Cosma Empire

Chapter 681

Sudden silence in the conference hall made Federer feel a little embarrassed. Of course, he couldn’t stand up for the shit social responsibility to become the “other” to expose the many black curtains in the west. He did this because he was too boring. There is no gain from finding a point where you can kill yourself. But now it is different, because he saw the rise of a brand new giant, and as one of them, he needs to be well prepared for his future interests.

What is the point of telling a lie? He has not hurt anyone, even God will forgive those who lie!

“I don’t want someone to interrupt me again, I will leave plenty of time for you to ask questions, but before that, this is the last time!” Federer pointed to the reporter, if he didn’t say this, he Next, you may be interrupted. The most fearful thing to do when you focus on one thing is the sudden interruption. This may make people forget what they just said. What to say next, there is a very terrifying error. And the result.

Federer is very honest, he doesn’t want to die, he doesn’t want to be disabled, he has to do it well.

“There should be some understanding of the reporters and other enthusiasts in the community. The backwardness of the west is closed, and the west has become the ‘other world’ in the empire’s territory. Here, the agreement reached by the people through verbal is often more effective than the contract. People also believe that the use of lynching can lead to a more just trial. This is a backward place, and many people still believe that eating hot horses can cure diseases.” Federer paused when he said it, in the conference hall. There was a continuous laugh.

For those reporters who have seen many incredible things in the north and south, eating hot horses to treat diseases and some small countries believe that drinking the blood of the original girl can be as stupid and ignorant. This ignorance comes from the difference in education levels and the poor information that exists in the information society. Of course, there are still many enthusiastic people who will confess ignorant rumors after the change of the supervisor, and make things that may not be strange become strange.

The western region, which has no cultural knowledge and is full of curiosity, has become a place where rumors prevail.

“Next, what I want to say is related to the west that you can’t see. We will talk about the mining area and the mine owner…”

A little humor in the opening remarks can’t hide the cruelty and cruelty of the next Federer to say. The smiles that existed on people’s faces soon faded away, becoming serious and even indignant. Because Federer’s description made them feel a heavy weight, when they heard that they could buy a healthy adult from the slave dealer for only a few tens of dollars, and most of these adults would die in the mine. In the time, the standardization of morality made a fiery dragon, roaring in their within the body.

Every civilized society will have a moral measure that conforms to the values ​​of the public. In the prosperous society of the empire, every educated person will tell them a reason when they are just at school. It is human life that is precious and unique. No one can take away the lives of others at will, and must not unscrupulously dominate the lives of others.

These things that can be used as universal values ​​do not exist in the West, or exist only between imperial citizens… right?

In Federer’s description, people’s inherent impressions of the West have gradually begun to change dramatically. Here is a terrible World. Money, status, power and other desires dominate the behavior of all. As long as they can get enough profits, they dare to use the slave that has been abolished to mine the mines. They dare to kill the slaves who are unwilling to obey and hang on the pillars and dry them into a large meat to deter other slaves.

At the time of the slave system, the slave owners treated the slaves. In the west, these mine owners treated the hard-working miners, and even made it even more excessive.

At this time, when there was no sound other than the sound of the tip and paper rubbing, Federer glanced at the stationery on Durin’s desk and suddenly said: “I believe some people may think that my statement is too much. Exaggerated, even to obey certain purposes specifically to say such a thing, so I specially invited a very special person, his name is Amon. He was also a slave three months ago, but he The luck is very good, so today he has the opportunity to stand here and tell you the truth…”

A small man who is not quite the same as the various races of the empire came in from the side door of the conference hall. His clothes made of linen seemed to have a very special artistic sense, different from the culture of the empire. art. Some reporters who have interviewed international affairs have suddenly recognized the origin of this person.

He walked over to Federer’s right hand and pressed his hand to Durin, then faced the numerous reporters in the conference hall, took off his hat and revealed pure black hair.

“My name is Amon, Amon · Richmond. I am one of those slaves that Mr. Federer said. It used to be like this, but in the near future I have another identity. Star Empire people called me and some of my friends. As a member of the Free Front organization…”, the entire conference hall never had a little noise until it almost shattered the windows. People were screaming or shouting, and more people were whispering because they got it. In the official manuscript, there is no such thing as a fish that escaped the net.

But here, there is one. Does it mean that the task of the Western Military Region to annihilate the Freedom Front is indeed, as some people have said, there are some invisible conspiracy. Conspiracy theories are always the most market-oriented arguments. Whether you are hurt yourself or not, you can classify a series of incomprehensible behaviors into conspiracy. The emergence of Amon is the best evidence, at least in the military area to completely annihilate this argument.

The argument continued for more than ten minutes and finally subsided. Amon continued. “Today I am here, I want to tell you what I have experienced, seen, and heard, so that you can follow your morality. Values, to evaluate me and my friends, is not the member of the extremist organization you said.”

Then Amon started from his hometown and said that he was dreaming of going to World outside, and said that he was successfully deceived by the fishing snatch team and said that he was in the cross. Everything that was seen in the process of crossing the east and west coasts of the empire, and the ugly ugliness of every scene, and his last smashing into a slave, filled with desperate work in a mine that was dark and dark.

Nothing can be more appealing than what is said to happen to him. From time to time, the red-eyed eyes and the hate of gnashing teeth between the lines are clearly conveyed to the ears of every reporter. They are enjoying a painful suffering. A desperate journey, along with Amon and more slaves, step by step into the hell from the sun. When they heard Amon say that some long-term malnourished miners were sick, not only did they not get medical security, but they were dragged into some abandoned mines by the mine protection team to kill and bury them, just to save the food of this patient, the conference hall There were more than a dozen crisp broken sounds.

The pens in the hands of the reporters broke into two sections under their enormous power. The black curtain of Federer is more like a kind of high-level pity to pretend to sympathize with those real poor people. What is he talking about? In the dark, people are mostly just oh, there will not be too many complicated mood fluctuations. It’s not that Federer said a bad story. He is a mine owner himself. The things he said are not infectious. It’s like a billionaire standing at the press conference, telling everyone that some poor people can’t afford to eat even the poor, maybe someone can laugh.

But Amon, he is the poor man, and it is pitiful that people will be angry when they hear what they have experienced. Every word and every word he said is deeply filled with the things he has experienced in a certain period of time, the feelings he has suffered, and the emotions he has torn. Only such a voice, such content, can really make people move.

Some emotionally rich female reporters even shed tears, and they really realized at this moment how cruel they are in the West. This makes them more eager to use their pens to write something that can incite the whole society and to attack those who think they are living in the prosperous world.

Here, not only freedom, but also slavery!

Amon’s story is like a Legendary novel. When he talks about Durin, he talks about Durin’s sympathy for them, their compassion for them, and the willingness to release them and give them the equivalent of the living environment, social status and respect of imperial citizens. Some reporters actually cheered. Gradually, a female reporter looked at Durin with a kind of adoring gaze, and began to applaud with sincerity, and the applause gradually became a piece of deafening.

After waiting for a few minutes, Durin stood up. He smiled and raised his hand, letting everyone calm down after venting his emotions. He hadn’t had time to say anything. Someone shouted “You are good.” Such a thing, let him look a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. He waved his hand and finally the whole conference hall was really quiet. He said: “I believe that from the moment I was born on this world, all of us are equal, and we are all different. There is no difference between high and low…”

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