244 episodes

As I expressed my positive thoughts, a special envoy from Japan arrived.

In his early 40s, he revealed that he was from Okinawa, who had a southern appearance that was different from the existing Japanese.

“Choi Jun-ho, Superin! My name is Tamaki.”

“Nice to meet you.”

After a brief greeting.

Tamaki seemed to be in a hurry, and went straight to the point.

“Currently, Japan needs Choi Jun-ho’s power. Please save the Okinawans from hell!”

And his behavior was unexpected.


Tamaki used Togeza and asked me a favor. The president and Chun Myeong-guk seemed to be embarrassed by the sudden action.

In fact, I was just observing the action. It is a very common strategy to create a hole in the other person’s mind by pretending to be weak. There is no reason for my heart to falter or tremble with this.

“Wake up.”

“Please help… … .”

“I’m saying it because it’s not helpful to have a conversation in that position.”

“What do you mean?”

Tamaki, full of anticipation, raised his head and met their eyes.

Aside from Togeza, I thought I’d help anyway. It’s more in line with my interests than the feeling of pity for Okinawans, but wouldn’t it be nice to have something good?

“We are here to help.”

“I, really? thank you! Thank you again!”

thud! thud! I was banged on my head, so I stopped and decided to talk about the next issue.

Taken from https://readwn.com

My interest is about the plus stage monsters that appeared in Okinawa.

In response, Tamaki said that it suddenly appeared one day and is destroying the Okinawan coast.

There are times when monsters appear on the shore, but it was strange to appear without any warning.

It looks like he’s hiding something.

Tamaki thought it was the same thing, but he also sympathized with this questioning.

“I also think there is something strange about it. We are currently requesting a detailed response from the government, but we have not received a satisfactory answer.”

“You don’t even share information with the special envoy.”

“Maybe it’s because I’m from Okinawa.”

The answer comes after a bitter smile.

At first, I didn’t know what was wrong with it, but I understood that there was discrimination from the mainland.

So, until you say that there is a temperature difference in the salvation of Okinawa.

You are fighting a difficult war.

“As we obtain additional information, we promise to share it.”

“That’s right.”

Locally, it is called Aoi Wazawa, meaning blue disaster. It is said that it resembles a marlin on the outside, but since it has a long name, I’ll just call it marlin.


There were not many cases of marine monsters appearing out of nowhere.

There seems to be something hidden inside.

However, unless Tamaki gives a satisfactory answer, it is bound to be difficult to understand the story.

I’ll have to go there and check it out.

“When I’m ready, I go straight to Okinawa.”


“If you stop by the mainland and then visit, won’t it take longer? Tamaki-san, please pass it on to the Prime Minister.”

“All right! Thanks again for your help!”

“And it also helps you figure out what’s wrong.”

“It makes sense.”

So the conversation with Tamaki ended.

I can’t wait to see how much force smelting will work for plus stage monsters.

* * *

The day the Japanese envoy returned, Junho Choi also went out to hunt monsters. It was a much faster movement compared to other times. The president did not block the expedition when he said that Jun-ho Choi had something to test against monsters.

There was already a discussion under the water about what kind of price to get from Japan.

The government’s job is to collect the price.

Because of Choi Jun-ho’s active efforts, he was able to get a little more than expected, but there was no regret as it was a profit that would not have occurred without him.

“Moving fast means there’s something worthwhile.”

“Maybe you got a gift.”

“Are you a saint?”

“It is very likely.”

“A gift from God? Even God can’t touch it.”

“It sounds like you made a lot of leaps and bounds.”

“But it doesn’t really feel like a mistake.”

Can you even copy a gift from God? It didn’t make sense to me that the new punishment was scary, but I could tell how great Choi Jun-ho’s distribution was.

“Since Junho Choi is a superman, there is no need to worry.”

“So is he. Even when the opponent is a god, I’m not worried, but it would be strange if I was worried about a plus-level marine monster.”

