271 episodes

After a fruitful conversation with Ki-Yeol Han, I returned to Seoul.

Originally, after filming Busan, I was going to go west and go round one round, but when I said that I was going to have a self-cleaning effect, it became more ambiguous to help.

Still, the offer I received in Busan didn’t seem bad, so I went to Se-hee Lee and talked about business.

“It’s great. Is this Busan mayor the right person?”

“Didn’t you first rate it highly?”

“The part that I highly rated was the part that worked without noise. But it shows more than that.”

“It’s not good to be modest.”

“yes. It was because he was a colorless and odorless person when he was a close aide to the president. It’s great to be able to do that kind of work in a position like that.”

Having said that, Se-hee Lee was pensive for a moment, and then made an improvised decision.

“I can’t. Junho decided to support Busan, but we cannot stand still. We need to increase our support for Busan and set up a studio for the Big Bang series there.”

“Is that okay?”

“Yes, the president will allow it. Please respect my judgment. And this is not just for Junho, it helps the group as well.”

Lee Se-hee explained the reason step by step.

First of all, focusing on Busan is advantageous for the export of the Big Bang series.

When I activated the dragon claws on the oil refinery carriers, not only oil transportation but also large-scale transportation became possible.

It is impossible to return to Korea from Saudi Arabia, but there is room to go from Korea to Saudi Arabia.

Shinsung Group’s profits are maximizing as they said they would pay part of the payment for the Big Bang series. Through those profits, I also ran out of Congo.

Busan is one of the major bases, and he said that he intends to preempt the trade market that will grow in the future.

… All of this, of course, is when the oil tanker that left for Saudi Arabia returns safely.

Experts were also predicting the possibility of failure, but Se-hee Lee showed a strong conviction for success.

“It’s something Junho promoted, there’s no way it could fail, right?”

“Believe me, it’s not bad.”

“It will definitely work. So, it’s an investment in advance.”

You seem to have a strong mind. Of course I am, but I do not think of failure.

As well as the dog’s ability to synchronize with the dragon’s claws, even if a sea monster appears, the dog will be able to deal with it.

Even thinking about it again, I am envious of the blessings I received from Hyuna.

“Thanks to Junho, global logistics can once again be intertwined. If you use this, you can get huge profits. The business world has already sniffed it, and anyone who is savvy in politics will know the power it has.”

So it must have been that he was trying to stick the spoon in somehow. I didn’t like it, but after hearing Yoongi Kim’s words, I handed out some of the rice cakes.

The effect was greater than I expected, and since then, nothing that annoys me has happened.

However, the business world is still looking for opportunities.

It doesn’t matter, but I didn’t feel the need to go ahead and take care of it.

“If there is any predictable part of how it will change in the future, please let me know.”

“Can we be presumptuous?”

“Because I am curious about Shinsung Group’s point of view. As I said before, it’s not about preferential treatment, it’s about choosing a trusted partner.”

“I’ll tell you to prepare it right now.”

Lee Se-hee’s expression brightened when she smelled the money.

* * *

The next day after talking with Lee Se-hee, I headed to the Blue House. To report the results of the villain sweep to the president.

Several politicians have died, but many more villains have died. In the meantime, the citizens could not hide their astonishment at the fact that the villains were laundering their identities and secretly trying to become neighbors.

In the process, fierce criticism continued against politicians who colluded with villains.

It was the ruling party that suffered the most, followed by the opposition party. At the same time, politicians were criticized for being one-sided, and party approval ratings shifted to the shady class.

What is interesting is that the approval rating for the government has been announced. The government’s approval rating, which is maintained separately from the ruling party, shows that the people have strong faith in the government.

It’s exactly what the president said before I left Sweep the Villains. The approval ratings of the ruling party and the government were largely separate from each other.

This must be because the president’s skills are so great. And if Cheon Myeong-guk could inherit that approval rating, the election would be a bonus.

