Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 84: These two goods are a scourge

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  PS: Watch the exclusive story behind "The Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Actors", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, follow the official account of the starting point Chinese website (add a friend-add an official account-enter), and tell me quietly!


In a forest with beautiful mountains and clear waters in the distance of Kongsang Mountain, more than a dozen people in black with skulls embroidered on their clothes are guarding loyally. Although they are extremely careful, they can hardly hide their joy. The eldest lady who has been dead for a long time has been found, and the lord is afraid that she can't treat herself badly in the future! This is really flattering!


   Compared to the hostility outside the woods, the atmosphere in the woods is much more harmonious...


Baguio stood in front of Su Yi, whispering something to explain. After a long time, she finally looked up at Su Yi and said: "Just as I said just now, I am actually the daughter of the Sect Master of the Ghost King, you The person in the Demon Cult that Zhengdao hates most! I'm sorry that I haven't told you before... You gave me the acacia bell before. If you regret it, I can return it to you now!"


Su Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "Aside from the relatives of the Sect Master of the Ghost King, who can own the second volume of the Book of Heaven. Who else can there be? Baguio, do you really think I don’t know? I already know it!"


   " knew it a long time ago? Then you still... Then why did you give up your life to save me?"


   "I saved it if I wanted to." Facing Baguio's anxiety, Su Yi was very casual! It seemed that what he had saved was not his life and death enemy. It's just that an ordinary road sees unevenness!


After    there was a moment of silence, and the two stood opposite each other. But I don’t know what to say... It’s okay to be in a dangerous situation together before, but now I finally escaped, there seems to be a slight gap between the two... Su Yi naturally does not care about the so-called righteousness and evil. Dao, but Baguio seems to be very concerned about Su Yi's righteous status, and he can't let go...


   At this time, Qinglong in the distance looked at the two young shadows in the distance, and a worried expression flashed in his eyes...Are these two people walking too close? Look at Yao'er's expression... Is she going to follow You Ji's old path? And this kid's Dragon Slashing Sword... is he the descendant of Wan Jianyi?


   Both the master and the disciple are evil! The great woman who specializes in harming my sacred religion...


   Never let Yao'er go down the old path of You Ji! ! !


   Secretly made up his mind, Qinglong walked over very uninterestingly, accompanied by the sound of rustling footsteps. Baguio was slightly startled, and then put away the slightly melancholy expression that had just appeared before, looked back at Qinglong, and smiled: "Uncle Qinglong, why are you here?"


"Your Auntie You brought the news of your trouble back to the Ghost King Zong. After that, your father, your Auntie You, and all of me came, and they are searching for your whereabouts in another direction at the moment... It made me rush to the end. See you in front!" Qinglong said in his mouth, but his eyes were placed on Su Yi. Examining it up and down, the worry in his eyes became more serious. He said with a serious face: "Little brother, thank you for saving Yao'er's life. I won't say any more. Your companions were also here waiting for you before. With the arrival of the elite of the Ghost King Zong. After the two sides fought a few times, we saw that our side was getting stronger. They reluctantly withdrew, thinking that they should be back to Qingyunmen! If you want to find them, you might as well look back at Qingyun and his party!"


"Really? Thank you, Mr. Qinglong!" Su Yi arched his hand, glanced at Baguio beside him, and said sternly: "There is no banquet in the world, since Baguio is all right, then I should also leave to find me. My companion, otherwise, after your father also comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave..."


   What a confident boy! He is clearly saying that I can't keep him alone!


   Qinglong couldn't help but cheer for Su Yi! People with strength are arrogant, but they are not annoying!


" should go now!" Baguio murmured in a low voice, then raised her head, her eyes were bright and she smiled: "But anyway, thank you for saving it. My life! So are you going back to Qingyun Mountain next?".


   "Let's take a look, I have to find my lost companions first! They must be very worried about my safety!" At this point, Su Yi couldn't help passing by a white shadow in his mind! "Well, she must be very worried about me! I have to go back quickly to make her feel at ease!"


   "In that case, we won't give it away!"


