Cosma Empire

Chapter 496

Arthur was a good man. In public opinion, he helped Durin cover the shocking tragedy that took place in Namelins, because he stood up and testified his father in front of the police chief, the chief of the police investigation bureau and the lifelong justice. That is to say, Mr. John George got the least 10% of the shares of the company from the hundreds of newspapers in a very arrogant manner, and Mr. John only paid one hundred for this.

If Mr. John can buy a share of 10%5 in a newspaper with a hundred pieces, the total value of these newspapers will not exceed one thousand unless he can prove to the Ministry of Justice and all the public that he is investing in these newspapers. At the time, these newspapers were worth a thousand dollars to be able to elute some of their crimes.

But he can’t do it, even if he can do it, no one will let him do it. In an instant, almost all newspapers reported on Arthur’s news, which was a spontaneous behavior of the newspaper, and no one greeted them.

For a time people were discussing this and discussing whether Arthur was an upright person—he took the initiative to stand up and testify against the crimes committed by his father, and the judicial process jumped straight into a big step. People with such heavyweights as Arthur and involved in internal transactions become key witnesses. I am afraid that even if John is invited to Kevin, it will be difficult to completely embark on his crimes.

Or he is a despicable person – after all, Mr. John is his biological father, but when Mr. John is most in need of help, he stands up and gives Mr. John a knife from behind, from universal values ​​and people’s emotional aspects. Arthur is doing too much.

There are many reasons why people are willing to pay attention to this news and some of the things behind it.

The George family itself is an industry trust with a Legendary color. It has a very famous reputation in the empire, especially the middle class. All successful people are their goal and pursuit. The George family is also one of them. The struggle of the big family is often one of the favorite news of these middle classes. They may talk about some changes in stock prices, and they may also talk about possible opportunities and career disasters. The cause of this is big. Family scandal.

At such a “high-profile” moment, Arthur personally came to the Imperial First Prison and sat in a separate room with Mr. John. There are cameras and recorders in the room. These devices are not powered and are mounted on the ceiling of the four corners as if they were placed. There are no prison guards in the room, only two of them.

This is what Arthur asked. He told the Ministry of Justice that he would try to convince Mr. John to plead guilty, but they could not eavesdrop on what they said and they could not stay behind.

The Ministry of Justice discussed it internally and agreed to Arthur’s request and signed the agreement. If he can convince John to plead guilty, it is enough to maximize the credibility of the Ministry of Justice in the empire and add more weight.

The formulation of the law is an easy task. Several people can get a rule by sitting with their heads, but how to implement it is the real problem and difficulty. When Marcus privately ventilated in the Imperial Parliament passed the “Illegal Manipulation of the Industry Act,” this is the first shot for this bill, can only succeed, can not fail. In order to let more people realize the fairness and seriousness of the law, and the supreme majesty of God’s law, if John can plead guilty, it is obviously the best ending.

The air in the room was a bit dull, and Arthur suddenly sighed and fiddled with the cufflinks on his sleeve. He didn’t look up at John, he didn’t dare, just didn’t want to. “I think, you must know what I did that day.”

John’s face was full of stunned, and it seemed as if he didn’t even understand what Arthur was saying. “What do you mean?”

“What do you mean?” Arthur’s tone rose a little. He shook his head. “You really forgot, that… No, you are lying to me. Actually, the two of us are really strange to each other, you have cheated. I once, I almost cheated on me for the second time. I don’t know anything about you. Are you really my father?”

Mr. John remained silent and did not say a word. How could he forget that Arthur walked into his ward that day and hugged his arm to cry? He really had a moment to think that Arthur finally understood what a family, what a family, and what a family. But Arthur’s next move made him angry, almost to disguise failure. The bastard actually caught the ventilator tube he used to breathe.

He could feel that the air in the mask didn’t circulate for a moment. If he wasn’t pretending to be unconscious, he might have been killed by Arthur top secret that day.

But he won’t say it now. He didn’t even tell Mark. Now the George family is facing a huge crisis. At this time, any internal friction and infighting are forbidden. His opponents will definitely use such things to control Arthur to achieve their sinister despicable purpose. Only when everything is over will he say it, then deprive Arthur of his inheritance and drive him out of the family.