“I don’t think anything will actually happen.”

“Are you trying to say that I care about buying it?”

“Is that possible?”

“But it’s not wrong.”

The existence of a superhuman capable of exerting a powerful influence on the general trend allowed a diplomatic foundation to be established. Junho Choi’s presence was giving Korea a huge advantage.

“Something is going on in Japan. I have to figure it out.”

“I lost the superhuman without finding the essence of the artificial divine beast. After that, he’s been quiet and silent, but I think he’s sharpening his knife behind him.”

“In the meantime, he must have been watching us hit and run, so even more so.”

The Japanese government must be feeling a serious sense of crisis while watching South Korea thrive.

“But the interesting thing is that even the Japanese government doesn’t look for Choi Jun-ho.”

“I guess I did too.”


“Choi Junho Superman has become a burdensome entity to swallow in the Japanese government. When used well, it becomes an ineffective elixir, but if mishandled a little, it becomes a deadly poison that poisons everyone. From the point of view of the Japanese government, it seems that they have given up on the idea of dealing with Choi Jun-ho and Superman.”

“When I hear that, I think of the hardships I’ve been through.”

“ah… … .”

The President and Cheon Myeong-guk looked back on their memories from the moment they accepted Choi Jun-ho.

Although each of them is going through the twilight and adult years of their lives, the time spent with Choi Jun-ho felt the longest.

There were so many incidents and accidents that I was so confused in my head that I couldn’t organize them.

“You have to bear the bomb now. Are you okay?”

“You can.”

“I don’t like the expression on his face like that. I feel sorry for myself.”

“it’s okay. Even if it is a pity that I have seen blood in the meantime, I will hold Choi Jun-ho and use it thrifty.”

His voice was full of confidence, but Cheon Myeong-guk’s expression was blurred.

As if he had to carry a heavy load, the president tapped Cheon Myeong-guk on the shoulder with a sad expression on his face.

“Think of the next runner and do your best.”

“it’s okay. As my next president, I will try to amend the constitution and change it to a two-term tenure system, and I plan to renew my contract with Choi Jun-ho.”

Then the new president will be with Choi Jun-ho throughout his term, assuming he will be re-elected.

“… … .”

Hearing the evil plan, the president was speechless.

* * *

The road to Okinawa was quite cumbersome. On the way from Busan to Okinawa, passing through Tsushima, monsters attacked more than five times.

I wondered if these guys were sane, but what I felt while hunting was that something was confusing.

[The ecosystem is dizzy.]

“Did you feel it too?”

[Usually, in this case, the predator stirs it up into a mess.]

Yong-yong’s explanation was that there was no reason to be a predator.

The expansive sea was not narrow enough for high-ranking monsters to fight for territory. Occasionally, they collided over a good position, but most were in a stable state.

[Especially, it is a relatively stable place because it is not far from Hyuna’s area. This chaos must be controlled by Hyuna, but something is strange.]

“I mean, what’s wrong?”

After hearing Yong-yong’s words, I can understand roughly what the situation is. I don’t care. Thanks to this, I was able to test the power of force smelting against sea monsters.

Even if there was an obstacle called the sea, the hole in the monster’s head was the same.

But not being free in the sea was also inconvenient. Didn’t I also ask Hyuna to give the dog the blessing the dog received?

Woof woof!

The guy who caught my gaze made fun of me, but it was only seen as a deception of the one who had it in my eyes.

Did you mean to drop it in the sea to develop your blessing?

“… for a moment.”

Come to think of it, if the blessing that Hyuna gave to the dog is like a gift, wouldn’t it be copied with the blood of the dog’s heart?

There’s no reason to be envious if you make a copy, right?

All of a sudden, I thought, but this seemed quite probable.

… bruise!

The dog, who met my gaze, seemed to feel anxious and slowly retreated.

