After seeing I-Ai Luo’s inspiring speech, the audience became more and more recognizant of him.

So much so that the souls in the Pure Land gave a thumbs up.

[Barrage Group II].

[Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon: I am very optimistic about this kid, Luo Sha can have such a son is really his blessing! ] 】

[None: I have to say, I Ai Luo refreshed my opinion of the Sand Ninja, and his future is limitless! ] Not just in terms of strength, but in his mind. 】

[Yashamaru: Sister, my Lord Airo has grown up very well! ] 】

[Gasulo: yes, he has good friends. And now, he is also recognized by so many people. 】

[Senjukuma: I’m really happy to see the children united! 】

[Uchiha: Hmph, this is just a short-term unity! ] After that, they will go their separate camps and kill each other for profit! This is the reality! 】

[Yahiko: So many people gathered to deal with Xiao? I really don’t understand how Nagato and Konan developed the Xiao Organization into a common shame in the ninja world….].

[Bofeng Shuimen: It seems that the person I Ai Luo wants to protect is my little one! ] 】

[Jiu Shinnai: Really happy for Naruto, there is such a friend who fights to protect him! ] 】

Inside the Xiao Organization base,

Deidara’s expression was proud: “Well, the five villages united to deal with our Xiao organization, and they must have been shocked by my art!” ”

Fei Duan immediately retorted: “Your art is a fart in front of the Evil God Lord, they are afraid of me!” ”

Kakuto: “Enough, you two brag to have a degree!” ”

Ghost Fish: “I guess our leader’s plan succeeded, otherwise it would be impossible to force the five villages to unite to compete with us!” ”

Payne: “Let the world feel pain, so that there will be a short period of peace!” Judging from the future video, as long as you use your strength to conquer these tens of thousands of ninja alliances, the ninja world will definitely move towards peace! ”

Xiaonan: “Can we beat so many people?” ”

Payne: “In the face of the tailed beast weapon, the unity of these people can only speed up the end of the war!” I’m worried that I can’t do it all! ”

Uchiha Itachi: “Don’t YY everyone, the video is starting to come out again.” ”

Sure enough, the image appeared on the screen again.

[After the speech,


Luo Sha manipulated the placer gold to condense a few words on the necessary road of I love Luo: “I am waiting for you in the back mountain!” ”

See this scene,

My eyes widened, I couldn’t believe that someone could still manipulate the placer gold.

You know,

His father is dead.

In order to find out, Airo and Kakashi simply said hello and flew towards the back mountain.

Got there,

A figure imprinted in the depths of his mind stood there, it was his father, Luo Sha, who had left him with many psychological shadows.

“Father, long time no see!”

Luo Sha felt that there was no longer the breath of Shouhe in my Ai Luo’s body, and immediately understood that Shouhe had been taken away by the Xiao Organization.

If that’s the case

I Ai Luo should be dead!

“I love Luo, has the Shouhe in your body been sucked away? But why are you still alive? ”

I Ai Luo replied, “I am no longer the human pillar force you created, because of the help of Chiyo’s mother-in-law and friends, I have come back to life!” ”

As soon as these words came out,

Luo Sha was shocked, but he didn’t expect Chiyo to save my Ai Luo’s life.

“Chiyo actually did such a thing?”

At the same time,

Luo Sha confirmed again in his heart

I Ai Luo has friends worth socializing, although I dare not think about it, but it really happened.

I Ai Luo nodded and replied: “Father, I almost died at your hands six times, and each time it will make my fear and hatred of you increase day by day, but now I don’t hate you anymore!” ”

“You can even understand what you did!”

“Since you became a wind shadow, it is the responsibility of the village chief to protect the village from threats!”

Hear these words,

Luo Sha’s heart was shocked, he couldn’t believe that I Ai Luo actually understood his repeated assassinations of him.

It seems,

I, Ailuo, who became the wind shadow, already have the capital to talk to myself on an equal footing.

But the more so

The more ashamed he felt.


Not long ago, he thought that it was impossible for someone like I Ai Luo to make friends, let alone become a wind shadow.

I Ai Luo asked puzzled, “Father, why don’t you have a puzzled expression on your face?” Do you think it’s normal for me to become a wind shadow and make friends? ”

Luo Sha nodded heavily and replied, “Of course, because I saw with my own eyes the kindness from your heart in your childhood, because I saw the wound medicine you gave in your childhood in order to be able to make friends, because I saw with my own eyes how you fought Deidara to save the Sand Hidden Village until you fell into a coma, because I saw with my own eyes how you begged everyone to help you in order to encourage the Ninja Alliance, because… You are my son. ”

When these words came out, I Ai Luo was directly stunned in place.

He didn’t expect that

What he did was seen by his father.

At that moment,

His eyes were moist, and tears kept rolling in his sockets. 】

This video ends

The audience was fascinated.

From the chat between Luo Sha and Future I Ai Luo, the audience understood that My Ai Luo did indeed die after being drawn from the tailed beast.


Chiyo’s mother-in-law used a special ninjutsu to save my Aira.


To everyone’s shock,

Luo Sha actually assassinated My Ai Luo six times, which simply surprised the audience.

I love Luo, this is also too miserable!

Beware not only of sneak attacks by others, but also assassinations from your biological father.

A proper “father and son filial piety” famous scene!


I love Luo even chose to understand Luo Sha after experiencing such a thing as being assassinated by his father, this courage is really admirable.

