
Near Geumho-dong, Seongdong-gu, a person with special abilities management office.

The exam hall located on the 14th basement floor is in full swing for the ‘international standard 4th grade upgrade screening’.

The test, which started in the morning, consisted of various tasks such as in-depth interviews, analysis of battle logs, measurement of physical abilities, and ability to perform tactics.

Time passes in the blink of an eye, the afternoon of the same day.

I am lost in contemplation ahead of the final ability test.

The meticulous preparations made by officials from the management bureau and manager Park Yu-jin were futile, but it was because the Russian examiners were holding on to their pods.

“I want you to pull the doll in a little more?”

“… inside? not outside? Did you translate correctly?”

“Yes. Isn’t the picture good when it flies coolly? … .”

“… … .”

It’s not exactly a pod, it’s like excessive parenting, but anyway.

It takes a considerable amount of time to rearrange the doll, and my head is filled with the conversation I had with the parrot the day before.

‘So what is your ultimate goal? Just to constantly fight the apostles of evil spirits?’

‘no. The ultimate goal is to prevent the sixth sun from rising.’

‘The sixth sun?’

‘From a human standpoint, the second era has opened with the appearance of monsters, but from the perspective of the Aztec gods, the present is… Because it’s just a spare time given for a while. Now that the fifth sun has set, it means that they will want to become the sixth sun.’

It was the sixth sun, Nabal, and the new head, and it was a story that was quite far from the goddess of the moon.

‘Of course, it is closely related to the contract. Koyolsauki… Big hum. Do you remember what the moon goddess said? What did you want?’

‘The peace of the lost body.’

‘right. And to achieve that goal, you must subdue the one who beheaded her, the evil god Witchilopochtli. He is a hummingbird living in the west, and a god called the hummingbird from the south. Do not misunderstand. I’m not saying to fight God with a mere human body.’


‘Let the planets across the sky fight among the gods, but we’ll do what we can on Earth. Even if it’s an evil god, we should help the unfavorable ones, subdue the advantageous ones, and make those who aren’t on our side.’

Like Venetus, the servant of the goddess of water.

The afterword has many meanings.

It’s not easy to avoid people’s eyes even if you drag only one dog, but shouldn’t you put a few more on top of that?

It’s not a pleasant story for me. Even if I’m strong, I have to be strong, leading a strong group didn’t fit my personality.

‘I know what you mean. In the end, you’re telling me to help the Earth eat the land of other planets, by killing the apostles.’


‘But are these guys helpful? They say that the three Gods joined hands.’

‘That’s why I fill it with numbers.’


‘yes. The alliance of the three itself is also on the verge, except for the gods who have fallen into eternal sleep… It’s about one hundred and eighty people.’

‘… … .’

‘No surprise. There are four hundred brothers and sisters of the Moon Goddess alone. Those guys were also decapitated by Witchilopochtli and became stars in the sky, but now there are only about 30 left. It’s unfortunate that he’s a sure ally.’

From what I’ve heard, it sounds like you’re asking me to take 180 dogs with you. At that point, he’s not a hero, but a villain among villains.

No, I just want to be treated as a living disaster.

‘But don’t be vigilant. Even the evil spirits won’t take Lee Yong-su and you as lightly as before. Individual power is also power, but I recognized the fact that it entered under the system of mankind. Didn’t you catch the bigger one?’


‘yes. I cut the string on the smoking mirror. Therefore, he won’t be able to eat the emotion of fear for a while now that his substitute has been destroyed. As a level 5 or 6 monster, if you look at it as a side dish, it feels like bean sprouts? It’s an absurd level to fill the stomach.’

‘What does that have to do with hummingbirds in the west?’

‘Even Witchilopochtli will raise his guard by looking at the smoke in the mirror. You will realize once again the importance of apostles. Maybe it already is.’

‘… It’s complicated.’

‘There’s nothing complicated about it. We’re not fighting to win.’

‘what does it mean?’

‘The moon goddess does not intend to become the sixth sun. I don’t even want that in the first place. she would rather die Like a warrior, in the right and proper way. That’s the peace of the lost body.’

Then, out of nowhere, manager Park Yoo-jin comes and cuts off the time for contemplation.

“Yongsu-san, are you ready? This one is ready.”

“… Yes.”

“Is there anything wrong with the equipment? Whether it’s a gauntlet or a jewel… … . Shall we check one more time?”


As the woman said, on the other side of the exam hall were six dolls that played the role of a 7th-level monster tightly packed.

In addition, in the center, a block of alloy with reinforcements for a class 4 monster is waiting.

“Do you need anything else?”

At this, I stand up and shake my head.

There was an examiner from Russia, wizards to help with the test, officials from the administration and HT Group, and reporters, but we couldn’t just wait.


“What time is it now?”

“It’s 8:20 p.m.”

“Is the moon rising outside?”

“Because the exam hall is underground… Shall we go check it out?”

Despite the bizarre question, the docile manager looks like he’s about to run.

Of course, there was no need to check.

[Moonlight (Moonlight)]

The conditional ability was already shining.

* * *

After outside personnel exit the premises.

