Cosma Empire

Chapter 576

“Is there any problem?”

The warm room was decorated in a very luxurious style. The ground was covered with a white lion’s fur. The huge lion’s head was moved towards the door. It was vividly produced by the master craftsman. Many people entered the room for the first time. Was shocked.

There are many specimens of animals hanging on the four walls. One of the Gobi wolves has a white hair. The locals always think that the Gobi wolf with white hair is not the only Wolf King. It is very precious. Prey, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. This is just a Wolf King specimen. If you take out the auction, it will not start at less than 5,000. If you have a favorite, it is very common to shoot tens of thousands of prices.

In addition to the animal specimens, there is also an exhibition cabinet with more than a dozen various shotguns and other modifications. It is obvious that the owner of this room likes hunting, or slaughter.

The speaker was twenty-seven years old, wearing a white shirt with a gray and blue vest outside. He sat on the easy chair next to the fireplace, and there was some gloom in the eyebrows. He is Andorra’s eldest son, Andorra has three children, three of whom are boys. Eldest son will inherit his main property in the future, so he has always put eldest son around, cultivated the experience of eldest son, and taught him how to survive in the west.

At this point his eldest son was a little bit uncertain. “I heard that Durin is very big outside, and he has also been a mayor. There are many friends in the New Party. If we kill him, will it cause? Some people’s rebound?”

Andorra sits in an easy chair, the fire in the fireplace is very hot, hunting, and a blanket on his leg protects his knee from low temperatures. When he was young, he fell off the horse and hurt his knee. Although it was cured, it will be painful in winter and rainy days.

He chuckled twice and calmed his child. “Durin is only twenty-one years old. He can be a mayor. It is nothing more than spending money. Plus this time he was dismissed because of a tunnel accident. I believe many people are there. I hope he will never appear again. Child, you have to understand one thing, if you don’t get what you really get, you will easily lose it, and even make people feel dangerous to your incompetence. Thoughts.” Andorra seems to analyze the matter very thoroughly. “If Durin is trying to get up, I may not dare to deal with him, but he is not.”

“Look at it, after imprisoning him for a while, no one will stand up and attack us. When we can solve it easily, it is better to think about how to complete your task after the spring!”

Andorra arranged a task for his eldest son to let him go to the Jaguar mountain range to mine after the spring. The struggle there was fierce, not only to face the mines with the same identity, but also In the face of endless gold rushers.

In the Gobi Desert in the west, the term gold digger has changed from a simple word with a little exploration and harvest meaning to a unique word with a dangerous meaning in the west. The gold digger is no longer just a sands, not just those ores, but also the same humans. They are very interested in all the ways in which they can get money. As long as they can get the benefits, many gold diggers will not be able to control their greed and reach out.

If his child can stand on the heels of Jaguar Hill and open one or two large mines close to the deposit, it means that the education of these years has not been in vain, and his child can inherit his industry and will not be swallowed by others.

His eldest son scratched his head and complimented, and he was still worried.

He went to school and went to college in the South. He knows how terrible the big capitalists outside World are. They may not have the iron fists that can break the stones, nor the ability to release lasers from their eyes, but they have money. . Being rich means having everything. Those who can wave their banknotes at any time and anywhere can step into their own hostile forces and lie in front of themselves. Nothing can’t be solved by money. Durin is the well-know figure.

Suddenly a light sound was emitted outside the house, just like a stone hitting the wall, father and son didn’t care too much about it. In the west, when the wind is strong, the stones on the ground can be run by the wind. It is also very common to have some small stones blown in the air.

“You go to rest, I have to rest. After tomorrow, we will have enviable and fearful wealth. Our time is coming!” Andorra is a little sleepy, and his child also gets up and retire. . Andorra took the firecracker and fiddled with the firewood in the fireplace, pulled the blanket to the upper body and twisted his body, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, outside the villa, the guardian’s eyes in the whistle tower are not as bright as before. Now it is already at 12 o’clock in the evening. They have already used all their energy in the previous meaningless examination. And everyone is showing sleepiness.

