Cosma Empire

Chapter 446

On Monday morning, Harry called Durin and asked a question, “Is the vote on your side stand up?”

The mid-term election is actually a cut-off. Just as those economists have said, even if a pig becomes the prime minister, the economy will recover. This has nothing to do with the policy agenda and philosophy. It is purely a natural social phenomenon. Therefore, there is no accident in the mid-term election, Marcus will inevitably be re-elected, and the new party will inevitably grasp the lifeline of this country in the next four years.

Does this mean that the old party has been completely finished?

In fact, it is not the case. In any society in any era, there are always people who have stubborn and decadent ideas, especially the old parties who will run their own sites and brainwash the residents on their own sites. They have developed a set of “advanced rules” that anyone can see and understand. These advanced rules are like a ladder to the upper class. As long as you can step on the first layer of this ladder, It means that you may touch the edge of the upper class.

Some people prefer a rigid step-by-step promotion compared to the new party rule. Some people don’t need too much competition. As long as I do, then I get it, simple and rude, and I have won a lot of votes for the old party. . In addition, the old party has been talking about some ideas of class restoration, and some middle-level and high-ranking classes who professed out of the ordinary also like this statement.

After all, they are the pillars of society, and the most important class of the empire. According to some people’s attitudes, they should be by rights should be completely separated from the bottom of society. Why are there upper and lower towns? People are reluctant to discuss these things, but the class has long penetrated into their bones.

There are seven cities in the state, and two cities are still firmly controlled by the old party. Harry asks that there is no desire for any change except for routine business. Although the addition of a city to the old party camp will not affect the position of his governor, his face in the party will not be very good.

“I don’t have to worry about this. I believe that the position of all the foreigners and locals in Otis city will not be shaken. I can guarantee this!” The first beneficiaries of the development of the city are the indigenous people in the city, they have Everything has become valuable, and even their population has become a hidden asset. In order to protect their own interests, these beneficiaries will definitely not shake their position and follow the pace of Durin.

Durin thought that Harry had to hang up after a few words about it, and I didn’t expect Harry to say something that made Durin completely unprepared.

“In the past, you also understood the situation in the city of Otis. The configuration of the city hall was not perfect enough, so the city of Otis did not set up two state legislators. The last time the state legislature met, this was mentioned. Now that the city of Otis has developed, The configuration of the town hall has also been improved, so the two state legislators should also be equipped. I have an idea here and would like to discuss with you.”

Each city must be equipped with two state legislators, which is an institutional issue for the empire and a necessary setting for the city to gain more benefits in the state legislature. In addition to following the basic laws of the empire, each state has a number of distinctive laws, and there is a very strange law in a state next to Cannes Province. Men who like to save some women who don’t have life skills by trading money can’t help the same woman more than twice a week. It also requires a harmonious family life, or it is illegal.

Well, making such a law will definitely make some people lose their hair, and in almost all states, the state legislature is a place to compete for resources and policies and to make state laws. If no one in a city is in the state legislature, there is no way to get the latest dynamic information, and there is no way to stand on the level of the state to compete for the benefits of their own city.

Durin is not opposed to setting up state legislators, but the problem is that Harry wants to assign. The so-called discussion is just a way of taking care of face. No matter how to discuss, Durin can’t object to it except saying “you are good”, just a little disgusted.

“What do you think?” Durin said back.

Then Harry slammed two people and said their resumes and qualifications. One is an old party member. This is also required by the system. The upcoming member is Hagson, and his grandfather is the Empire Earl. Only 27 years old this year, just five years in political work. This is the benefit of “behind the people”. It may take two to thirty years for an ordinary person to get to the position of a member of parliament, but a young person who has been working for only five years has already mixed up with a member.

No need to think about it. After four years on Otis, he may adjust the mayor of this Ren city. After all, there are people behind it!

The other is a member of the New Party, 33 years old, called Donald, who is also a nobleman, but a small aristocrat. With limited resources and a bit of human interaction behind him, his own ability is also good. At the age of thirty-three, he finally has the chance to become a member of parliament. Harry told Durin that Donald’s father is now working in the legal interpretation department of the Imperial Justice Department. It is a power-prone position, and maybe Durin can use it.

