Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Vol 7 Chapter 43: 1 promise

After Xu Jingming walked out of the small building, he found a vacant seat on the grass not far away and sat down.

Soon a service staff came over, and Xu Jingming ordered drinks.

"In the past, I asked someone to help me to exchange it. Usually, the premium was 50%. Double the premium is too high. This Yin Xiao also asked for an additional universe currency... This is to kill me severely." Xu Jingming took a sip from the wine glass. .

Because they are too talented, most of the origin life beings are very face-saving when they come into contact with Xu Jingming.

But Xu Jingming is very clear!

Not everyone will give him face.

Like Yin Xiao, after all, it is the top terrifying existence in the tenth-order source life of the Eternal Learning Pagoda. Looking at the entire human race in the universe, it is his turn to follow the legend of the universe.

This kind of character is arrogant even in the face of cosmic legends of other forces.

After all, in the eyes of most people, the limit of my life is estimated to be a cosmic legend, and the probability of becoming the highest realm is extremely low.

Xu Jingming knew that this was based on historical data.

After all, who can become the highest realm, which one has not experienced many difficulties and hardships?

It's not that it's useful to become a source life soon.

"Junior Brother Wu Ming?" Suddenly a voice sounded.

Xu Jingming turned his head to look, and a young man in a gray robe came over from behind. His face was somewhat similar to that of Lunaduo, but his aura was more profound and restrained. A little pressure.

"I didn't expect to meet Junior Brother Wu Ming here." The young man in the gray robe came over, quite enthusiastic.

Xu Jingming got up immediately, smiled and said, "Brother Dark Star."

The person in front of him is Lunaxing!

It is the brother of Luna Duo, the tenth-order source life of the Yuan Dynasty Research Institute, codenamed 'Dark Star', and the second in line to the throne of the Yuanxing civilization.

"Junior Brother Wu Ming, also asked someone to exchange treasures?" Lu Naxing said with a smile, "Is there anything I can help with? I still know some people in the Eternal Learning Tower, and maybe they can help Junior Brother."

"I've already asked someone to help," Xu Jingming said.

"Okay, just speak up if you have something to do. I'll go see my friends first." Lu Naxing said.

Xu Jingming nodded and watched Lu Naxing walk into the distance. Lu Naxing also came here to ask someone to exchange items.

"Compared with his brother, Lu Naduo is indeed many times worse." Xu Jingming sat down. Lu Naxing had a good reputation in the Academy of the early Yuan Dynasty, and was recognized as a 'genius person' in the tenth-order source life.

Although it is not as dazzling as Xu Jingming, the outside world believes that it is not difficult for Lu Naxing to reach the level of 'king', and the Yuanxing civilization royal family has a very high evaluation of him, otherwise he will not be promoted to the second heir.

The heirs to the throne of the three advanced civilizations of the universe are also selected within the royal family. The most critical factor in the selection is the achievement of the evolutionary path and the scientific path. The higher the achievement, the higher the general ranking!

If it becomes a cosmic legend, even if it is not an emperor, its influence in the royal family will not be inferior to that of the emperor.

"Brother Wu Ming." A gentle voice sounded.

Xu Jingming looked from a distance.

A short, fat, bald old man came over. His smile could make one couldn't help but relax. When Xu Jingming saw him, he immediately got up and said, "Mr. Lan Xie."

Yes, the old man in front of him is another strong man that Xu Jingming wants to visit at this gathering, 'Lan Xie, Mr. Lan Xie's credit is also enough to rank in the top five in the Eternal Learning Pagoda.

"Why are you here alone?" Lan Xie sat down opposite Xu Jingming and said with a smile, "Where is Junior Brother Saka?"

"He is accompanying Mr. Yin Xiao," Xu Jingming said.

Lan Xie thoughtfully, looked at Xu Jingming: "You asked him to help exchange, failed?"

Xu Jingming smiled in surprise: "Mr. Lan Xie can see this?"

"If the talks are successful, why are you sitting here alone?" Lan Xie smiled.

"But don't be angry, don't hold a grudge against Yin Xiao. In fact, Yin Xiao had a much better personality a few years ago. Just to become a legend in the universe, he took the initiative to fall into the abyss, his nature changed, and he was a little chaotic and extreme. He was able to maintain his sense of reason. , is already very good.”

"Actively fall into the abyss?" Xu Jingming wondered.

"The three strongest inheritances of the human race, our "Abyss Research Notes" of the Eternal Learning Tower, study the abyss." Lan Xie said, "Whether it is research or study, we will be affected by the deeper and deeper abyss. ”

"We are close to it but can't sink, we must always maintain ourselves." Lan Xie said, "But as we get older, some tenth-order source life will actively sink, just to gain stronger power. Falling into the abyss... still Stay sane, it's the same road, but it's hard."

"It's amazing that Yin Xiao can keep his mind." Lan Xie looked at Xu Jingming.

"Mr. Lan Xie, have you always kept your distance from the abyss?" Xu Jingming asked.

Lan Xie smiled and said, "Yes, I'm worried about falling into the abyss and unable to keep my mind. I'm cowardly!"

Among the three strongest inheritances, "The Conjecture of Yuanchu Star" is considered to be less troublesome. Xu Jingming's spiritual power reached the tenth level, and he began to be influenced by Yuanchu star.

Like Lan Xie and Yin Xiao, as the top five existences of the tenth-order source life of the Eternal Learning Tower, their spiritual power has already reached a high dimension. .

This is also what Saka said. The top five are not easy to talk about.