Just under the “underfoot” they couldn’t see, a young man in grey clothes used both hands and feet, and squatted on the wall and climbed up little by little. He took a rope with a hook and pointed it at the guardrail at the edge of the whistle tower. With a clever force, he threw the hook into the gap between the towers based on the guardrail. I tried it back and forth several times and finally got hooked.

The guardian in the whistle tower was shivered, and this person stood up fiercely, his eyes constantly stalking outside the camp, but he did not find any abnormalities.

His companion yawned and looked at him. “What?”

“I heard a voice just now…”

“Can there be any sound?”, another person opened the window and looked out for a while. The camp was white and snowy. The darkness outside the camp was invisible. The sound of hu hu was only in the ear. “Hey, Nothing, maybe a stone.”

The two men sat back again, and occasionally opened their eyes and only noticed the situation in the camp. They did not notice that there was a dark shadow outside the window behind them. He touched the door of the whistle tower with a light hand and gently twisted the door lock. There was no lock inside, the door lock was quickly twisted, and he quietly touched it in. Both of them had closed their eyes. They always believe that if someone wants to escape, people in other sentry towers will pull the alarm, just like the people in other sentry towers think so.

The young people took out two daggers and pointed them into their throats. There was no blood splashing, and even the blood from the wounds was not much, just like the two men had no blood in their bodies. If they didn’t suddenly struggle, they might be treated as dead or dummies.

The struggle didn’t last long. The dagger pierced their nephews. They couldn’t even yell. The panic in their hearts made them panic and wanted to save themselves, but they missed the opportunity to save themselves. The movements of the two gradually subsided, and the young people searched their pockets and found a bunch of keys on one of them.

Soon the keys fell under the tower. Dufo picked up the keys and found one of them different from the other keys. “It should be this…” He unloaded the key. Walked against the wall and walked to the gate of the camp, inserted the key into the keyhole of the small door, and then gently twisted it.

Gede slammed, the lock spring turned, and the small door opened a slit!

The people that Durin pulled over can be said to be the elite of the battle. They all survived in a battle. The young reaction and the body are enough to make them have rich experience and become an efficient “assinant”!

They followed the small door against the wall, used the buildings and the piles of ore piles to avoid the light source and some possible sights, and touched the understand of each sentinel tower according to the battle plan that was made before the battle. Next, a slaughter is about to be staged. They are effectively implementing the plan. Each and everyone is knocked out. When Durin thinks there will be no accident, a whistle tower suddenly seems to have something inside. The explosion is the same.

In the following one second, a huge voice came from outside the camp.

It was discovered that Kira decisively pulled the trigger and shot a mine guard who had stood up and stood up. The thick bullet of the thumb tore the guy, and the broken wood chips flew everywhere. Suddenly an alarm sounded in the camp, completely tearing the silence of the night. Immediately after the second sentry tower exploded, half of the body fell out of the window. A light illuminates quickly, and since it is discovered, there is no need to keep hiding.

They have already won enough whistle towers, and they have formed an advantage in firepower. They should have been the “fortress” used by the mine guards to attack and defend, but now they have become the “fortress” to harvest their lives.

Andorra suddenly sat up, he squatted out the window, the gunshots coming from outside the house were very dense, and his body suddenly leaked a layer of cold sweat, which was particularly uncomfortable. He opened the blanket and walked calmly to the side of the showcase. He opened the door and took out one of his most commonly used shotguns. After pressing the bullets to open the insurance, he moved toward the desk. He called and dialed the internal number, but no matter how many times he dialed, no one answered.

The enemy has come in!

Realizing this, Andorra is now shaking uncontrollably. He doesn’t know if those slaves are messing up, or say…

His face suddenly turned black like a pot, and he thought of a person.


It must be him!

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