It's great to have a brother.

No matter how hard I work outside every day, when I get home, I can see my brother welcome her and give her something to eat. I'm so happy.

Brother, he must be good...

Chapter 131 Rin only belongs to our evil god! Plus 4

On the other side of the world, the northern snowy land of the Autumn Sky Continent.

Yin woke up from the dream again, clutching the animal skin blanket tightly, and a fine cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

This time, she dreamed of the gods again, and heard her oracles and guidance.

Although I don't know why, as long as I dream of this Lord God, I will feel a bit painful in the dream, like having a nightmare, and I will wake up in a trance.

But that doesn't matter!

While the image of the oracle in the dream was still relatively clear in her mind, she quickly took out the paint, spread out the pen and paper, and drew the characters in the painting stroke by stroke.

Fortunately, she has loved painting since she was a child, and her oil painting skills are quite good, and she can draw seven or eight points of that person's face.

I don't know how long it took, Yin put the pen aside, looked at the handsome and cute looking Zhengta in the painting, who looked very proud, and let out a long sigh of relief.

So, that's it.

Next, just follow the instructions of the oracle.

Yin glanced at the black three pupils in the palm of his hand again, and clenched the white palm tightly together.

Everything is the gift of the great God. Now that the children's illnesses have recovered and recovered, and the beliefs that have dissipated have begun to condense rapidly, she can clearly feel the increase in the abilities of the high priest.

In order to restore prosperity to Yuelun Kingdom, she must find the lost and fleeing citizens, and further expand the sect and dedicate more faith to the great god.

Yin's silver-gray eyes were full of determination, she got up and put on the high priest's robe, tidied her long silver hair down, put on a high priest's hat, and walked out of the tent.

Compared with the dead silence and decay ten days ago, now their country... or the church has recovered a lot of vitality, there are children chasing and making trouble during the lunch break, and the women can finally see smiles on their faces.

As soon as the sound came out, everyone stopped their own business, stood up immediately, put their fists in front of their hearts, and showed respect.

The High Priest.

Yuelun Kingdom is a religious country. There is no such thing as kings, princesses and princes. There are only priests, priests, priests and other positions.

According to the standards of other countries, Yin and Yan are equivalent to princesses and princes, but one of them is a high priest and the other is a guardian knight, which corresponds to the position in the church. The current leader is still empty.

If everyone was respected because of the bloodline of the Princess Yin, now it is entirely because of his status as a high priest and his achievements in curing diseases that even therapists can't do.

Yin nodded slightly in return, and asked people to gather all the clansmen...or believers together.

After waiting for an hour, Yan also returned with the members of the sect.

After all the members had arrived, Yin spread out the oil painting and said aloud.

Last night, the great god gave me another oracle!

The devotees fell to one knee, stretched out their hands, and shouted praises to the great God.

Our Holy Son, he has appeared!

The Great God guides us to find the Son of God. He is the only beloved brother of the Great God, the honor of the church, and the seed of hope. He will lead Yuelun Kingdom to lead the Great God Church to rebuild its glory! Finally welcome the arrival of the great God!

Our Son, Rin Phoenix!

Because Yin used the high priest's exclusive skill frenzy, the people below quickly cheered excitedly, as if they really saw the gods come to the world, the radiance enveloped the world, and the moment when he and his companions and family members gathered to bathe in the divine light.

Holy Son, Holy Son! Find the Holy Son!

But God tells us that the fallen brave, the shameless former demon king, the filthy kingdom swordsman, and the despicable saint of light, who have taken our holy son and tried to tarnish it, we must not Tolerable, so... my generation should take it as our duty to expand our faith and strengthen our power, and to take back the Holy Son, who belongs to the great God!

Recapture the Son! The Son belongs to the Great God!

Time is running out, and now we must go all out!

The pitch raised the scepter high, and the ability that he had just obtained called God-given on behalf of the messenger suddenly turned into countless black dots, wrapping all believers.

Open your minds and consciousness, and welcome the grace of the great God with the most pious attitude!

As the black spots entered the body, everyone felt that their physique had improved significantly, especially those who had begun to firmly believe in the great God because of their children's salvation, had made a qualitative leap.

The fighters of the religious order have improved the most. They used to have an average level of about 20. Now the average level has been directly raised by six or seven levels. Even the older generation of high-level warriors have been promoted by one or two levels.

Seeing the improvement of their abilities with their own eyes, everyone believed in the great God even more at this time, and the level of belief increased again.

Only the more fanatical and devout they are, the more people and the higher their beliefs, the more powerful the gifts they can receive.

Yin is full of confidence in the future, as long as the small countries and tribes near Eden are infiltrated, they will become stronger and stronger as there are more and more believers.

Because of the blessings of the gods and her special ability as a high priest, they will expand rapidly and sweep the continent soon.

Lord Rin, the hope of the church, we are

Must win!


Ding, remind the host, the next is a villain

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