Cosma Empire

Chapter 594

“Sorry, Mr. Durin, I may not understand you, you mean…”, a farmer with a thick hat stood on the wilderness outside the city and looked at the land that had just been sold. Ghost feeling, “Do you mean that we don’t use pesticides and use our hands to catch bugs?”

This thing exists everywhere in the worm. It is said that there are some small creatures in the mantle. In the open ecological environment of the west, the insects are not much less than people think. The ecological environment here is relatively harsh, and the insects that live here are also very “strong”. These gadgets have a powerful overeating ability, and a caterpillar can feed on its own weight from twenty to thirty times its weight in one day.

They store these foods in their stomachs to get through the possible “famine.” Whenever new farmland begins to be cultivated, people are most concerned about the efficiency of pesticides. I don’t know when it started, the effective time of the new pesticide was shortened to two or three years. After the aging, the insects will be immersed in the pesticide, of course, and will die, but they are not poisoned and drowned. Therefore, after the spring, people will bring some insects that have been hatched at home, and go to the major pesticide companies in the western sales point to check the efficacy of this year’s pesticides.

These insects are always very troublesome. Not only is it difficult to sprinkle pesticides, but it is also very troublesome to do the soaking and disinfection after the pesticides are harvested. The price of vegetables in the west is almost the same as the price of the lowest grade beef, and sometimes it will be higher.

Durin nodded standing in front of a group of farmers, “Yes, our farms don’t need any pesticides, all bugs must be done by hand to ensure that all crops are not infested with pesticides.”

“But the workload is very large, we can’t ensure that there are bugs on the back of each leaf, and please let me bluntly, this will bring more waste. Its practical new pesticides will not cause There is a lot of residue, they have a special cleaning agent…”, the farmer is still talking about this problem, but Durin raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

“I invite you to come and give you a good salary. It is not to discuss with you how I should plant the land. You only need to follow my instructions. This is why I paid you money.” Durin kicked and kicked. The wild grass under the feet, “You are the best farmer here. I believe that you can help me to take care of these places very beautifully. As long as I am satisfied, material rewards will often appear in front of you. Now, I I hope that you can lead my people and turn all the land here again. Spring is not far away!”

Although the farmers still complained, they finally compromised at the high salary that Durin had. No one will ever go with money, whether he is a big man or a small person like a farmer.

These farmers hired by Durin are a good farmer in the vicinity, or a farmer from generation to generation. They know more about the land and the crops than those who sit in the office and enjoy the coffee while enjoying the massage. Insightful and more reliable. These people will be the biggest driving force for this piece of land, helping him to plant 500 hectares of land as soon as possible.

Twenty new farm vehicles were launched, and the local Guartian and some locals began farming.

When I returned to the villa, Dufo was a bit strange. The good mining industry didn’t do it. How do you think about farming and animal husbandry?

His question was quickly answered by Durin. “The reason is very simple. One is for economic effects, and the other is for kidnapping more Westerners!”

鈥淗ow much do you think a sweet cabbage can sell?鈥?Sweet cabbage is a cheap vegetable widely grown in the empire. Each one weighs in weight, ranging from one kilogram to two kilograms. Extensive. It can be used as a main dish for cooking, but more often it is used to make side dishes. For example, hot dogs, burgers and other fast foods as well as barbecue staple foods will use sweet cabbage.

Dufo recalled it and tried to answer: “A penny?”

Durin smiled and hung his coat on the hanger. “No, my ideal price is very, even higher.” He said as he walked inside. “You have to understand that the upper class is very particular about diet, especially It鈥檚 the wealthy aristocrats who don鈥檛 care if they stop eating for ten yuan or one hundred. They only care about what they eat enough, and whether they can be the ingredients that set their own worth.鈥?/p>

“A very sweet cabbage and a penny of sweet cabbage, which one do you think they will choose? And we will also pack these sweet cabbages, which will attract more blind people to spend!” 鈥?/p>

Dufo reacted in an instant. He didn’t mean that he didn’t mean he was a fool. “That’s why you don’t use pesticides to catch people?”

