Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 689: Strike (7)

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The streets of Phoenix have become empty.

Except for some citizens who have nowhere to go and can only wait for the war to end in prayer, there are only a few guard troops left in the entire city.

Perhaps the word guard is not accurate. People with a clear eye know that even one or two machine groups can't even guard a corner of the city. It is not so much that these troops are left to defend against the enemy ’s attacks, but rather to maintain order in Phoenix, or simply exist, proving that the city is still in control.

The citizens did not know the military plan. They just silently looked at the empty streets and the equally empty trenches and fortifications on the outskirts of the city. In front of him, there still seemed to be a constant stream of allied forces. It seems that the energetic young people are lined up in their camps, basking in the trenches, and looking curiously on the streets.

Now they are all gone and gone. It's like a castle with demolished reassuring walls. People stand in the castle and look at the familiar and strange wilderness. Everyone's heart is empty.

In just a few hours, this city is already undefended!

No one knows where the troops are heading, and no one knows the future of this city. Everyone only knows that there must be something big happening, and there must be a war somewhere.

The dice of fate had been dropped, spinning, and he refused to stop.

Helpless people can only look around in prayer. After the dust has settled, at the end of the road, their triumphant troops appear, or the ugly and gritty mechs of the Sus.

Tonight, no one falls asleep.

************************************************** *****************************

Contrary to the empty city streets, the front headquarters of the front army is now overcrowded.

The exploding skynet brought an explosive increase in personnel. All the members of the headquarters who had not been doing anything were now ignited. Chen Fengxi also ordered nearly 400 staff members to be transferred from the divisions. Coupled with guards, electronic soldiers, communication soldiers, and engineering soldiers, the original auction hall was already crowded.

Various sounds are mixed together, making this originally deserted place a hustle and bustle market.

When the bustling staff had difficulty turning around. With the help of an engineer battalion, the headquarters finally opened an underground garage reinforced into a bunker. This was not enough. A few hours later, the central courtyard surrounded by four beige buildings formed a mouth shape, and the expanded command mech was also stopped.

Countless kinds of skynet instruments were moved by sweaty logistics officers to command soldiers. After the electronic soldier responsible for the installation was connected to the power supply, and after the commissioning was completed, there was a staff member waiting to sit on the buttocks and began to work intensively.

As the number of instruments increases, the skynets that extend farther and farther away also become stronger.

"Beep", another gray area on the screen lit up with the recovery of the detector, and merged into the infinitely extended information antenna of Skynet.

Rows of data are changing rapidly on this map.

This is the energy index, electromagnetic index and other data sent back by the detector. After processing by Skynet's central computer, it will soon be possible to reflect whether there has been a fight or whether troops have passed around based on its attenuation rate and content.

Coupled with the miniature radar and anti-detection jamming device that the detector has started working again, this means that the information control of this area has been firmly in the hands of Feimen Skynet.

After the detector was successfully activated, the Skynet function data on the main screen jumped a little bit again, with 72% of the data, which caused a group of electronic engineers in front of the console to cheer.

The current Fiji Allied Forces have absolute control over information, and for the Western Covenant, I am afraid they are still watching the dark sky. The asymmetry of information usually means the tilt of victory and defeat!

The engineers, who were sweating and had their hair messed up like a chicken coop, reached out and rubbed the blond hair of the little boy fiercely. Seven or eight hands came and squeezed his fat and chubby face. Looking back, no one can believe that in the past ten hours, they have completed this miraculous battle under the leadership of this magical little boy.

In this battlefield without smoke, they destroyed the city and constantly broke through each other's blockade, activating information terminals. Dispel the shady curtain that covers the battlefield.

Although it is not a real sword fight, it is more thrilling and more exciting than driving a mech to kill the enemy!

The engineers who looked at Caper and the depressed boy among them, Chen Fengxi and Pierre smiled at each other.

When it comes to fighting, these technicians who only know the program data can't even touch the edge. But in this battle, they took the lead in completing their own battle.

It is their hard work that allows the headquarters to understand what is happening on the front line in the shortest possible time. With the support of countless accurate data, the staff can formulate the correct battle plan, develop the battle situation and deploy troops.

The hope of victory increased slowly and firmly.

An Lei pushed away the chair and stood up from the Skynet information desk. After whispering with several other intelligence liaison officers for a few words, he quickly walked towards Chen Fengxi.

"His Commander."

"Colonel An Lei, what's the matter?" Chen Feng nodded to An Lei.

Chen Fengxi appreciates this beautiful and charming colonel with extremely keen intelligence judgment and processing ability.

Sometimes Chen Fengxi even couldn't help being jealous in his heart.