So he must continue to play, just as if nothing has happened.

He knew too much about his youngest son. He put all the blasphemy on Mark on Arthur’s body, gave him the best of everything, wanted anything, gave him something, but ignored the arrogance. Bad fruit.

Arthur has always been like a child who has not grown up. When he has a strong desire to get something but can’t get it, the emotion will get out of control. The relationship between them is precisely because Arthur wants, and he does not give it.

The room was silent again. After a moment, Arthur looked forward to John. In this short time, he accumulated enough emotions to stop him from facing John.

“Mark is dead!”

A very short sentence, only two words, Mr. John stood up fiercely, his hands pressed on the table, and the blue veins next to the temples swelled, making him look a little bit stunned.

“What are you talking about? Say it again!”

Arthur said in a tranquil voice: “Mark is dead, died of a robbery. The robber pierced his heart with a dagger. When the ambulance arrived at the scene, he was dead and could not die any more.” Without an impulse, Arthur took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, ordered one, slowly took a deep breath, gently spit it out, couldn’t help but say: “Hey, turn around, we are again Going back to the starting point!”

The phrase that seems a bit confusing is what Mr. John said to Arthur four years ago.

At that time, Mr. John had been extremely disappointed with Arthur. Because Arthur didn’t get enough money, he colluded with John’s brothers and sisters, trying to get money from the public account for squandering. After the matter was known to Mr. John, he asked Arthur to go to his study and talk to him once.

For the father and son, that was definitely not a pleasant conversation. Arthur used his poor negotiation skills to hope that Mr. John would understand that everything he did was for the family, and everything worked for the cause of the family. Arthur couldn’t convince Mr. John at all. In the end, he said something out of control. He told Mr. John that he was the heir to the George family. These things were all hiss. He just wanted to manage it in advance.

John first handed out some of the industry to the management of Arthur, and in the end, he told Arthur, “Hey, after a round, we are back to the starting point!”

“You are just a thief who can never satisfy his own desires and keep stealing money from Father’s pocket!”

“Bring your money, you can get out!”

After that incident, Mr. John recalled Mark and had high hopes.

Mr. John fluttered, and he apparently recalled the conversation. He was cold-faced and humiliated Arthur, his son, with a cold, almost ruthless tone. Then he took him out of the house as if he had sent beggar and told him that nothing was allowed to come back.

Now, this sentence is used in my own body.

He was caught in the grief of Eldest son and suddenly burst into a flash of lightning. The expression on his face was even more distorted, and he slammed into Arthur.

Arthur leaned back and almost lost his balance and overwhelmed the chair. He stepped on the ground and stabilized his weight, only to realize that Mr. John couldn’t cross the entire table and touch him even if his arm was long.

He limited his shame and sorted out his tie, then looked at Mr. John with a brow.

“It’s you, are you doing it? You arranged Mark’s death!” Mr. John snorted in a low voice, and some white spits spread from the corner of his mouth. He waved his fist in anger, like a The rare beast that chooses people.

Arthur’s eyes flashed a chill that couldn’t tell the truth. He snorted. “This is oh, father!”

There is nothing more tragic than the old ones, especially as he looks at Mark’s rapid growth and grows to the point where he can support the family and support the family. Even if the George family can’t resist it, the connections and wealth that he has run over the years will make the George family fade out of sight. But all this has been ruined by this bastard!

They were all destroyed by him!

Looking at Mr. John’s baring fangs and brandishing claws, Arthur quickly stood up and walked along the wall and moved toward the door. He said, “I am just telling you this bad news. In addition, I hope You can plead guilty. Only if you plead guilty, the family will have the hope of re-energizing! Do you know what the family says about you?”

“It’s all because of you, the family will become like this. You are the one who led to all of this. It’s up to you and it should be over by you!”

He opened the door and finally glanced at John, who was breathing heavily, squeezing a smile, and nodded his head and pulled the door.

When the Commissioner of the Ministry of Justice saw Arthur leave the room, he immediately greeted him and asked them about the results.

Arthur looked at the commissioner with a serious look, very serious warned repeated: “My father is in poor health and can’t stand such a blow. When we talked, he seems to have…”, his face showed a slight hesitation “It seems to have suicide…”

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