“Yes!”, the two walked to the sofa and sat down at random. The family is their own. There is no need to have any shelves. “There is absolutely no pollution of chemicals. Every sweet cabbage is artificially caught. Enjoy separate care, with more scientific sunshine, irrigation and fertilization, someone will pay for these sweet cabbages. Do you know how many sweet cabbages can you grow in an acre?鈥?Dufo shook his head, he was not very good at these things. Understand, Durin continued: “An acre of land can grow about 2,600,700, which is counted as 2,500.”

At this time, Dufo was sucked in a cold breath. He was a little strangely licking the hair on Durin’s head. “How long is your head? If you can do this, the income of one mu of land can be More than two hundred?”, he counted, five hundred hectares a year and three seasons, I am afraid that these incomes are there…, he rubbed his fingers, anyway, millions!

The same is the kind of land, why this guy’s brain can think of things that others can’t think of, so let’s say that the brain is still handed over to Durin to do it!

Watching Dufo suddenly lose the motivation to continue to explore, Durin did not continue to say. In fact, the money is not what he cares the most. What he cares most is how many people can be kidnapped by these land. If an acre of land can accommodate ten people for work, then one hectare is one hundred and fifty, and five hundred hectares is seventy-five thousand. Seventy-five thousand people in the South or the East Coast may only occupy a few percent of a city’s employment to 10%.

However, in the west, a city with a population that does not break through a million at most, according to the cities of five six hundred thousand population, can almost meet the needs of a city for jobs. In other words, as long as you can ensure that these farming and animal husbandry can save the salary of these people. By the time all the farms are fully rolled out in the west, it can be said that Durin will become the “Boss” of the vast majority of people in the West. Anyone who exceeds 30% to 40 here is his staff.

At that time, he had the final say here.

Of course, the mining thing should be dug. The mining area is far more profitable than farming and animal husbandry. The burden is smaller, the expenditure is less, and the income is more stable. It can help Durin to make up for the economic pressure brought by the over-employed farmers.

The workers on the farm are doing a frenzy, unconsciously it is almost February, the tail of the winter is faintly discernible, the pace of spring has already started, people have begun to take off the thick coat, even the desolate west There is also a vivid view.

Contrary to this, the city of Otis is still in the cold winter, and the winter in the north is slower than in the southwest. Early in the morning, in the conference room of the city hall, Donald was illuminated by the flashlight with the representative of the Cape family Polly路Cape. Mr. signed a contract to fully develop the second phase of the city construction of Otis. This represents a circle around Otis and will all enter the construction phase. Outside the window was a crowd of plaques carrying banners and marches, but people’s attention was concentrated in the room.

Polly is the nephew of Solo and one of the heirs of the heirs. The two heirs were assigned two jobs, one in Otis and one in the new Special Zone in the South. Polly is the head of the city of Otis. The last two competitors who can bring more benefits beyond the plan to the family will be able to sit in Patriarch’s position. This is fair, the Cape family has its own assessment method, and the heirs battle has entered the final stage.

Polly stood behind the desk and exchanged contracts with local and foreign reporters and Donald. Under a series of flashing lights, he announced loudly, “From today, the Shengge Consortium will be no more than 70 million. In the second phase of urban construction in Otis, we will continue to expand one kilometer to the existing urban area, and strive to make Otis one of the largest cities in the hinterland.”

鈥淚n the process, we will at least provide no less than 180,000 jobs, solve some existing problems, and assist Otis City Council to sort out some contradictions. I believe that with the cooperation of Shengge Consortium and City Hall, Otis will once again Embark on a new step…”

In fact, this statement should be based on the fact that Mr. Donald, the mayor of Otis City, should have spoken. But now that he has already invested in the Cape family, Polly as the next heir to become Patriarch, obviously has a much higher status than him. He must be Polly gives in.

He looked at Polly with a somewhat complicated look. His secretary gently licked his sleeve behind him. He frowned and glanced back. His secretary pointed to the earpiece next to the telephone cabinet.

He took a few steps back and turned to the telephone cabinet to pick up the receiver. The sound from the receiver made him feel reluctant, and he immediately went to a very poor abyss.

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