Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Vol 3 Chapter 5: 5 ways to train the mind

This is the first time Xu Jingming understands the difference between planetary life and star life.

"According to the description in the inheritance." Xu Jingming looked at it, "Whether our Blue Star is an ordinary human before evolution, or after obtaining the evolution method, it can only be regarded as a planetary life? Very fragile?"

Life in the starry sky is able to fly and even walk in the starry sky. It has a long lifespan, does not need food, and can absorb the light of stars and even many rays of energy.

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Even if he is a very strong human being in Blue Star, he is still far from this level.

"Oh, here's a detailed description."

"The evolutionary method of planetary life is divided into five levels: elementary, middle, high, super, and perfect." Xu Jingming looked at the description, "After the evolutionary method is completed, the previous evolutionary method is useless, and a new one is needed. Evolution method! With the help of higher-level evolution methods, we can break through to life in the starry sky."

"After reaching the fifth order! The evolution method can be completed."

"After that, you can practice the evolution method of 'star life'. Generally, it reaches 50% of the fifth level. The new evolution method can successfully cultivate and break through to become a star life." Xu Jingming understood, "Actually, it is one thing, reaching the fifth level. !"

As long as you reach the fifth level, it is very easy to complete the evolution method. .

As long as you reach the fifth rank, reaching 50% of the fifth rank will also take some time.

As for evolution?

The Blue Star Alliance can exchange for tenth-order inheritance, I believe that there is still an evolutionary method of life in the starry sky.

"Being at the fifth level is the biggest difficulty in becoming a star life." Xu Jingming read carefully, "At the fourth level, the control of the body is at the level of 'muscle bundles'. At the fifth level, control over the body is at the level of 'cellular'. ."

"Begin to consciously control every cell in the body. If you can control every cell perfectly, it will be the fifth-order 99%." Xu Jingming looked at the description and was a little stunned.

"Breaking through the fifth order is a difficulty faced by countless human beings on countless planets. The difficulty of breaking through, the first step is to be able to clearly sense all the cells in the body. The second step is to gradually control it consciously."

Xu Jingming took a deep breath, "If there is no inheritance guide, I really don't know the key point of breakthrough."

"Sensing all the cells first? This first step is very difficult." Xu Jingming secretly said, in fact, daily adherence to the training method, coupled with the gradual improvement in the fourth level, Xu Jingming can vaguely sense the cells.

But some larger cells can sense clearly, but smaller cells have difficulty.

Sensitivity is like the degree of sensitivity, just like 'eye vision', the better the vision, the farther and clearer. Induction too! The more sensitive the induction, the more subtle the body can be sensed.

"This requires mind training." Xu Jingming flipped through the book.

"Five ways to train the mind?"

Xu Jingming's eyes lit up, carefully

The first method of refining the mind: the twelve forms of refining the orifices.

The normal evolution method is to let the body evolve in an all-round way, and the life level evolves. The brain will also naturally become stronger, the neural response is faster, the brain signal is stronger, and the induction is more sensitive.

But it is not a special brain evolution method after all! The 'Twelve Method of Refining Apertures' trains the orifices of the brain head. It is an auxiliary evolution method that increases the limit of brain growth.

The mind is mysterious, but in essence it is the brain consciousness.

The brain is powerful and the senses are naturally much sharper.

This 'Twelve Aperture Refinement Form' is only suitable for planetary life, the essence of life in the starry sky is transformed, and this twelve Refinement Form is useless to it.

The second method of refining the mind: the idea of ​​​​stars.

The idea is to purify the heart and make the heart pure, so that stronger potential can be exploded. This view is the way of my life practice, planetary life, 3-4 hours of daily practice is appropriate.

"Isn't this view of the stars the same way I practice the mind every day? Three or four hours a day is the best?" Xu Jingming blinked and carefully read the content of this view.

With the detailed description of the concept, and the experience of possessing the body, Xu Jingming has a deeper understanding of the concept.

"The above describes the basic aspects, not in-depth. But the basic aspects... some things I didn't notice." Xu Jingming looked at the thoughts and sighed secretly. For example, when training the mind, oneself is like a celestial body and a star.

At the same time, it is necessary to sense every fluctuation of the body, such as the flow of blood in the body and the digestion of food. These are like the 'magma flow' in the stars, and the ecological system of the stars operates naturally.

For example, light shines on the skin, dust touches the skin, and it seems that the stars are illuminated by the light of the stars, and it seems that small meteorites touch the stars.

Lots of detailed guidelines.

Although they are all basic, it makes the visualization clearer, and the mind of oneself is like a star, more vast and powerful.

The third method of training the heart: Practicing a thousand times, refining the heart.

Even with a strong physical body, the brain consciousness is also very strong. But I haven't experienced any setbacks, and any unexpected situation may cause confusion, fear, and panic. This is the mental will is not strong enough.

The heart must be refined, after thousands of trials, the heart is like steel! The will is unshakable!

There are many ways to train the mind and will, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is 'a thousand tempering'. In the life stage of the planet, twelve methods of tempering the will have been recorded. Can experience one by one, go through the test.

"Thousands of tempers? Hearts like steel?" Xu Jingming was thoughtful, and the twelve methods attached to the back made Xu Jingming secretly shocked.

The fourth method of training the mind: Reading and understanding Mingxin.

Reading, you can understand the principles of all things, but you can have no doubts.

When the operation of society, the fate of individuals, and even everything is running in front of you, there is no confusion, and you can see it at a glance. Naturally, you can deal with everything calmly, because everything is within your expectations.

You will not panic, you will not be uneasy, and your mind will naturally be stronger.

Recommended reading list: history, personal, science...

"Reading?" Xu Jingming was surprised.

Before looking at the inheritance, he did not expect that the fourth method of training the mind turned out to be 'reading'.

"The importance of reading may become more and more important in the middle and late stages of evolution." Xu Jingming realized this, "After all, Ambro relies on reading to break through to the tenth order. Ambro and Xuan have one thing in common, education. Very high."

"Do you read?"

Although Xu Jingming also graduated from college, but after graduation, he also put down the book.

"These books recommended in the inheritance don't seem to be Blue Star books?" Xu Jingming murmured secretly, "It should be the books that Xuan thinks are very good, that is, the books in the universe a long, long time ago."

"I don't know if I can see these books in Blue Star."

Xu Jingming didn't think much about it and continued to look at inheritance.

The fifth method of mind training: practice.

Reading, understanding the truth of all things. But only understand! Need to practice first-hand experience.

To experience the fate of different civilizations and different classes of human beings, to experience different industries, to prove the scientific truths that I understand... and put into practice everything that I understand by reading.

The time to practice will be much longer than the time required for reading, and it will take a long life to practice one by one.

I have been studying for ten years, practiced for more than a hundred years, and have achieved a little.

After studying for thousands of years and practicing for more than 10,000 years, Fang stepped into the tenth order. Even so, it is still far away from 'No Confusion'.

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