Cosma Empire

Chapter 646

“I feel shameful for you!” Amon’s face showed an expression of indignation, and he breathed very thickly. “Mr. Durin gave us the opportunity to regain freedom, and gave us the value of life that is more worth pursuing, but you are now Want… want to go against Mr. Durin?” Amon’s tone was in an incredible tone. He patted the small table hard. “It’s just making me feel ashamed and I feel ashamed for friends like you. Have you forgotten what we promised Mr. Durin?”

The two gangsters continue to persuade Amon not to be so angry, as if they were born to be the material of this line. Amon comes from the special Colt Empire, an ancient empire, in the western continent, also known as the eagle mouth continent. The shape of the western continent is like a eagle mouth, big and small, with a little back hook. There are scattered islands scattered in the back of the eagle. The Colt Empire was once the only country in the West continent. Later, because of the bloody and ruthlessness of the Pharaoh King Colt XVII, the last many members were separated from the rule of the Colt Empire and they were in constant conflict.

The Colt people are also born warriors. They have different physical qualities than ordinary people. They are very strong. They can swing XMRX pounds and fight in the right, but they have a flaw, that is, they are short.

The western continent, which lags behind other countries in technology, has become the favorite place for many slave traffickers. They use the absolute superiority of weapons to secretly collect slaves, but this year with the Pharaoh’s Colt 21st, the West continent The situation tends to be peaceful, and it has also got a council and called for peace. It is more difficult to want to catch slaves now. This group of dwarves has learned to exchange weapons from arms dealers for gold.

However, although it is more difficult, it does not mean that there is no such thing. The slave team can always find a small village with weak defenses to attack. The hardworking and powerful Colt people have become the most easy to sell goods on the labor slave market, although the price is not very high. High, because these people do not have advanced technology and ability, can only engage in the most simple and repeatable manual labor, but the sales are very good.

In the Freedom Front, the special Colt people occupy 10% five or so. It is a relatively large group. Amon, as a member of the Ten Warriors, represents the thoughts of all the special Colt people. They are a group of sincere people.

Finryl smiled very fakely. He lowered his head and used a sharp dagger to pick up the dirt in the crack of his nails. He looked up and glanced at Amon panting with rage. He was angry and persuaded: “Amon, I am not against Mr. Durin. The willingness, first of all, we came here not from our own wishes. Secondly, I am grateful to Mr. Durin for saving me from the dark mine, but this does not mean that I have to be rescued from the hands of a slave master. Volunteer to be another slave under the slave master.”

“We are free and independent people. We should have independent will and independent thinking ability. Amon, I am just doing what Mr. Durin wants us to do, and learn to live independently in this land. This is not Durin. What does Mr. expect from us? Is there anything wrong with me doing this?”

Finryl comes from Nanda Road. The longitude of the South Road is very long, with the southernmost link to the South Pole and the northernmost place to the tropics. Finryl came from a southerly side and was born in a place called Elmondo. The climate in that place is very bad. There is hardly any crop that can be grown for a long time. People live mainly on fishing. They will also intercept the passing ships at sea to plunder. This group of people born in the worst environment, the country is almost three sides facing the sea, are born sailors, or pirates.

Of course, they are also full of blackmail, which is said by the robbed businessmen and captains.

“I feel shameful and ridiculous for you! This is a betrayal!”, Amon panting with rage does not look at Finryl, looking at the direction of the tent curtain. “In any case, I will go to see Mr. Durin, all the special Colt people will also Continue to abide by our commitment to Mr. Durin!”

Finryl put down the dagger in his hand and looked up at Amon, even though he was a person often referred to as the Elmonto Pirate, and he was not willing to bear the reputation of betrayal. He looked serious and said loudly: “This is not betrayal! This is my power, we have the power to choose, this is our choice! You are willing to continue to do slave, I will not stop you, but don’t hinder me. Keep doing what I want to do.”


