The door to the building was empty.

Rin was not disappointed, and after a little thought, he walked in the other direction.

When I came to the remote fountain where I was fed last time, I saw two small heads, one pink and one blue, on the bench facing away.

The conversation between the two could be vaguely heard.

Emilia! It's enough to have me here, go back quickly.

don't want.

Go back to familiarize yourself with the arithmetic formulas you just taught you, or Xiao Rin will definitely be angry if he fails the test!

Don't do that either, I'm going to give Di Aojiao something to eat.

It's already prepared! This is the responsibility of the fiancée! No need for Emilia to prepare another! Xiao Rin can't finish it!

Die Aojiao, if you want to eat it, you will also eat mine... da?

No, no, no, no one cares! Xiao Rin can only eat mine!

Listening to the noise of the two, Rin quietly approached, grabbed Dian Mao with one hand, and gave a hand knife with the other.

It's so good, what's the noise? It's still so loud, it's not ashamed for passers-by to hear you two idiots!

Elise turned her head happily in an instant: Little Rin is back! Did you not have anything to eat, they brought it to you!

And Emilia shrank her neck in pain, and like offering a treasure, she raised the lunch box in her hand and gave a soft meow.

Silly Roe Deer and Waste Mow looked at each other and looked away at the same time.

Little Rin, eat people!

Die Tsundere, mine.

Rin rolled the eyes of the dead fish, and went straight to the front of the chair, pointing to the middle and then to the sides.

For Lord, get out of the way.

So, Silly Roe Deer and Waste Miao moved each other, letting Rin sit in the middle.

Little Rin, eat my food and eat my food!


As soon as he sat down, two lunch boxes appeared in front of him again, and kept pressing them against his nose.

Rin immediately curled his lips impatiently: What are you urging! Young master, I'm so hungry today, I can eat everything, okay, you two idiots don't thank you for offering food?

The silly roe deer froze for a while, then opened the lid, took a piece of beef braised in red wine, and handed it to Rin.

On the other side, Waste Meow did not show weakness, and at the same time handed over a small tomato.

Hey, Xiao Rin, eat quickly.

Damn arrogant, ah.

Rin's ears were a little red all of a sudden, and he looked left and right, and found that there was no one nearby, so he quickly swallowed two mouthfuls and swallowed them all in one mouthful.

After swallowing it, he said: Fortunately, you two idiots still have some conscience. Since you owe me so much money, you should take good care of this creditor!

The silly roe deer swayed from side to side with a sweet smile, and a happy blush appeared on his cheeks.

Then Xiao Rin eat some more.

This time, Rin didn't want to do it, and grabbed the lunch box and chopsticks of the silly roe deer directly, gobbled it up, and by the way was still picking it up in the waste meow box.

Anyway, he has a dimensional stomach. Of course, if he wants to eat more, he will eat more to satisfy his appetite.

Little Rin, I want to eat too.

Elise's deer-like watery eyes blinked, making a thirsty call, pulling her hair behind her head with one hand, while opening her mouth.

Rin's chopsticks shook, glanced at her, took a chopstick of vegetables and stuffed it into her mouth, and then took a piece of meat and stuffed it into the mouth of the wasteful meow who had just opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Rory is so annoying, just shut up after eating!

The two idiots immediately became elated, and the previous rivalry disappeared in an instant.

Gu hehe, Xiao Rin, people still want it.


In order to prevent the two idiots from affecting his eating, Rin simply took a bite, and then fed each of them to cover his mouth.

But seeing that he might not have enough to eat, he immediately stopped feeding, staring at the two of them in disgust, while protecting the lunch box.

Ah, I'm full and comfortable.

In the end, Rin wiped his mouth, touched his stomach, returned the lunch box to the two like an uncle, then leaned back on the chair and fell into a state of paralysis.

After being fed, Elise fell into a pink state for a long time and did not regain her senses. Her heart seemed to be filled with strawberry yogurt cake, and she died of happiness.

Emilia on the side seemed expressionless, but there was a faint blush on her face, and there seemed to be something more in her blue eyes.

After resting for a while, they gradually quieted down, and after looking at each other, they didn't feel very good.

Emilia tugged at Rin's sleeves: In the future, I will give Di Aojiao a double serving, don't eat it, you stupid roe deer.

Elise puffed out her cheeks and waved her fist anxiously: I don't want it! I'll bring it to Xiao Rin in the future, Emilia is not allowed! Stupid Emilia should be locked in the room to study mathematics!

Rin directly gave a burst of chestnuts by himself, and said disdainfully: What are the quarrels, and then I will go to the teacher's restaurant with the poor ghost swordsman! 嘁...

Speaking, he turned his head away, scratched his face a little embarrassedly, and his tone softened a bit: Anyway...Thank you two, that, it's delicious, I'm a little bit happy, in the future...cough cough ,So be it.

Chapter 84 Circuit Diagram Plus 1

Gu hehe...Little Rin.

Elise's head was dizzy, and she felt that there were already 10,000 little Rins gently stroking her heart.

Don't want to think about it.

Emilia's body trembled, her eyes staring blankly at Rin's profile, and her hands couldn't help scratching around the corners of her clothes.

Rin coughed lightly and changed the subject: By the way, how's your tutoring for a few hours?

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