Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Open the door, I check the water meter




ps: Thanks to Ru Meng for the 200 starting currency reward! Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins!

If the heart is clear, the sky will not be shocked.

The changes are still stable, and the spirit is calm.

Forgetting oneself and keeping one, the six statutes.

Quit, nourish one's qi, selfless and do nothing.

Look at each other up and down, look dependent.

Deliberately enter the entrance, subdue thoughts.

Nothing inside or outside, Ruozhuo Bingqing.


With a few hundred words of inner strength and mental method, Su Yi just looked at it and felt peace in his heart. It seems that although this Bing Xin Jue is not very useful for increasing skill, it is indeed a peerless gem that is used to stabilize the mind...

However, I deceived Nie Feng’s Bing Xin Jue today. I am afraid that in the future even his ancestral treasure knife Snow Drink Mad Knife will be obtained. Su Yi's face is as thick as a city wall. Faced with Nie Feng who is satisfied and caring about himself, he still feels sorry. Sending Lingbo Weibu is also out of this consideration, you have to compensate you somehow...Although this compensation is insignificant compared to your loss... But after all, I have to do it because of my task. I believe that if Nie Feng knew the truth, he would definitely not be stingy with a Snow Drinking Knife...

Thinking about this, Su Yi relaxed a little... and started practicing Bing Xin Jue with his eyes closed...


The world was completely silent and silent, but as Su Yibing's heart formula gradually deepened, the world suddenly became colorful. The frogs croak hundreds of meters away, and the mother softly coaxed her children. Sleeping, the softness of the breeze blowing in the sky... Everything is in your ears... This is different from the profound inner strength, so you can hear six directions and see all directions. This is pure and natural hearing and seeing... More real Feel the world...

Could it be that Nie Feng has always been in such a world?

Su Yi suddenly understood why Nie Feng could always love fraternity like a saint, and Guy was able to discover the beautiful side of this world...and this beautiful side. Bing Xin Jue is indispensable...

I continued to close my eyes and comprehend Bing Xin Jue at the moment, and Su Yi's mouth could not help but make a happy smile...


Su Yi worked hard all night without sleeping, but when he got up early, Su Yi was refreshed. I just feel that the sky has never been so blue, and the world has never been so beautiful...I can’t wait to sing up to the sky...

"Although "Bing Xin Jue" has no luck value, its value is probably not inferior to any kind of martial arts he currently knows..." Su Yi suddenly flashed a thought in his mind... so it seems that he Using a Lingbo Weibu secret book to exchange this mentality with Nie Feng, in fact, he still made a lot of money, after all, he had "Bing Xin Jue". It's the basic condition for cultivating left and right mutual struggling..., and with the left and right mutual struggling, one can truly become one of the best masters in Fengyun One! Even in the face of Absolute Wushen, whose strength is comparable to the namelessness, he may not be at a disadvantage...

Forget it, I owe a penny to someone, and I can't finish it if I don't pay the debt; I don't want to pay the debt for a lifetime... Since I now have such great benefits as Nie Feng. Today in this Wushuang City, I can’t help Nie Feng’s kid to save Mingyue’s life... As for the second dream afterwards, Su Yi said that Nie Feng’s good popularity can completely embrace him...

After a leisurely lunch, Su Yi stepped out of the gate again and began to wander around inside and outside Wushuang City. The lone party trusted him so much, and the direct consequence was the whole Wushuang City. No one can stop him... Hold the token given by the lonely party, really do whatever you want, don't be too happy...

The reason why Su Yi went back and forth inside and outside Wushuang City was naturally not to observe people's livelihood. After all, the waters in this small city are deep and hot, I'm afraid it's better than the Northern Song Dynasty during the war...No hundreds of people don't have a living, what's so beautiful...

Su Yi's goal is to see if he can find Nie Feng's whereabouts...Of course, the most important thing is the whereabouts of Mingyue. As the first heroine of the Fengyun series, it is natural to say that she is not curious...

After browsing the inside and outside of Wushuang City, I saw the countless people's sufferings. Su Yi finally found his goal...

