Cosma Empire

Chapter 444

“Take him over…”

Ed knew he couldn’t escape the robbery, but he didn’t move, he had a last chance. At the moment when the members of the two fellowships lifted him up one by one, the soldiers who had not been on the battlefield made the most correct thing tonight, under the influence of strong desire for life.

He hooked up the neck of the guy who carried his shoulder and pulled out the dagger. The legs slammed the little guy carrying his legs and fell backwards. He used this force for a long while. on the ground. With the strength of his hand, the young people took a look forward, and Ed stood up, and the dagger in his hand was pressed against the neck of the young man who looked like a teenager. He quickly moved to the back of the big boy, holding his throat in one hand and a dagger in one hand, pressing on his artery.

With a little effort, he was able to cut the carotid artery of the young people. He endured severe pain and looked at the people around him who had surrounded him with a triumphant smile on his face.

He knows that there are many people like Durin, and how to ensure their loyalty is the biggest problem for these people. Within the empire, many of the gangs have disappeared into the sights of people every year. In addition to the demise caused by the gang fight between the gangs, there is also a part of the selfishness of the people who have not had it, committing chaos, and eventually a new gang has replaced the old gang.

If Durin does not give him a living path in front of these people, then he is likely to let his men drop off the German, which is definitely not what he wants to see. If he wants to maintain his image, he must give himself another chance to leave.

For combat Ed may not be the best, but for politics and these careful thoughts, he and politicians are actually similar. There is no political existence in the military, but many people do not understand it.

In order to manage their subordinates, the officers and gentlemen must let the soldiers know their strength, force and tactics, and they must also hold people’s hearts. Otherwise, who would have nothing to get up in the middle of the night to go to the stinky camp to cover the soldiers with quilts, don’t you know how to sleep more?

He rubbed some dry, tight lips and smiled calmly. “I know you, Mr. Durin, this time I planted it, let me go, I will not do anything. Otherwise, even if I die I will also find someone to accompany me to heaven.” He shook his dagger and let Durin know that he was still human. If he wanted the hostage to be safe, he must meet his conditions.

Durin didn’t talk, no one else spoke, everyone looked at him, and when Ed saw some hairiness, the young people he held up suddenly moved. He just inserted the pistol into the pocket on his trousers when he was carrying Ed’s “corpse”. He held the gun directly and raised his arm to point the gun at Ed. He did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

Ed had a blank mind at this moment. He couldn’t even understand why this young people didn’t even have his own life, and he had to shoot at himself. Don’t he want to live? Or does he think he is afraid to kill him?

As a descendant of aristocratic aristocrats, he was lying on a high cloud from the moment he was born. He didn’t need to worry about eating and drinking. Everything he used was the best. Perhaps before he was sensible, he didn’t even know what the use of money was. He couldn’t even understand how the bottom of the society that was rolling in the mud and shit. That is definitely not something worth showing off. People sell their entire labor force in exchange for a meager salary, even dignity!

The weekly salary is barely enough to keep your family from starving. When you are sick, you can only pray that the gods will not take his/her life.

Until the appearance of Durin, he was like a lightning bolt from the hands of the gods, tearing the darkness that never saw the sun, letting the curtain of fear fall down and let everyone see the light.

People have hopes in life, and with the pursuit, everyone says Durin is good, and even some people follow the example of the young people who died for Durin. Because they solved the life problem of the whole family at once, they will give other younger brother younger sister or big brother elder sister a solid foundation, a hope to become rich and strong! People say that they are not actually dead. They are still surrounded by Durin and protect the apostle who inherited the glory of the first king and the gods.

The boy has never been so determined, but he has no fear. There is only one kind of fanaticism in his heart that supports him. The death of the Messiah chosen for the first king and the gods is glorious. His name will be inscribed. On the stone tablets in all the churches of the same town, all the Guartian respects and worships, he will be immortal immortal, even after death, he will become the spirit of the gods, fighting for Durin as a spirit!

The heart beats vigorously, and every pulse is like a thunder hitting into his body, drilling into his soul, and making him stronger!

A slamming shot, blood splashing!