“Han Ki-yeol One thing is certain about that friend. Without faith, I would not have been sent down to Busan.”

When he praised the mayor of Busan at the meeting with the president, he smiled satisfied.

“Han Ki-yeol saw it right. Busan is a place with high potential. It sounds like you’re full, but now that you’re recovering from the threat of monsters, it’s not good to focus on the metropolitan area. From a long-term perspective, it would be good to develop the Southeast region.”

The president plans to support not only the southeast region but also the Honam region, based in Gunsan, so that it can continue its growth.

As you can see, everything had a plan.

He seemed to understand why the mayor of Busan was from a close aide to the president. Pushing and pulling each other like this will make it better.

However, if Chun Myeong-guk becomes president, I wonder if cooperation will be this good, but we will have to wait and see.

The president, who was looking at me, suddenly asked.

“Did you like Han Ki-yeol?”

“He did a good job.”

“I wouldn’t have offended you either.”

“… … .”

I don’t know how difficult it is for me to adjust to myself. I’m not as demanding as I thought.

[Please listen to what others have to say.]

Yong-yong said that I and other people would have different opinions, but what do you do after listening to other people’s opinions? My standards are more important.

[Ah, I’m dying of frustration.]

like that or not. The President seems to have something he wants to emphasize to me.

“Don’t hate politicians too much.”

“Do I seem to think so?”

“I don’t see anything you’re trying to get away from.”

“That’s right.”

There’s nothing good about being close. And that guy is that guy.

This was a thought I had while cleaning up this villain. Apparently, the president was concerned that my thoughts would turn into disgust.

“It makes politicians anxious. In that respect, it was a good thing I accepted Kim Yoon-gi’s proposal.”

“Anyone is in trouble. It has to be someone who can bring profits to my company.”

“Because there are such talented people in each party. What’s more important is the place you can take care of. The ruling and opposition parties would have taken it as a positive sign.”

Is there any room for my little favor to be interpreted so much?

“There are a lot of good politicians who are hard to see. It’s only good for people who do bad things.”

“Isn’t it better for me to keep some distance from politics?”

“Politicians want that. But for the sake of this country, politicians need to be more vigilant. For that, it wouldn’t hurt to have you close by. Above all, if you move away from politics, there is a high possibility that policies that are completely opposite to your opinions will come out of your own accord.”

That would result in unnecessary consumption of power for me, and the risk of Choi Jun-ho in the political realm.

“Keep a reasonable distance. It will be beneficial to you as well.”

“Let’s pay more attention to politics.”

As long as I promised to establish myself in society, I had no intention of throwing away what I had accumulated over the years in vain.

Looking at these days, maybe my political power has gotten better?

Looking at the conversation with Han Ki-yeol reminded me of my aunt and grandmother’s hometown.

[But your hometown is Busan, right?]

or what It’s important to attach a reason.


That’s basically what the world is all about.

“And, hmm!”


Suddenly, he coughed and looked hesitant.

“Keep it a secret that I gave this advice.”


I did not understand, so I asked with a puzzled expression.

“Perhaps if this conversation spreads, all resentment will be directed at me?”

The president does not want to give up on a leisurely life after he leaves office.

well People say that if you don’t work after retirement, you will grow old rapidly, but I didn’t want that to happen because I think of the president as a trustworthy politician.

People don’t grow old if they keep paying attention to something.

“I will try.”

Of course, there was no soul in the answer.

If the opportunity does not come, I will not tell you, but if someone asks, do you really need to keep it a secret?

After retirement, I can change my mind because I’m bored, so I’ll have to go see it then and decide.

“Thank you.”

The president, unaware of my thoughts, smiled with a relieved expression.

* * *

After finishing the internal crackdown, I worked on reforging the dull blade.

The ones with the best taste are Berserkers and Dogs. Now the dog has gone far to get my oil, so all that’s left is a Berserker.

Berserkers should rejoice. Because I, the world’s strongest superman, care so much.

