Cosma Empire

Chapter 643

Mennon is very aware of his current situation. He has a huge suspicion. If he can’t explain why Matthew’s death has nothing to do with him, then he will temporarily lose control of the city and even the entire western sphere of influence. . Without a phone call, there is no way to contact the outside world. The Kadima party, which has just separated from Blood Dawn, will become a little chicken with no sense of direction and become the most vulnerable party in the riot.

He clenched his teeth and forced himself to calm down. He looked at the officers in front of him and the commander of the temporary headquarters. He lowered his head slightly and moved toward their feet. “I repeat, Durin lied. He deceived you. I also deceived me, he deceived everyone!”, Mennon’s face was red as if he had just come out of the steamer. He was so hot and fiery that he smashed his fists and slammed his fists into the table. This bitch raises me and hopes that I can deliver a message for him. By the way, I will resolve the dispute between him and the West Mine. Yes, I am sure that I did listen to him. I only found Matthew, otherwise I don’t know Matthew at all, and there is no reason to kill him!”

“Right, Durin was stabbed by himself. He himself staged an illusion of being assassinated and deceived us all!”

The commander standing on the side shook his head. He said something beside the officer’s ear, and then turned and left. In his opinion, Mennon did have a great suspicion, but it is not entirely certain that Mennon did. The commander is only a lieutenant colonel. However, in the Western Military Region, he is the most likely candidate to be promoted to the colonel in recent years. .

Just like the words that many people use to improve their status and character – my status, my character.

This sentence is also suitable for bringing into the current case, with the power of Mennon – he has a great chance of winning a state governor in the next general election, with the status of Mennon – as a celebrity, party leader The light of the west, with huge wealth, does not have the right and necessary motivation to kill Matthew, because Matthew does not cause him unbearable damage. Even though Matthew and Durin were angry, Matthew knew that Mennon had made a story to provoke a conflict between the West Mine and Durin, and Mennon didn’t have enough reason to kill Matthew.

Because the West Mine will be on the “weak” side, Mennon is the strong person, even if the West Mine will face his conflict, he is not necessarily the one who lost. So from the current point of view, Mennon’s suspicion is the most direct and the biggest, but it is not enough to make everyone sure that Mennon is planning the behind-the-scenes murder of Matthew’s murder. He also needs a lot of evidence and counter-evidence to provide a fulcrum to shake up. The conclusion of either side.

However, before the conclusion, Mennon was not suitable for the first time, for two reasons.

The first reason is that Mennon is behind the scenes of the murder. Once he is allowed to leave, he can organize his own forces to falsify enough evidence to prove that he is not involved. Many mayors and celebrities will be willing to testify for him in exchange for benefits. Once he was allowed to leave the temporary headquarters, the difficulty of getting him back would be multiplied.

The second reason, assuming that Mennon is not behind the scenes of the murder, and that the planner has someone else, then Mennon may be in danger if he leaves the temporary headquarters. He can leave here to show that he has eluted his suspicion. For the behind-the-scenes black hand, the value of Mennon has been lost. A person who loses value and has the ability to fight back, the other party will definitely try to give him everything. Get rid of it and don’t give him any chance of revenge. In order to ensure that Mennon will not be assassinated, the commander temporarily detained him here, which is also to protect him.

As for Mennon, the attack on Durin was a scam by Durin himself. The Lieutenant Colonel and the main investigators were just laughed. They didn’t take it seriously, and they didn’t take it seriously.

Durin’s injuries have been thoroughly understood through the photo records and transcripts of the time, as the doctor who worked for Durin said that if Durin’s head was slightly a centimeter, the bullet would penetrate his skull and let him The dead can’t die anymore, maybe there is already a grass in front of his tombstone that has sprouted.

Is there anyone who spends such a big price on a scam?

There must be, but definitely not a person like Durin. He has enormous political resources and holds countless wealth in his hands. Whether he can establish his business in the west, he is a successful person, a small group at the top of the tower. Even if such a person loses a hair, it is more expensive than the life of an ordinary person. Let him risk the almost mortal death to play this scene?

Impossible, totally impossible!

