Cosma Empire

Chapter 706

Shapke’s health is not good, his age is already great, and his body can’t afford any serious injuries. Not to mention the use of electric penalties such as smuggling, which has a certain harmful nature, even if it is a few punches, maybe he can send him to see the gods. The military has no way for such people. It can’t be beaten, and intimidation doesn’t work. But today, they have found a very effective means, that is, family.

An 40-strong Blood Dawn organization member, under pressure from torture and family death, said something he shouldn’t have said, such as where Shapke’s family went.

Before Shapke and Mennon fell out, they sent their family to Confederation through some channels. In the years of working with Mennon, he also “earned” some money, enough for his family to live relative to Confederation. A wealthy life for ordinary people. There is no perfect person on this world, even a party party whip like Shapke.

People always have some fragile side, or weaknesses, and family members are often the weakness of most people.

In order to provide a safe, stable and relatively rich life, Shapke also gave up some persistence before he exchanged such a day.

He won’t speak, not only because of his persistence and fanaticism about Blood Dawn, but also because he is as fearful of the leader as all members of the Blood Dawn organization. He slowly closed his eyes and refused to see these people wandering around him.

“Mr. Shapke, I think you still cooperate with us best. We don’t want to hurt anyone, but some people have to pay for what they do! This person is not you, you don’t have to give up the power to love life for others.” The officer in charge of the trial is very magnetic and not at all ferocious. He looks only in his thirties, a very clean person. The clean and tidy military uniform is worn on his body, bringing out his temperament, even more attractive than some models wearing fashionable clothes, attracting people’s attention.

Waiting for five minutes, Shapke still has no intention of confessing, fatigue, intimidation, threats, most of the relatively mild means have been used, but Shapke is still brief remark.

The officer snorted and his face showed some helpless expression. He put the pen in his hand on the notebook. “Today’s trial is over. I hope that when you are resting, think about it by the way, don’t force us. Use some unhonored practices.”

Shapke opened his eyes at this time, because the young man said a phrase like “no honor”. The person who can say the phrase often comes from the bottom of society and has a background of gangs. He stares at the young officer. I saw a few more eyes and closed my eyes. Not long after, the two soldiers pushed Shapke back to a closed room in a wheelchair and closed him and left him alone.

No one came to interrogate him the next day, the third day and beyond. Until the fourth day, he was sent to the interrogation room again. Looking at the young and familiar officer, Shapke remained silent.

The young officer was laughing at him and said good afternoon. After that, the mirror that occupied the majority of the wall in the room shrank into the wall, revealing a single transparent glass. In another room, he saw his family. He did not show how to be shocked and scared. He remained calm and he was so calm after being arrested.

“Your family, don’t you say hello to them?” The officer smiled and knocked on the glass window that had become transparent. There was a noise in the room, but it quickly subsided. “You can hear them when you speak.” See, I respect your loyalty to the organization, but unfortunately not everyone is like you. In these few days we have got more valuable news. For us, the secret you keep, It may not be as important as you think.”

“father…is it you? What is this?”, the sound of his daughter suddenly came out of the horn, and the other side of the glazing, a woman who looked like 40, showed a surprise expression and looked It seems that there is no one to limit their power to speak.

By her side, there were Shapke’s son-in-law and two grandchildren and a granddaughter. The family looked very frightened, and only his daughter remained calm.

Shapke kept looking at his family with his head turned, but he remained silent. The young officer laughed and reached out and knocked three times on the glass window. Two soldiers appeared in the glass window. One of them reached out and grabbed a grandson of Shapke. His family wanted to protect the child, but was beaten by another soldier with a butt. The child was taken very close to the glass window, and the rifle’s muzzle was on the sobbing child’s head. The young officer said with a smile, “Maybe in your mind, loyalty is more important to you than anything else.” , including your family.”

“Looks like you are confident that you are a person who can keep secrets and loyalty, then let us experiment. I heard that you like your grandson very much, then your loyalty is more important, or is your grandson more important? “The other side of the glass window rang the crying and begging of the family. Shapke’s daughter was crying, but said nothing. Instead, his son-in-law suddenly broke out.

“Father, tell them what these bastards want to know, then let’s get out of here! Nothing is more important than a family. What can you do in addition to letting us fear each other? Even if we all die Here, the person you are loyal to may not even know what happened here!”, his son-in-law woeping bitter tears pleading.

“Listen!” The young officer smiled and pointed to his son-in-law. “This is the choice that normal people should make.”

“You have a minute, if you can’t give me the answer I want after a minute, then I am very sorry, I may have to take away the life of your grandson, I hope you can understand, this is not what I want! ”

Time and time passed, Shapke’s eyes were focused on his grandson’s face, and there was no time to see it. Shapke finally spoke.

His voice is very hoarse, full of rough graininess, and extraordinarily low, “Give me a pen!”

“Thank God!”, the son-in-law across the glass window folded her hands and bowed her head to thank all the gods. His child, including him and their family, did not need to die.

The young officer was very pleased to put a pen and a piece of paper in front of Shapke. Shapke picked up the pen and watched the white paper not immediately writing, seeming to recall something. The young officer did not urge him. He had interrogated a lot of people. He also knew that at this moment, Shapke’s inner world was full of guilt and a thrill of being betrayed. All that is needed now is to wait and wait for Shapke to take the initiative to ignite the thrill of betrayal and then write everything out.

When a person moves from firm to vacillating, he is destined to lose all his positions in the end, and no one has ever changed this truth.

After about five minutes, Shapke suddenly put his pen in his hand at the speed of his age, and the pen tip was facing up. The young officer’s face suddenly showed a shock, and he could not keep calm. The calf swayed the body to make a sprint, but it was still a slow step!

Shapke without the slightest hesitation deeply inserted the nib into the throat, his occlusal muscles bulging high, and the loose skin on his face was somewhat tight. The moment the nib pierced his throat, he held the pen in his hands and pushed it to the left. The sharp tip of the pen tore the muscles, and a sharp bulge on the left neck, the bulge was quickly punctured, and the blood spurted out like a twisted faucet from a blood vessel that was picked up by a pencil.

The young officer’s fingertips had touched Shapke’s arm, but he knew it’s too late.

Although there are simple medical methods here, the serious injury such as the fracture of the neck artery is not the medical equipment here. It can be saved without blood banks and blood bags. Shapke calmly put the pen full of blood back on the table and pressed it to the top of the pure white paper. His eyes sparkled with sarcasm, and the resentful smirk on his face caused serious damage to the young officers.

After a dozen seconds, with a bang, Shapke’s head was intimately hugged with the desktop and never lifted up again. On the table covered with blood, there is a particularly glaring white paper, in addition to some blood on the white paper, there is a pen with blood.

The young officer sat down on the chair. He took out a pack of cigarettes and ordered him. He couldn’t hear the sound from the speaker at this moment. After he smoked about half a cigarette, his inner temper could no longer be suppressed, and he stood up and slammed into Shapke. The wheelchair slides back and pulls a distance from the table, and the old man is planted on the ground.

He was flanked by his face, but his face still seemed to keep smirking at the moment before his death, and the faint glare in his eyes was flustered.

The young officer slammed Shapke’s body insanely, and after a while, he straightened up and finished the dress and pushed the door out.

In a few seconds, he appeared in the room behind the glass window, holding a pistol in his hand and pulling the trigger against Shapke’s family without the slightest hesitation. The gunshots, as well as the screams and the cry of help, spread out, but he didn’t care at all, madly venting his anger and a trace of fear.

What is it that will make this bastard reluctant to sacrifice the lives of himself and his family, and also keep the damn secret? !

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