Yes, the yacht was narrow compared to the size of the dog. It’s not something I’m going to eat right away, but I’m not going to pretend I’m scared.

I’ve been wanting to try it right now, but it’s too early.

It’s something I’ll do slowly after I’m done with everything.

It is also a situation in which Man Deuk-i and Gwang-shim did not properly train new recruits.

By the time we arrived in Okinawa on a yacht, the shoreline was already swamped as if we had fought a battle.

It’s rare for a normal monster to destroy something so tenaciously, but it was clear that there was a hidden story that I didn’t know.

Taken from https://readwn.com

Meanwhile, I arrived in Okinawa.

According to Tamaki, he was in an isolated state, and he was able to enter the island without difficulty. I tried to deal with it right away when I saw it, but what is this?

When we got off the boat, the Awakened from Okinawa came out and asked us to wait for a moment, and after a while, the person in charge appeared.

He was a man in his mid-50s with a strong build and copper-colored skin. He greeted me in fluent Korean.

“This is Josuke, Governor of Onikawa Prefecture. Thank you for coming a long way. Choi Junho Superin!”

“Nice to meet you.”

After shaking hands with him, he asked how he could speak Korean. It is said that the Korean craze is blowing among high-ranking Japanese people these days.

If you don’t want to run into me and be misunderstood, do you have to learn how to say a few words?

I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing wrong with being a villain.

[Will the victims not think so?]

First of all, we moved to our seats to discuss the details.

The atmosphere in Naha city was chaotic. And the building had been destroyed, and I wondered if the evacuees had caused a commotion, but Josuke said it wasn’t.

“This monster is destroying not only the coastline, but also the city by throwing other marine monsters.”

It is said that the whole of Okinawa is engulfed in fear because of the relentless attack of marlins.

“Is there no help from the mainland?”

Anger crept across Josuke’s face.

“… They only say they will help, but they are putting off their application. The natives don’t seem willing to sacrifice anything to protect this place!”

He was voicing his anger, saying that the locals were suffering the damage.

First of all, I decided to ask Josuke to share his research on this monster.

“The movement of the monster was strange.”

“Yes. That’s right. He treats Okinawa as if it were an all-powerful beast.”

“Do you know anything?”

“There is not. Originally, that guy was a monster that lived closer to the Philippines than here, and had no connection with this place at all. But ten days ago, it suddenly appeared and started destroying everything on the shore.”

It was as if the end of the world had come. The islanders were isolated on the island overnight, and they were engulfed in fear that a monster throwing attack might be attempted.

It’s been said that he’s been resting for a while now, but when he tries to leave the island, he notices it like a ghost and attacks him. As of now, there are no more ships to get on and run away.

At first glance, it seems peaceful, but Josuke explained that it wouldn’t be long either.

“The fact that they are only attacking here means that there are targets.”

Josuke countered my guess.

“There is one fact that can be inferred from several facts.”


“Aoi Wazawai destroyed the shoreline while staying in one spot to explore, and each time the number of marine monsters on the shoreline is increasing exponentially. It gives the impression that you are looking for something.”

“Are you looking for?”


At first, I thought it was a simple attack. However, watching the relentless attacks continue as if they were dealing with the Cheolcheon supporter, he speculated that this side might have contributed to the cause.

Otherwise, there would be no reason for a monster that had stayed in their realm for several years to come here and run wild.

“There are speculations that it was pushed back by a territorial dispute.”

“Your current behavior is unexplained.”

“Even the experts said so.”

Above all, if a plus-level monster was pushed back in a realm battle, that fact would be even more terrifying.

At least it’s a stronger plus-level monster, in the worst case it’s a two-horned monster.

Of course, since Hyuna is there, I know that the possibility does not exist.

“This is just speculation, though.”

Josuke silenced his voice and looked around as if someone was spying on him and said to me.

“Aoi Wajiwai seems to be looking for a cub.”

It was a stinky word.

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