They regard Mennon’s statement as a dog biting his dog in a hurry, and only those who are irrational will think so.

“I think… it is possible!”

The news of the military was fed back to the “common commander” Amber, who was temporarily seconded by the Security Commission. The analysis of the information possessed by the opponent immediately analyzed that he thought that Durin could definitely make such crazy things, but this is absolutely Not an isolated incident. If Durin’s attack is a self-directed scam, then Roger’s attack and Mennon’s attack, and the scams of the Western Mines Executive and some mine owners are the scams?

Extending according to Mennon’s ideas, Amber came to a conclusion similar to Mennon. If Durin is really deceiving, then Mennon is also deceiving, and Roger is also deceiving!

Only those who are really dead are not deceiving, but is this really possible?

So Amber gave an uncertain statement – it is possible.

If it is not possible, it must be “yes” or “no”. He needs more information and evidence to support his point of view. He gathered the information on the table and tied it with a cowhide belt and placed it on the corner of the table. He looked at the vice chairman of the Security Committee in front of him and said, “Now we need to do a few things.”

The Vice-Chairman holds his hands in his arms and he is nodded.

鈥淔irst, arrange to stare at Roger and find out if the funds that Mennon remitted into the Roger account are fully compensated to the families of all the victims. Then let the central bank and the Southern Commercial Bank check it out. Is there any short-term? Approximately 1.5 million to two hundred 200,000 models flow from multiple accounts into one account. If so, freeze these accounts and then arrest Roger.鈥?There are some other security committee members in the conference room. .

During this time of work, Amber has used his ability to make these people convinced at least. In the face of his request, although they are reluctant, but under the premise that the Vice-President did not express any opinion, nodded agreed.

Amber nodded, “I suspect that Roger made a mine disaster and then defrauded the insurance premium from the ‘three guarantees policy’ promoted by the Kadima Party, even at the expense of self-directed an attack that disrupted the normal order of the entire western region.” Amber pointed out what he thought might be doubtful and evidence, including Roger’s current economic problems, his investment failure, and his purpose.

In the law of the empire, once a person has been determined to have complete and reasonable motives and goals, then this person can be regarded as a suspect and then handed over to the local prosecutor’s office for presumption of innocence. Now Amber gives Roger’s motivation and goals, and even gives a few specific possible means to get Roger caught.

They are the military. The military does not have to have the exact evidence to arrest people like the local prosecutor’s office. They can grab the people first and then look for evidence. This is why people fear military control.

The ghost knows that he will be arrested for some reason that might make him uncomfortable, and then wait in the cell for a long guilty presumption.

“Second, send someone to stare at Durin. If Mennon is telling the truth, then Durin will soon be in action. He escaped the eyes of the first stage by being assassinated and injured. Now the important person is dead. The next step is when he starts to act. I ask those you send not to be discovered by him, not to be thrown by him. It is best to let him not leave his sight, and not less than two groups. The person takes turns holding him, and once he is in danger of endangering his life, he immediately retreats.”

The members of the security committee in the room were expressionless and nodded, but in their hearts they did not put Amber’s words in mind. But how much difficulty can it be to track and stalk? As for the danger of life? Whenever they are in danger, they will be safe and sound as long as they reveal their identity. The Security Committee is an official semi-military organization with considerable power. Even if the reasons are sufficient, it is not a big problem to directly kill suspects who believe that it may threaten national security.

Tracking Durin is not a problem!

“Third, keep an eye on the remaining executives of the West Mine, record where they went every day, and who they met, it is best to figure out what they said. If they were attacked, I hope you can A little help, in the case of being able to keep yourself safe.”

鈥淔ourth, the bank needs to go to two people. Check if there is any large-scale capital flow in the account under the name of Durin. What kind of money has flowed into this account…鈥?/p>

“Finally, I hope that all field personnel will wear bullet-proof vests and wear hats or bulletproof helmets with certain anti-ballistic performance when performing their duties. None of the people you are tracking this time are ordinary people. They are more dangerous than you. I have seen it much higher before!”

It was at this time that someone knocked on the door and popped a headache apologized. “Mr. Amber, someone is looking for you.”

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