not you are guilty.”

Kevin’s words seemed to be the light that blew the night at dawn. He looked up and looked at Kevin with a praying look. “What are you talking about?” Kevin nodded, and confirmed him very seriously. The question, he began to slowly say what happened, left and right are dead, it is better to choose a slower way of death, “You know, the characteristic of our work is to keep those artworks in their original Look, so we often send some artworks that cannot be handled in the Governor’s Office to a more professional place for maintenance…”

At one o’clock in the evening, three empty bottles were placed on the table. Nels was already asleep and slept on his vomit. Kevin put down the pen in his hand, sighed in relief, and he won the case.

Two thieves plus two thieves, which may be a joke in ordinary people, but placed in the home of the important politicians of the dynasty, such as the Governor, is absolutely a scandal. The scandal is always more than a joke. Lethality.

Kevin glanced at Nels, who slept in the vomit. He raised his hand and made a finger and took out twenty dollars for the waiter who came to ask him. “Take him a bath and wash his clothes. Tell him to wait for Mr. Kevin’s husband tomorrow morning.”

The waiter looked a little disgusted and glanced at the vomit and hit a rolling Nils. After weighing the pros and cons, he reached out and took the 20 pieces of Kevin’s fingers. “I know, sir. ”

“Very good!” Kevin patted the waiter’s shoulder. “The smart man will never make a lot of honest people!”

At 9 o’clock the next morning, Nairs rang the doorbell of the Governor’s Office. Mr. Steward looked at Nairs a little strangely. After the return of the Governor to the Lord, the non-direct confidant staff in the Governor’s Office were dismissed by Vivian. Including Mr. Nels. However, he was very polite and asked: “Is there anything I need to help?”

Nairs lowered his head and said, “I want to see Mr. Kevin!”

He swears that he will not drink anymore, at least not drinking spirits. He didn’t know what he said last night. He vaguely remembered that he had said everything he couldn’t say, and he also gave the two Young Master people a stop.

God is on, this is not what he really wants to do. He blames the guy named Kevin, so that he can drink too much to say what he should not say, and there are still many who can’t remember it.

When he woke up in the room on the second floor of the bar, he knew he was about to finish. Now the only hope is on Mr. Kevin. He looks for Kevin according to the waiter’s message to see if there is anything. The method of turning. He does not ask himself to be completely innocent, but only to be able to sit for a few years.

It didn’t take long for Steward to open the door after asking Kevin’s opinion, let Nairs come in, and point him to the room number that Kevin now lives in. Nairs soon saw Kevin, and Kevin was sitting in a chair by the window, writing something.

“Is it a good night’s sleep?” He looked at Nairs with a smile, and the sun fell on him, making him look like he was shining.

“not good at all!”

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