Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Finally know why Duanlang is not the protagonist

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting.     The knee of the Buddha was flooded and Lingyun Grottoes burned!


  &Nbsp   This is a word that has been widely circulated in the world...but few people in the world know that the first to circulate this sentence is actually the ancestor of the family, the first swordsman in the world at that time!


    Duan Zhengxian fought the Fire Qilin back then. After fighting for a few days, he finally cut off a scale of the Fire Qilin with a sword. The Fire Qilin ran away when the fire Qilin was lost, and Duan Zhengxian set the scale on the ancestral sword. After going up, change its name to Fire Lin Sword! And created a set of Fire Lin swords to match the Fire Lin sword!


  &Nbsp   Unfortunately, the Fire Lin sword contains evil intentions. Even though the swordsmanship of Duan Zhengxian can reach the sky, he was finally interfered with by this first evil soldier and died of evil!


After       , those who broke their homes have lived on Leshan for generations, in order to be able to kill such gods as the Huoqilin... so that they can become famous in the world and once again reappear the glory of their ancestors!


  &Nbsp   Unfortunately, one generation is inferior to one generation when the family is cut off. In this generation, even the family legendary soldiers and ancestral swordsmanship are all lost...


  &Nbsp    But... speaking of it, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang! The three of them are more or less related to the fire unicorn...Nie Feng is in the blood of a unicorn, and Bu Jingyun has a unicorn arm. The relationship between Broken Waves is the shallowest. He just has a unicorn scale, not on himself... …


  &Nbsp   Is this actually the reason why Duanlang is not the protagonist? Thinking of this, Su Yi suddenly had an urge to find Huo Qilin immediately and drink some blood from it!


  &Nbsp   Of course, this is just the result of Su Yi's brainstorming!


  &Nbsp   At this time, it has been half a month since Su Yi left Nie Feng. This half a month has passed. He practiced holy spirit swordsmanship hard while rushing towards Leshan non-stop. Today, I finally came to the feet of the Big Buddha...


  &Nbsp   ………………………………


  &Nbsp the place where I have lived for nearly ten years?


  &Nbsp   Looking at the strange scene. The rushing river at the foot is still surging away as usual, and in the village at the foot of the mountain, a piece of farmhouse smoke... Su Yi can't find a feeling of intimacy in his mind. It seems that the so-called erase memory of the Lord God is enough to erase Thoroughly!


  &Nbsp   " are the boy from Broken Wave?!"


  &Nbsp   I was melancholy, but suddenly there was a cry of surprise and suspense from behind...


  &Nbsp   Huh? Does anyone remember the hapless boy Duanlang?


  &Nbsp   Su Yi looked back suspiciously, and saw a sturdy man standing in front of him, looking at himself with an angry face...


  &Nbsp   Su Yi suddenly cut, this kind of face, you can see that it is not a good thing...


  &Nbsp   "You kid has a face to come back? Is it true that I am the six big bandits in Leshan are paperless?" This sturdy man looked at Su Yi with an unhappy expression. "Back then, you relied on the majesty of that long-haired boy to lose face to our six great bandits. Today* you dare to come back by yourself. Why, that long-haired boy? If he is still with you, then Hurry up and let him get out of here, today ※You must be ashamed of the fist!"


  &Nbsp   "A shame before a snowfall?"


  &Nbsp   Su Yi scratched his scalp and thought for a long time, but still didn't think about the sacredness of the six Leshan bandits, since he was defeated in the fight with Nie Feng. Naturally, there should be some sort of means... but it doesn't seem like looking at this guy...


     Seeing Su Yi looks like I can’t remember who you are, he fists fiercely and furiously immediately, "You don’t want to be mad, kid, you had you old to protect you. I dare not treat you too much, but now you I have been dead for so many years, I will teach you again today. I want to see who else can protect you!"


  &Nbsp   After finishing speaking, he slammed his fist. The fist is quite amazing!


  &Nbsp   "This...this..."


  &Nbsp   Su Yi couldn't help but be surprised, but it wasn't that the punch was so powerful that it moved him. But this guy... is too weak... Don't talk about yourself, don't talk about Nie Feng, it's Dugu Cry in Wushuang City, I'm afraid I can kick this guy away...


    Su Yi suddenly remembered, isn’t this Emma one of the first few dragon-characters that I have seen back then? She used to bully her original body, of course, before he was ten years old, and was beaten by Nie Fengfeng. , Of course, eleven or twelve years old...


  &Nbsp   At the moment, Su Yi is not even thinking about him... a guy who can't even beat the twelve-year-old Nie Feng, why...