The Judicial Interpretation Office is a very unpopular department. The role of this department is to ask for help when someone does not understand the imperial law. They can interpret the true content of imperial law and tell those who seek help. This position was also formulated by the empire in accordance with the position of the church. The interpretation of the doctrine in the church belongs to the referee, and it has been a notorious institution for some time.

In the era of the unity of zheng, the church gave the referee great power in order to maintain the stability of the pope’s regime. For all organizations and individuals that may threaten the church and the pope, they have used the “pagan” means to purify them. Of course, they also need to take care of their own face problems, so they set up this department to understand the doctrine. In a way, to make a charge of condemnation, and then obey the will of God, and send all the infidels and blasphemy to the stake.

The empire has followed this system. It seems that this department does not seem to have a too important position in the political system of the empire. In fact, it is not entirely true. Misinterpreting the meaning of this kind of thing is not only the priests will do, the empire will do.

The most famous is the case against Prince Komoz, a case that made the judiciary unbearable, and sent the last non-Royal Prince of the Empire to the gallows!

Having said that, nothing more than hope that Durin can use these two people. After all, in a city, the biggest is the mayor, and Durin is not nodded.

Durin certainly won’t sweep Haring’s interest. Here is his territory. No matter who is in the crowd, there is one that needs to be observed. That is absolutely obedient. If you don’t obey, then he can only kick these people out with a little unfriendly means.

This will be put together with Otis City, which is tomorrow. Ming Even Celestial Emperor will be listed in Otis City in the future, and the special administrative area of ​​Otis City is perfect.

Busy one night called Dufo and Kira, and Hyde and the others went to a restaurant to eat stopped dinner, and Durin now has a new idea. If the fellow country association only relies on Durin to transfuse blood, it will definitely not be on the right track for a lifetime, so he needs to make some adjustments and arrange some industries for the fellowship, for example, the security company.

This is also the single thought head that Durin produced after returning to Ordo. For the rich, they will definitely have their own bodyguards, but for some ordinary people, or the middle class, the cost of hiring bodyguards is too Taller. People always have some irresistible dangers at certain times. If you hire a few bodyguards at this time, you can not only make yourself safe, but also don’t need to spend too much money to support them.

At the same time, Durin also realized that an organization wants to embark on the huge stage of the empire. It is no longer possible to rely on the current way of operation, and it is falling behind.

The establishment of a security company can not only manage the militarization of members of the fellowship, but also apply for guns from the empire, so that there is no need to worry about where the guns are or where to get weapons. It is not impossible for him to buy a little heavy fire weapon from them with the Deputy Commander of Imperial Capital only the warning zone.

“Now Otis is setting up a security company, Kira. You are responsible for this.” Durin said his thoughts while eating, and also named Kira. During this time, Kira has already gained the trust of Durin with her own behavior. When I first came to Otis, Dufo also found two small elder sisters with technology. “Please” Kira studied the technology of the small elder sister together, in the process. He asked about something about Purple Alfalfa Town.

It looked like a very casual chat, but Kira didn’t say a word, smirking all the way, and told Durin the next day. This is also the First Step that he acquired Durin’s trust. In addition, this time he went to Ordo to attack the empire’s in-service military. It also proved that he can obey the command. Mr. Cosma said that there is nothing wrong with Kira. Trusted child.

Since you can trust, you should find something for him. A capable person can sleep in the small room every day instead of eating meat or sleeping. This is a waste of human resources. Adding to the gossip that was circulating in the town, he said that he was a descendant of the Half Dragon, Layton was just his cognac, and in the end Durin found something for him.

The manager of the security company and the chief instructor.

Dufo and Hyde said congratulations, and several other guys also showed envious eyes. Being able to lead a party means that he has entered the core circle of Durin and was completely accepted by Durin.

Kira grabbed the ribs and raised his head and thought about it. “Are I able to raise my salary?”

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