It was destined to be a disappointing gathering. They were instilled with a lot of things by Durin because they had just re-entered the bright embrace from a black desperate World, so this gave the light to them. People will get their unconditional trust and some worship. But when these extreme emotions retreat, the individual’s sense of independence will once again occupy the commanding heights of the soul. Everyone is an independent person with independent thoughts and plans for life.

Some people are more focused on self and reality, and some people are emotional and idealized. This requires a process to guide everything and finally see the essence.

Three perfect attacks have accelerated this process, allowing some to discover their essence, such as the book Amon. For this young people who have their own beliefs and grew up in a different social environment than other empires, he believes in his own judgment and the so-called mission. He believes that he is not a slave because of his own misfortune. This is the revelation that Cuppy has given him. He points out the path he wants to take in the future, that is, to liberate all the special Colt people who are suffering.

The same is true of Finryl. His beliefs and cultural education he accepts tell him that things are best in his pocket. When three attacks are over, he finds that he can make these things happy, but obeying others will not Make yourself happy, then why should he obey others? The man named Durin saved him. He didn’t return anything. He had risked his life and attacked the three mines to complete the mission that Durin had entrusted to him. He paid enough to reward Durin for forgiving his slave identity. They are evened out.

Faith, culture, these things have quietly affected people’s judgment and cognition. This is not a question of who is right or wrong. Because everyone is right, everyone is most sincere and loyal to their own choices. It doesn’t matter. Right, wrong.

However, Finryl also knows that when Amon returns, the Freedom Front may split into two organizations. Although he has some regrets, he does not regret it. More pure talents have more pure fighting power!

Here is the place in his dreams, gold is everywhere, money is everywhere, as long as you can bend down and squat, you will be able to make a fortune!

Durin is in the middle of a hotel in the town of Washu. His town is located in the central and western parts of the west. The most prosperous place in the west is the most eastern city. After the middle, the city becomes scarce. More. This situation has only been alleviated after the West Coast. This is because most of the western part of the country is Gobi, mountain range and a small number of desertified areas. The cost of building a city in this kind of geology and space is too high. There are more towns.

The town of Washu has a population of more than 27,000. It is a medium-sized town. Trains with two shifts pass through the train every three days and four days. Durin is by train. He will take the train three days later. Leave and return to the east of the west.

The town also retains the style of a dozen or twenty years ago. Of course, it also has a more modern side. For example, the high-end hotel he lives in now has a TV set. If you want to watch the program, you need to pay a dollar for the tape rental. Fees, you can watch the good show. There is also heating, of course, heating is also required to pay, twenty-four hours and fifty-five, less than a penny.

When the two carriages came in from the town entrance, someone sent the message to Durin. If it wasn’t for the Freedom Front camp, it would be in the nearby valley. He wouldn’t really come to this ghost place.

This time only Amon was alone. He represented the mission to come here to see Durin. When he went up to the second floor room, Amon’s face was awkward. He looked down and felt that he could not face Durin.

“Only you are alone?” Durin pointed to the chair next to him. “Sit, this is not what I expected.”

Amon looked up at Durin with amazement and thanked him for sitting in the chair next to Durin. “Why are you saying this?”

Durin laughed. “When I heard that you accepted the scum, I knew that the day was here.”

“People are complex creatures, and they are very dirty, including me. Living in this world is breathing the air filled with desires, and human beings can get rid of the entanglement of desire. Some people can overcome these desires, but some People can’t do it, it’s obvious, isn’t it?”

Amon carefully scratched his head after scratching his words. “Sorry, I let you down.”

“No!” Durin handed him a cigarette and said, “You didn’t let anyone down. The opposite is that you made me very happy, because at least you appear here, proving that we are all that pole. A few people have overcome their desires and know what they are pursuing and what they are. They cannot expect everyone to be like us, as long as we can maintain the present, this is the best result. Amon, you I don’t need to apologize to someone else’s mistakes, time will prove right and wrong!”

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