The bandits are going up and down, full of genius monsters. Not to mention their fat chief, not to mention Margaret, who is known as the successor of Hastings, nor to say that the boy, who is only three years old, is obedient to a group of electronic engineers who are obedient to the ground. The intelligence ability demonstrated by this Colonel Ann made him unable to resist digging.

Perhaps she is not a stunningly brilliant genius, but she never has the slightest anger and panic gentle temperament, and her keen instinct for intelligence makes her far superior to ordinary people in intelligence processing. Under her leadership, the intelligence processing efficiency of the headquarters is extremely high. After the staff in the following process get the information she has processed, no matter what they do, they will do more with less.

In just a few hours, several intelligence groups and several experienced intelligence liaison officers of the front headquarters became the most loyal supporters of this young and beautiful girl, willing to lead her.

Her gentleness and calmness influenced the entire intelligence group. Make everyone feel like Pinghu.

"This is a picture of the battlefield situation we just completed based on Skynet information," An Lei, after competing with Chen Fengxi, called up a document directly on his command computer, "Please look around."

Chen Fengxi's attention was quickly attracted by the prediction picture that An Lei tuned out. After a while, he said to the staff beside him with a serious expression: "Send deduction verification."

The staff led the order. Chen Fengxi walked back a few steps, raised his head and looked at Pierre, the two of them couldn't help smiling a bit of a wry smile. They knew that the other party was just like themselves, and the vest was soaked with cold sweat in just a few minutes of looking at the picture.

Although the battlefield situation prediction submitted by An Lei has just been released and has not yet been deduced and verified, they can judge the accuracy of this situation prediction at a glance with the rich experience of Chen Fengxi and Pierre. The red areas marked as dangerous on the situation map, as well as thousands of kilometers of front lines, hundreds of squirrels attacking the defense line like piranhas, as early as the fat deduction, just It has been accurately predicted.

The situation on the Western Front of Phoenix has long been so bad. From the southern war zone to the northern war zone, the powerful Nato army has torn the defense line torn. I am afraid that by now, they thought that the Phoenix Western Front would be able to top that two or three weeks.

In fact, even without Bellev ’s last blow, Phoenix ’s Western Front would not last more than a week!

Belif launched the Battle of Sunset Mountain. Instead of rushing to conquer the Phoenix Western Front before the third reinforcement of the Fiji League, it is better to say that he wanted to complete his battle and directly strangle the resistance of the Filipino Allied Forces on the Phoenix Western Front. On the ground. Let his troops not give Fiji Allied forces a chance to resist after breaking through the defense line. With the destructive trend, sweeping the whole Leifeng star!

If it were n’t for the arrival of the bandit army, if it was n’t for Tian Xingjian, he would see through Belif ’s intentions with the only information in the first place, and with the bandit army as the main force, he made this plan to survive, and nothing would happen. Redeem.

It wasn't until this time that Chen Fengxi and Pierre, after fearing, determined how correct they were to approve of the fat man's plan.

"Bellif on Dog Day!" Chen Fengxi scolded fiercely, striding towards the main play sandbox in the hall.

There is a huge electronic sand table of 150 square meters, which is like a miniature world. The rolling hills, the different weather in different areas, and a moving army, and the hills on the winding defense lines are exactly the same as the reality that Skynet can master.

More than ten senior Chakner staff and bandit generals were standing in front of the sand table, constantly moving the electronic putter in their hands. Margaret, however, stood quietly near the nearest town of Franço on the sand table, staring closely at the red arrow from Franço to the north, motionless.

Chen Fengxi looked at the time, and his heart beat, unconsciously accelerated.

The red arrow, and the virtual troops on the electronic screen, have been in the first theater northwest of Flenço, St. John's, for a while.

Thinking of the remaining time in one minute and one second, Chen Fengxi turned his attention to the sunset mountain.

There, the troops had already assembled, and it was time for the successive attack on the frustrated Sito to dispatch their final trump card.

Whether Sunset Mountain can win enough time, and whether the bandit can complete the outsourcing on time, these two doubts, like cat paws, scratch his heart.

"His Commander. Sunset Hill's latest report."

Near the ear, An Lei's voice came again. This sound caused everyone around the electronic sand table to raise his head violently. Although it will take less than a minute, this information will be automatically updated by the electronic sand table, but everyone still turned their attention to An Lei in the first time.

Chen Fengxi received an opened electronic folder from An Lei.