I am not afraid of death!

I am dying to die!

An aristocrat who has no beliefs, no ideals, and no countless sufferings and tortures, can never feel the strong emotion of blood like boiling. He has ordered his body to kneel down quickly, and the bullets have broken into his shoulders. He held the arm of the dagger and pulled back. The blood of the teenager suddenly appeared on the neck.

The boy did not come down immediately. He rubbed his neck with one hand and turned slowly. He squinted at the horrified Ed on the floor, raised the pistol in his hand, and smashed Ed’s hands and feet.

Durin rushed up and took out the pistol in his hand and fired more than 20 shots in the sky until the muzzle had a hot scent. He pointed the gun at the mouth of the boy’s neck and pressed it down. Zla screamed with a burst of blue smoke and a smelly smell.

“Come on my car and go to the hospital immediately. The best doctor must save him!” Durin will push the boy into Dufo’s arms, and then pick up the pistol from the ground that the young man is unable to grasp because of bloody dizziness. In front of Ed.

Ed was sweating, and the pain caused by the shots of the palms and soles of his feet transcended his imagination. He closed his mouth after a few scorpions, and his sinful eyes rested on Durin’s face. “I said, I want to kill. I can, I will kill you alone.”

Durin took out the cigarette, Kira carrying the box took out the lighter and took out the cigarette for Durin. His expression was also serious. This was the first time he had reduced his staff in his mission, and he felt the cruelty of World. This is not Purple Alfalfa Town, here is the real World.

“Do you think that only you will die?” Durin spit a smog and pressed his killing intent. He snorted. “If my brother is dead, you, your family, your loved ones, will be He is buried. I will find your best friend, find your most beloved lover, find your most respected Teacher, and all those who are close to you will be implicated.”

“If I were you, I would pray to the incompetent old fogey and hope that my brother will survive.”

Durin suddenly handed the pistol to Kira. He turned and looked at the stunned teenagers. He asked, “How do we treat the enemies who hurt our brothers in our most brilliant times?”

The most brilliant thing he said in his mouth refers to the most flourishing period of the Guart dynasty. Under the leadership of the first king and the gods, the Guarte warriors of the steel body swept the continent. Like many empire problems, there were many people conquered by force during that period who were not willing to be ruled by Guartian. They incited riots and assassinated nobles, hoping to rediscover freedom by subverting Guart Kingdom’s regime.

The first king treated these people like all the emperors, and never cared for them. Only torture can suppress the eagerness of people’s inner desire for independence and freedom. So the first king invented a very inhuman torture called the death.

At that time, when people caught such a person, they tied them to a pole, and then opened a small hole in their stomachs and pulled the intestines out of their necks. The way of execution is from the moment the sun rises. As the sun shines, the intestines exposed to the air will soon tighten and become tight. If the temperature is right and the light is appropriate, probably in the afternoon. At about two o’clock, the inmate will be strangled by the intestines that he has contracted.

This type of punishment can only be used during the hot season. Of course, there are also special penalties in other seasons. The current climate can also be used.

When someone was not sure about shouting “Death Day,” Durin raised his finger and pointed at him. “Yes, the day passed. Take his wounds and take them away, ask our friends to experience the despair from hell!”

In the hospital, the strong vitality of the young people allowed him to overcome the death, and even the doctors lamented. “I have never seen so many people who have lost blood so much that they can persist. This is a miracle in medical history!” Sigh, while letting the blood bank send two more bags of blood, and also brought warm equipment.

The blood in the blood bank is stored in the cold storage. The blood from the operation is usually placed at a short room temperature, and the temperature is not too low. But this guy has too much blood loss, so these blood bags are too late to be treated at room temperature, and his body temperature has begun to drop significantly.

“By the way, what is his wound?”, the doctor had a hint of vigilance, he was thinking about whether to call the police.

The next second, a fist kicked him out, and Durin stood where he was standing, taking a roll of money from his pocket, and the doctor was slightly slightly red swollen face, his eyes rolling gently At the edge of the eyelids, he squinted at him. “You just have to do your thing well. Other things don’t require you to worry about. This is the last time, understand?”

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