"According to what Senior Brother Saka said, the Eternal Learning Pagoda ranks in the top five, and it is not easy to talk. But this Mr. Lan Xie is very polite to me." Xu Jingming thought.

"You two are sitting together?" The sturdy brother Saka walked over with a smile, pulled a chair and sat down, took a sip from the glass in front of him, "Brother Lan Xie, I'm not going to hide it from you, Yin Xiaona. I couldn't make it through. So I asked for your help."

"You want the scales of the python?" Lan Xie looked at Xu Jingming.

"Yes." Xu Jingming nodded.

"Okay. @ Essence_Book Pavilion...j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m First. Post. Update. New~~" Lan Xie nodded, "I promise you."

Xu Jingming listened and waited for the other party's conditions.

"The scale of the butterfly requires 50 million credits." Lan Hu said, "Decades later, the research institute at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty will open the exchange, and then you can also exchange 50 million credits for items, and you can return it to me."

"Brother Lan Xie, there is no premium?" Saka was a little surprised.

"Still follow the normal rules." Xu Jingming didn't want to take advantage of it, and he and Sakana had lived together for several years and worked together to fight against the prison clan.

It was the first time I met Lan Xie.

"Of course I have a request." Lan Xie looked at Xu Jingming.

Xu Jingming and Saka listened.

"There is no need for any premium in terms of credit, but there are additional requirements." Lan Xie said, "I need a promise from you. In the future, without violating the laws of the Cosmic Human Alliance, my family, 'Zeyu' family, will be within its power. Please help, please help again. "

Lan Xie looked at Xu Jingming: "I don't need any written documents, just a promise from you."

"No written documents needed?" Xu Jingming was surprised.

That means, what to do in the future and to what extent are entirely up to him to decide.

"Yes." Lan Xie smiled, "I believe in the value of Wu Ming's commitment."

"So optimistic about me?" Xu Jingming smiled in surprise, and it stands to reason that he would agree to the credit for the premium of 30 million to 50 million! Lan Xie didn't want such a large 'premium', but wanted a promise of his own.

Lan Xie looked at Xu Jingming and nodded: "I believe in you very much, and the wealth I have accumulated over the years is large enough to be good enough. I would prefer to buy an insurance policy for my family. Your promise is a family's insurance. Insurance."

"Tens of millions of credits are just icing on the cake for the Zeyu family. But I am the same age as Yin Xiao, and I am only more than 10,000 years away from the deadline. After I die! Wu Ming, you are still very young, then the Zeyu family may need Help." Lan Xie said.

"Buy an insurance?" Saka smiled clearly, "You are really thoughtful about your family."

"Okay." Xu Jingming nodded and promised, "In the future, as long as it doesn't violate the law and can do what we can. Mr. Lan Xie's family, the 'Ze Yu' family, asks me for help, and I will do it once."

"Then our deal is settled." Lan Xie nodded with a smile.

Xu Jingming, Saka and Lan Xie sat and chatted for more than an hour. They had a good chat, and then they dispersed.

Back to Saka's personal space.

"Thank you, Brother Saka, for being able to go so well this time," Xu Jingming said.

"Strange." Saka frowned and patted his head, "Lan Xie is unpredictable, his danger is still higher than Yin Xiao, so I brought you to see Yin Xiao first. Even if Yin Xiao goes too far, he won't make any cover up. If Lan Xie wants to plot against don't know."

Saka sat on the sofa and muttered: "But this transaction, how I think or think about it, I don't see how he can count on you. Promise? There is no written document binding, you can go back and ignore him in the future. ”

"People only need a promise, and there is no compulsory restraint." Xu Jingming said, "No matter what the danger of Mr. Lan Xie, he is very sincere in this transaction."

"It's very sincere, so I didn't stop me from beginning to end." Saka wondered, "He said he bought an insurance for the family, but the foundation of the Zeyu family, how could it collapse in tens of thousands of years?"

"Forget it, there are really some traps, just ignore him then." Saka smiled.

Xu Jingming nodded.

For the promises Lan Xie asked for, the initiative was on Xu Jingming's side, which was why he agreed.

Lan Xie's personal space.

Lan Xie sat on the chair and looked at the endless abyss in front of him, which was the 'endless abyss' he had virtualized.

"Old Ancestor." The patriarch of the Zeyu family was extremely respectful. Lan Xie was the only tenth-order origin life in the Zeyu family. Now Lan Xie, who is more than 80,000 years old... is much older than the rest of the Zeyu family. .

He is also the most powerful life in the history of the Zeyu family, and the patriarch of the Zeyu family is naturally very respectful.

"Wu Ming from the Yuanchu Research Institute, give me a promise." Lan Xie handed a document to the patriarch of the Zeyu family, "The family archives!"

The patriarch took it and glanced at it: "Is there no written restraint?"?

"No need." Lan Xie said, "You can leave now, just save the file. Remember... only when the family is in trouble, there is no other way, ask him for help. His temper may not be very good, even if he asks. , and do not force it.”

"Not a good temper?" The patriarch was slightly puzzled, "Wu Ming's character is not bad."

Xu Jingming has a good reputation in Yuan Life.

"The higher the realm, the more influenced by the star of the early Yuan Dynasty. In the future, his temper will not be the same as it is now." Lan Xie shook his head, "Go down."

"Yes." The patriarch disappeared immediately.

Lan Xie looked at the endless abyss in front of him and thought: "He has such a good relationship with Saka, Saka is the front line stationed in the battle against the prison clan. This Wu Ming accumulates wealth very quickly, and tens of millions of credits can be given out. The mysterious guardian of the front line of the prison clan, is he?"

"That way, everything makes sense."

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