Park Yoo-jin goes up to the bleachers and bites her nails while standing behind the judges.

It’s not that I don’t trust Lee Yong-soo, but not being anxious is another matter. The plan that the HT group worked hard for could move on to the next step only when the first button was sewn.

“Lee will pass easily.”

Then, as if out of the blue, a Russian official who had been watching him offered words of consolation.

He spoke English as befits a member of the International Association of Talented Persons, and thanks to that, smooth communication took place.

“Did you show a lot of worries? I’m a little disappointed. If it is 4th grade by international standards, it is considered to be semi-3rd grade in Korea… … . To be honest, I feel nervous.”

“Yes. It will definitely be a turning point in the hero’s career. But I didn’t say anything empty. The sensor metrics are better than expected.”


“Do you want to come and see me? It’s okay to look at it from a distance.”

While a third-class wizard prepares protection magic, Park Yu-jin does not refuse the favor of the other person.

on the desk.

In the monitor screen, all sorts of data, such as the test site control system and Lee Yong-su’s armor sensor data, are listed sequentially.

“The energy level is very good. As you can see, the sensors are screaming, no matter where they are. Does this level of circulation efficiency usually come out? I heard that you are Lee’s representative.”

“uh… Yes. Yes. Originally, this much comes out.”

It’s a white lie.

No matter how much he is said to be the best prospect in Korea, he was not good enough to trigger a red warning light.

In my experience, the yellow light came on only when the condition was good, and then only the right arm turned red when it reached a critical crisis.

“Well, the amount of energy in the body that I checked earlier was not normal. Normally, the promotion review takes place over two days, but the examiners joked that it might be over in one day.”

“… Do skill tests sometimes end on the same day?”

“Sometimes when the results are satisfactory. Registering a hero’s profile with the International Association of Specialized Persons means fully revealing their skills, and most of them want their abilities to be recorded at their maximum. In other words, to bring out the maximum output of key skills over two days. On the other hand, very few of them finish in a short time. Like there’s no need to try twice.”

And just in time, the examiner’s voice rang through the microphone.

The wizard’s defensive magic construction work was over.

[21, May, 2029. 20:26.]

[Grade 4, Special request, Code 2.]

[We will conduct a technical test.]

As a result, those who had been pacing around the audience rushed to the window all at once.

Grade 4 Special Judging.

It’s an interesting gamble, with 9 million tonnes of grain lost if the outcome is bad.

[Proceed sequentially as specified by the candidate in advance.]

[The first step is the L1, combination ability destructive power test.]

[Start as soon as you are ready.]

As soon as a clear signal is dropped, noise is heard from all over the bleachers.

They chatted while recalling prior information, and the Russian examiners were no exception.

“What was the first time?”

“It was like ‘denial’, ‘breakdown’, and ‘household’. One specialized ability and two general abilities.”

“Is the name of the specialized ability negative? It’s the first time I’ve heard of it except in the house. bankruptcy? Can we understand it as a technology related to destruction? Who translated this?”

“Never mind the name… Look at this. It looks like a picture of the energy in the body pulsating.”

“The transition process is neat. I think he’s going to shoot it with his right hand.”

Indeed, as the red light flickers on the monitor, a bleak atmosphere is sensed even inside the test site.

Immediately after the energy source in the body escaped from the bowl of supernatural ability and rushed towards the gauntlet, and was amplified to the maximum through the three jewels.

On the surface, it seemed that a haze of power appeared, but soon it poured out sparks like electricity.

“… what? Are sparks flying?”

“The haze of power has already passed. No wonder. Did you catch a level 2 monster? If only the air around me had shivered, I would have been rather puzzled.”

However, the sign of understanding was short-lived.


As Lee Yong-soo stretched out his gauntlet, the audience was enveloped in silence for a moment.

If [Disruption] is a technique that makes hundreds of saw blades overlap, then [Focus] serves to maintain the center of disorderly outstretching.

As even [uncleanness] was mixed in the narrower range, the shield built by the wizard, the body of the doll, and even the lump of alloy that assumed a 4th-class monster were swept away at once.


What’s more, shrapnel splattered and left scars on the floor of the testing room. Some of them have penetrated about a third of the reinforced walls, raising doubt about the safety of the building.

Only Park Yu-jin, who clenched her fists at the thought of succeeding, shows a shy expression.

This is because the people around him expressed embarrassment rather than joy.

“what… Is it wrong?”

The answer to the question comes back slowly.

“… Yes. Really, it must be difficult to finish the examination within today.”

“Why, why? Isn’t that a good thing? You did a great job!”

The Russian I spoke with earlier nodded with a devastated smile.

“Yes. I did well, but I did too badly.”


“This is an international promotion review, right? As I said before, I have to test several techniques, so I make the kaiju model harder than normal. The mage’s shield is set to level 4, but the body is assumed to be level 3. So, on average, there are two days. It’s better to capture the moment of complete destruction for media coverage. By the way… Are there only skeletons left?”

“… … .”

“Ignoring the time to re-set, I only have one piece of spare material… … .”

“… … .”

“… It is a compliment.”

It’s a lie.

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