  &Nbsp   The toes touched the ground slightly... An uncheckable internal force has flowed along the ground...


  &Nbsp   Fist Fierce only felt that his full punch had not yet defeated the enemy, the next moment, the foot suddenly jolted, suddenly standing unstable and fell to the ground......


  &Nbsp    was about to get up, but suddenly a sharp pain came from his right hand, but it was Su Yi who slammed the heavy sword box on his hand...


  &Nbsp   "Ah...!!!" The fist fierce suddenly couldn't help screaming...


    With a flick of the sword box, he immediately smashed the fist into the air... Su Yi's figure was like a ghost and quickly caught up with the fist in the air. The next moment, he stepped down heavily and immediately slammed into the air. He stepped on it hard...


  &Nbsp   "Don’t don’t...broken uncle, the little one knows the mistake..." At this time, how can Su Yi not know that Su Yi is not capable of guessing at all, so he cried loudly and begged for mercy!


  &Nbsp   Su Yi shouted: "Shut up!!!"


  &Nbsp   "..." The fighter immediately shut up and dared not yell again, but looked at Su Yi pitifully!


  &Nbsp   "Take me to the old house where I lived, and I will let you go when I reach the place, will be beaten like a sandbag by me just like before!"


  &Nbsp   …………………………………………


  &Nbsp    looked at Su Yi fiercely, and suddenly understood why he was beating himself like that, and his feelings were in Liwei...he didn't even remember where his old house was...


  &Nbsp   All of a sudden, his face was crying without tears, this beating was worthless...


  &Nbsp   At the moment, he stood up with a bitter face and still aching body, and walked forward with Su Yi with a sad face...


  &Nbsp   Su Yi followed closely behind Quan Xiao, and sometimes kicked him to make him go faster...


  &Nbsp   One after another, they soon came to the old house where the family lived for generations...


    Looking at the ruined wall in front of you, with an uninhabited appearance, looked at Su Yi's expressionless expression with a fist and a little horror, and said carefully: "Uncle Broken, this was not my job. After your father's accident, You are nowhere to be seen. Everyone thinks that your family is gone. You also know that your father has always regarded himself as a celebrity. He is not very attractive to us ordinary people, so everyone is very disgusting. Yours, after receiving the news of your death, they took away all the things that your family should take. Later, without knowing who did it, even your ancestral home was overthrown and it became Now it looks like this! It really has nothing to do with me!"


    Su Yi's face was sullen, and he only felt a burst of irritation in his heart. Seeing the fist fierce was a burst of unhappiness. He knew that this must be the feelings of his predecessor, Broken waves, but he was not the kind of anger. People, just waved his hand to show the fist to roll fiercely...


  &Nbsp    Seeing the little evil star let go, the fist fierce was like an amnesty, and hurriedly ran away, quickly disappearing...


    Su Yi dispelled all the melancholy in the bottom of his heart. He wandered around the place where it had been completely destroyed and turned into a ruined wall. He searched around with keen eyes... I remember that the original book Interrupted Wave once found the family ancestor here. The Fire Lin swordsmanship! Although this set of swordsmanship may not be as good as his own Dugu Nine Swords and the swordsman's holy spirit swordsmanship, it is also the most outstanding swordsmanship in the world. It can be used as a reference... The sword technique passed down by Lang's ancestors, I can't justify it if I don't shoot myself...


  &Nbsp   …………………………


    After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find the shadow of the cheats. Su Yi was impatient and didn’t bother to keep the old scene here anymore. He waved a palm, and the fierce palm wind suddenly rose to the ground. A few huge noises came, and the old wooden wall that collapsed was lifted off when it stood up... a lot of space was left...


  &Nbsp   Huh? This method is good!


    Su Yi's eyes lit immediately left and right palms, and the broken walls and broken furniture that had not been touched for many years were thrown out one after another, and the dust accumulated for many years suddenly flew all over the sky. Su Yi shrouded it... the family-broken ancestral home became a smog!


  &Nbsp   The last piece of wreckage was violently lifted up by the last palm. Su Yi's eyes were sharp, and he clearly saw the one flying into the air. There was clearly a thread-bound book-like cheat...


  &Nbsp   found it! ! !


    Su Yi's feet exerted a slight force, he had already risen into the air, quickly passed the haze, and rushed outside...and in his hand, the four-character thread-enhanced cheat sheet of Huolin swordsmanship was firmly held in his hand. in! To be continued...


  &Nbsp   PS:  336493157, this is the book group of the book, you can add it to your favorite book friends...In addition, one group of two groups and three groups are already full, everyone should not add shameless escape...  

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