Qinglong took the lead first, and he smiled: "Although there is a difference between the real demon, but after all, you saved Yao'er's life this time, I will spare you once today, and if I see you again in the future, I will never show mercy. Don’t you say that people in my sacred religion are ungrateful!"


   "Which one wants you to show mercy!" Su Yi couldn't help but smile proudly, took out the Dragon Slashing Sword, took a deep look at Baguio, and smiled: "Goodbye! Baguio"


   After finishing speaking, the cyan sword light rises, Su Yi has already taken off without any nostalgia!


Staring blankly at the cyan sword light going away in the distance, Baguio originally had a melancholy expression on her face, but as if she suddenly remembered something, she suddenly stomped her foot severely and whispered to herself rather annoyedly: " How did this kid go so swiftly and neatly? He was so worried about my life before, and he specially sent me the Peerless Treasure Protector like Hehuan Ling. How come this time... Is he trying to get caught?"


  At this time, Su Yi had already flown a long distance in the sky, and consciously he was far enough away from them, he stopped his sword light, and sat on the Dragon Slashing Sword frowning in thought!


   Back to Qingyun Mountain?


   Of course not! Among other things, I am afraid that the battle of Liubo Mountain is about to begin! Although to be honest, that battle has nothing to do with me! It doesn't matter if you don't go! But Zhang Xiaofan revealed his secret of Buddhism and Taoism there....If this secret is exposed, Su Yike is not fully confident that Tianyin Temple will stand up and say for him, and I am afraid that he will be directly rejected by Qingyun. door!


   Now Zhang Xiaofan is obsessed with his senior sister, if he is forced to leave Qingyunmen, it will definitely be a great blow to him! In any case, he and he also have a sense of affection, it can't be said that I still have to help him! And many demon heads of the Demon Cult who can't escape from the world have all gone to Liubo Mountain. I'm afraid Xueqi is also there, she is not by her side, and she always feels uneasy. What if her sister is injured?


   I remembered that Xueqi should be in Liubo Mountain at this moment, or on the way to Liubo Mountain...


   Su Yi nodded heavily! Ok! Go to Liubo Mountain!


   took out the map and watched it carefully for a moment, and then identified the approximate location of Liubo Mountain...


   Slashing the Dragon Sword suddenly surged, and he had already galloped towards the east with his sword!


At the same time, on Qingyun Mountain, thousands of miles away, Daoxuan said to Cangsong below: "Junior Brother Cangsong, this time the magic gate has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and many demon heads that can't escape the world have also revealed their traces. , Their target is clearly Liubo Mountain in the Far East, and I don’t know what conspiracy is in the end... But you can’t be wrong to subdue demons and demons. Now that they appear, let’s continue! This time it’s up to you. Let’s take a tour with Junior Brother Hetian. The Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley factions secretly don’t want to replace our righteous position. I’m afraid they will also send elites. It’s all up to you this time!"


Cang Song smiled and said: "Junior Brother will never lose our Qingyunmen and Senior Brother's face!" After speaking, his voice was slightly lowered, and he said solemnly: "Then Brother, this time...we will act according to the plan. !"


   Daoxuan nodded solemnly, "Okay! If this happens! It's hard to be shaken by these other two factions if we are in the right way at Qingyun Gate! It's just... but you are wronged, Junior Brother!"


   "It can't be said that there is no grievance or grievance...It is just the same as before! What's more, why is it wrong for us to"


   Daoxuan smiled comfortedly, then his face sank, "Jing Yu...Is there still no news from him?".


   Cang Song's complexion also became gloomy, "I don't think his life is in danger...but he must have encountered some trouble. This time I will go down the mountain to explore the magic gate..."


"Yeah! Hard work, brother!" (A great activity of pie-dropping in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Pay attention~ Click/Chinese website official account (add friend-add official account-enter it), join immediately Everyone has a prize, pay attention now!) (A great event of pie-dropping in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/Chinese website official account (WeChat add friend-add official account-just enter), Participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat public account immediately!) (to be continued...)


  PS: I did a stupid thing in the last chapter... I accidentally typed the chapter name again, and Luo Hua has already faced the wall and thought of solemnly repenting... The content is not repeated, you can rest assured to subscribe! ! Ahem...


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