[I think I want to commit suicide.]

not. Berserker would love that guy.

But these days, I’m out of breath, so I’ll have to catch it again.

The guy who had been busy training Jung Joo-ho these days was different from usual in the way he looked ahead of me.

It’s a subtlety that no one else can recognize, but I can’t fool my eyes.

I stared at the Berserker quietly and then moved on.

“Are things different these days?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your overall airflow.”

Before, there was something that seemed to burn everything down at any moment.

But now the fire has waned.

I knew it vaguely, but when I paid attention, I immediately saw it.

“Can you even notice that? You seem to be getting stronger every day. I don’t think there are any limits.”

“If you are satisfied, further progress will be slowed down.”

Taken from https://readwn.com

Maybe I could have stagnated, but as I had a target I wanted to cut off the neck with my own hands, I had the will to become stronger.

“is it.”

“Are you satisfied?”

“It is not. I am still trying to get stronger.”

But not everyone in the world is like me. The Berserker guy looks tired.

“It changed because I had something to protect.”

When walking around as a villain, Berserker had no qualms. Literally, it was a continuation of the day to see the star moment that he was pursuing.

But Berserker, who became a superman as a citizen rather than a villain, was different.

I have a family to protect.

There was a big difference between having something to keep and not having something to keep. Apparently, Berserker is more than one tossing in the gap between them.

“Why are you… … .”


“Why are you unaffected?”

“If there is, wouldn’t that be more of a problem?”


Berserker’s expression did not understand.

“If you care about that and miss the time to get stronger, that’s a bigger problem. If you think that the stronger I get, the safer my family will be, and that will change my mind.”

[How the hell are you trying to keep your family safe?]

I don’t know about that, but wouldn’t it be safer if I became stronger than I am now?

[I think you just need to reduce the enemy… … .]

If we depend on such means, development will stagnate and set back at some point.

I don’t know about Berserker or Yong-yong, but I made the mistake of losing my family once.

It wasn’t that I didn’t have enough energy back then. But the more power, the better.

Power creates options, and when you have someone who can help you make good choices, your surroundings are stable.

Berserker hasn’t gotten that strong yet.

Then let me know.

“don’t worry. I will change your mind.”

“Come on, wait.”

Berserker’s face darkened.

You know what I mean. That’s why it’s good to have a guy you can talk to.

“If I get injured, it could interfere with Joo-Ho Jung’s training.”

“It’s okay, I can do it for you.”

Taken from https://readwn.com

Maybe Jung Joo-ho would like it even more?

It’s disappointing that you’re only giving it that much excuse.

You don’t like fighting with me, so you use Jung Joo-ho as a shield?

This proves that Berserker’s mind is rotten.

If not corrected quickly, it will stretch further.

“don’t worry. Because I specialize in human transformation.”

The boy’s expression became determined as he thought it could not be avoided.

“… I’ll take one of your arms.”

[No, why is Dalian so cruel? Where’s the human battle from the beginning?]

* * *

After finishing the close match with the Berserker, I also called the Zolaman and had a bout.

It is a dimension that uses the senses to catch the thunderbird. It may not be my family register, but you sharpen your persimmons by beating them.

This guy has grown quite a bit while using the excuse that he stayed with me to solidify his relationship with me. He pretends to be stupid, but he is smart, so he learns the theory quickly and applies it to the body step by step based on it.

“There is something I want in America.”

“Jun Ho! America is our eternal friend! Say anything.”

“Are you really saying something?”

“… No, not that. You have to watch it in moderation. It’s just that I’m afraid.”

I didn’t say anything, but I was scared.

“There is a guy in America I want to kill.”

“Kill? Are you talking about the league?”

“No, thunderbird.”


“It’s called a thunderbird.”

“… … .”

momentary silence. And the startled guy got up from his seat and shouted.


“I’m trying to catch a thunderbird, so I wish I could borrow a road from America.”

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