It’s fine,

Luo Sha expressed his concern for I Ai Luo in the back, and did not ignore him all the time.

[Barrage group group].

[Onoki: Six times? Luo Sha, you are really ruthless! 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: It’s hard to imagine what kind of fear I Ai Luo grew up with. Even if he doesn’t forgive Luo Sha for the rest of his life, Luo Sha will have to endure! 】

[Ape Flying Sun Chopper: The son is so good, Luo Sha is probably very proud in his heart! ] 】

[Terumi: Hey, seeing the tears in the corners of my Ailuo’s eyes, I can’t help but feel sorry for him. Just a little love from his father can make him so moved. 】

[Temari: I didn’t expect that when we didn’t see it, I love Luo he has suffered so many grievances, no wonder he always looks like he doesn’t trust anyone! ] 】

[Kankuro: In the future, I will take on the responsibility of being an older brother and never let anyone hurt my Airo. 】

[Chiyo: Being able to use the art of my own rebirth to save me Aira can be regarded as making up for my harm to him. 】

[Kaizang: Sister, your efforts are worth it, I Ai Luo is an excellent ninja and a qualified shadow! ] 】

At this time,

The screen once again exposed the video of the conversation between I Ai Luo and Luo Sha in the future.

[Luo Sha looked at I-Ai Luo, who has become the fifth generation of wind shadows, which is diametrically opposed to the judgment he once gave me Ailuo.

For a while,

Memories of the past can’t help but flood back to my mind.

That year,

When I Ai Luo was just born, it was still a small one, not as big as two palms.

“It’s really small, is it really okay to give birth to such a premature baby?”

Chiyo replied, “But only he is the most suitable.” He is already the third, the most suitable person who has been found with difficulty, raise him carefully! ”

Lying on the hospital bed, Gasulo breathed the air hard and said anxiously: “Let me see the child’s face.” ”

Luo Sha ran over worriedly and asked, “It’s okay, Jasulo.” ”

Gasulo looked at Ai Luo in front of him, and said distressedly: “This kid is really small.” ”

The next second,

Gasulo’s heart rate dropped rapidly, and he passed away.

Since then,

Although I Ai Luo grew up safely, he also began to run violently, and from time to time he would kill people out of control.

At the same time,

Luo Sha also faces persecution from the top management of Shayin, and must collect capital to trade with other countries, develop new technologies and trade placer gold to bring stability to the village.

In addition to the human pillar force is useless, I love Luo’s treatment is imminent.

Under double pressure,

Luo Sha found Yashamaru and said in a deep voice: “Over the years, I have seen the value of various things!” I have to figure out the value of my love for Luo! ”

“But I’m just a child!”

Luo Sha couldn’t help but decide

“Test my Ailo’s bottom line tomorrow! After letting the villagers take refuge, he exerted mental oppression on Ai Luo, told him about his mother, and gave him the greatest spiritual blow! ”

“If this doesn’t run away, then there is no need to dispose of my Ai Luo.”

Yashamaru hesitated and asked, “Is that really good?” ”

Luo Sha: “I know very well that guy loves his mother from the bottom of his heart, so I should use this method even more!” If shattering this beautiful dream can also curb the violent runaway, he can be a good person! ”

The next night,

I Ai Luo couldn’t stand the huge mental stimulation and stormed away again.

And Luo Sha also recognized a fact at that moment

I love Luo is a failure. 】

After watching this video, the ninja audience understood Luo Sha a little.

Between the village and the family, he cannot do both.


That’s not why he assassinated Iroh six times!

It is impossible to wash away his sin of using my Ailuo’s feelings for his mother to stimulate My Airo.

You know,

Even if an adult is suffering such a heavy blow, it is difficult to soberly maintain himself.

What’s more, I’m still just a six-year-old kid?


To think so arbitrarily that I love Luo is a failure

It’s so blind.

The most important thing is that Luo Sha did not give me the belief in Ero from the beginning

But I want me to stick to myself

This brain circuit is somewhat strange.

[Barrage group group].

[Kurotsuchi: It’s the wrong method of Luo Sha’s test, normal people will run away! ] 】

[Kakashi: There are no failed children, only failed parents! ] 】

[Darui: Four generations of wind shadows, don’t rely on memories here to clear your name, it’s better to apologize directly to my Ailuo! ] 】

[Chojuro: A person’s value is often truly reflected at the moment of death! Of course, when you are young and ignorant, you don’t see any value. 】

[Luo Sha: I will apologize, but I have one more thing to do before that!] I want to prove once again the value of my love for Luo! 】

Seeing that Luo Sha was still stubborn, the audience in the ninja world wanted to spit out fragrance.

I Ai Luo became the wind shadow by virtue of his own strength

Do you still think he is worthless?


There are also a small number of viewers who feel that Luo Sha has already recognized my love Luo, and just wants to give me Ai Luo a chance, a chance to surpass myself.

That’s the only way

The value of my love can be fully reflected.

At the same time,

I, Ailuo, can also prove himself to the Sand Hidden Village and the entire ninja world

He is not inferior to the wind shadow of the past generations!!!


PS: This book will be on the shelves at 12 o’clock tonight, and I hope that readers will greatly support a first order, and the little author would like to thank you here.

The book is written in such detail that it takes 120,000 words to count eight characters.

I promise that the tragic characters that follow will lead to more touching stories and fill in some regrets, and I hope you can support more.

Thanks again to the readers who saw this chapter along the way

Thank you.

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