"The adjudicator was dispatched," An Lei's tone was very serious. "For half an hour, my sunset mountain position was successively attacked by the adjudicator team. So far, it has caused a self-propelled artillery camp and a material transfer point in our army It was destroyed and nearly 1,200 soldiers were injured in the four defense segments. "

"One thousand and two hundred soldiers?" Chen Fengxi's complexion suddenly became ashen. He could never imagine how small-scale operations behind the enemy could cause such huge casualties. That's a whole group of combat units!

"They attacked two field hospitals in our army, 600 wounded and more than 200 medical personnel, and none were spared." An Lei voiced heavily, cracking the mystery.

Immediately, she hesitated, and finally retrieved the video record sent back from the front line on the Skynet screen.

It was a hell-like scene. The two battlefield hospitals have become scorched cemeteries. A strangely burned body lying in the jungle helplessly. More than a dozen medical mechas were beaten. Medical equipment such as medical cabins and operating tables are scattered around. Several female nurses were lying closest to the camera, their limbs were already incomplete, and only their long hair and broken clothes could prove their identity.

Everything in front of him made the whole headquarters fall into deathly silence.

The officers gnawed their teeth and their eyes were full of red blood. They thought of the emergence of the adjudicator, thought that these demons would attack the logistics supply line, they would attack the self-propelled artillery positions, they would take out the frontline command post, and they would attack a certain section of the defense line, disrupting the frontline defense deployment.

However, they never dreamed that these people would attack the field hospital without humanity!

Battlefield hospitals are usually not set very close to the position, but will be set up in a relatively rear area next to the logistics channel with relatively convenient transportation. The adjudicator can appear here, proving that they broke through the position and walked freely behind the position. The trenches in front and the patrol and guard forces on both wings could not stop them.

They have a lot of goals to choose from, and why they want to poison the battlefield hospital.

This is by no means an accident, and it is not the result of a wounded soldier erecting his **** at these **** adjudicators. They attacked two battlefield hospitals at the same time, and they prepared the massacre from the beginning!

"Still! What is the division's special battalion doing ?!" Margaret's face was scary and her lips were almost bitten and bleeding.

"The special battalion has been fully attacked!" An Lei received an electronic folder from a staff member beside him and handed it to Margaret. "At present, the troops have cleared the front of the Suss attack position and basically mastered the battlefield information. Control. Also destroy an arsenal of enemy attack positions, three material transfer warehouses, destroy more than 500 transport mechas and electronic mechas, kill 18 enemy officers above the school level, and annihilate an armor of the 105 armored divisions of the enemy even,"

An Lei's non-stop report made all the staff members present hold their breath.

"Revenge?" Margaret glanced at the information, quickly seeing through the undisguised anger of the robbed adjudicator in the chronological order of the attacks on both sides.

An Lei nodded and said, "I think so. Judging from the habit of the arbitrators, it is difficult for them to accept that a similar force would slap them in such a way."

"What's the reaction of Sousse's major attack positions?" Margaret asked the question that everyone on the floor was most concerned about.

"Inward expansion and expansion," An Lei said: "Communications and battlefield intelligence were blocked, and successive attacks by our special battalions have occurred. Now the main attack positions of Sousse have shrunk and defended. The satellite troops deployed outside have shrunk back, and at the same time, They sent a large number of elite troops to carry out a squeeze clean-up around them, trying to regain information initiative. "

Everyone gritted their teeth and exhaled. In any case, at least Steller has succeeded in making Suss's main focus shift to their own surroundings. Obviously, they will not launch large-scale attacks until they regain control of the battlefield and relieve their worries. The more time goes on, the more beneficial it will be to the Allies!

There was a cold smile on Margaret's face.

"My consistent aim is to return teeth with teeth," she turned to Carl Road beside her. "Tell Stiller that he can move freely and attack all targets that can be attacked without leaving prisoners."


Karl led the order and was about to turn around, but was stopped by the little **** boy who was biting a milk tea straw.

"Big head, by the way, tell the fat man."

Under the dull gaze of the Filipino allied officers in the room, the little boy sucked the milk tea to the bottom. The empty cup was thrown into the trash basket at any time, and he said: "Dare to start our hospital, he killed us, We killed him ten. The gangsters never do a loss-making business! "

Watching Karl walking towards the Skynet console, the command hall was silent.

The officers did not know how to describe their mentality. Was it shocked by the cruelty of the bandit army, or did he disagree with this way of using teeth for teeth? Or, it is a kind of euphoria as if a suppressed volcano erupted from the heart!

Beep beep, a series of crisp electronic sounds, woke everyone.

Chen Fengxi and others turned their heads to see, and the stagnant red arrow on the huge electronic sand table began to move again.

This time, the arrow suddenly became thicker and larger, quickly puncturing the first theater, and after a slight pause, in the violent heartbeat of everyone, punctured the second theater!




. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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