I saw a woman in a dark corner in one of the streets crisscrossing Wushuang City, holding her pipa and singing...The sound is absolutely beautiful. But Su Yi focused on another place. I saw the woman just squatting there, singing a song in a very low voice, but within a few tens of meters, it was all clearly audible. Others didn’t think it, but Su Yi could clearly tell that it was. Extremely high and deep internal strength cultivation... This poor woman who sells singing turned out to be a very strong martial artist...

The stunning woman in Wushuang City has extremely high martial arts, besides Mingyue, who else is there?

Su Yi just stood in the corner, watching Mingyue singing there...

After a long time, the end of a song, it was time for the arrival of the silver and the end, but all the people watching and listening to the song were scattered, leaving only two lone copper plates scattered in the bowl in front of...

Mingyue stepped forward and picked up the two copper coins, passed them to a blind old woman next to him, and then left the dark street...

Su Yiwei smiled, and followed closely... His martial arts and light skills are far better than Mingyue, and Mingyue has no idea that he is behind him...

Followed Mingyue all the way to an ordinary residence near Dongguan Temple in Wushuangcheng this neighborhood, Mingyue suddenly turned around, went to another place, and then changed directions again and again, but let her behind Su Yi secretly praised her, this alertness is really top-notch, if the martial arts of the person who followed her behind is a little worse, I am afraid that it will be thrown away...

However, Su Yi naturally did not put such careful thoughts in his eyes. He still hung behind him not far away, and saw Mingyue turn into a red brick house with his own eyes...

It seems that Nie Feng should be here too, otherwise she would not be so careful...

Su Yi thought for a while, it seems that he actually didn't have the need to deliberately hide his figure... Right now, he stepped forward and knocked on the door...


As soon as the door rang, there was a slightly panicked female voice, "Who?!"

Su Yi suddenly had a bad taste and said loudly: "Check the water meter!"

"Check... what? You... wait a moment..."

Su Yi smiled slightly, stretched out his hand on the door and patted it lightly. With a bang, the wooden stick that slammed the door jumped lightly, and the courtyard door opened automatically...

He walked in...Two exclamations were heard...

"Broken Waves?!!!"


A vigilant panic was apparently from the mouth of the bright moon. Although Su Yi had never seen her before, as the guardian of Wushuang City secretly, how could she not know this distinguished guest who was regarded as a guest by Dugu?

Now Duanlang is here... Does that mean that Dugu party already knows that Nie Feng is here? Mingyue thought panicked.

But Nie Feng didn't think so much. He obviously didn't think that the friends he had just met at night would meet again during the day...Can't help but take a step forward in surprise, and smiled: "Lang, how can you it's here?"

Su Yi walked into the house and took a look around. As expected, it was indeed the residence of the guardians of the secrets of Wushuang City. Although the area is small, each brick and tile is extremely, obviously it is not a poor place. Generation... It seems that selling singing is really just Mingyue's hobby...

And beside, there was a little boy riding a horse stance there. Even though Su Yi came in, he was not moved at all... He still insisted on keeping his movements from losing shape... It seems that he is still young. Small, but already quite general...

It's a good material! ! Su Yi couldn't help but praised it!

"Blank, how did you find this place?!" Seeing Su Yi come in without doing anything, but looking at the decorations in the courtyard, Mingyue nodded again and again, and Mingyue asked vigilantly.

"Naturally following you..." Su Yi's eyes still stayed around, and he answered casually.

"You..." Mingyue's tone was stagnant, and then she put on a hands-on posture, gritted her teeth and said: "I'm sorry, Duanlang, although you are also from my Wushuang City, but now you have discovered that the wind is here, I can't let it You left here... Don't worry, I won't kill you, as long as you stay here obediently until the wind leaves!"

"Wind?" Su Yi repeated Mingyue's name. His eyes were full of teasing when he looked at Nie Feng. He smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. Nie Feng and I have been friends for many years, so naturally I won't be sorry. In fact, I am just curious about his affairs. I want to know what kind of woman it is that can make Nie Feng and other arrogant men quickly fall in love within two days..." (to be continued)








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