278 episodes

Finally finished talking and left the suite. Daniel Logan asked, looking at Herbert wiping dry sweat.

“Herbert, why did you do that?”

“Because the opponent is the strongest in the world. If you don’t receive it, it’s obvious that they won’t give you faith, but it’s only natural. By the way, the results of testing the world’s strongest are harsh. It’s a lot more brutal than what I’ve seen and received. Especially when Jack and Chris didn’t do anything really… … .”

Daniel exploded at Herbert’s generosity.

“Throw yourself just to check it out? You are president!”

“Haha, throwing it. The past happened unexpectedly. A shameful past. But that’s how you got to know Choi Jun-ho’s disposition, right? That’s it.”

“It’s the sound of having a hole in your ankle and doing well.”

Daniel Logan yelled, but Herbert’s face was smirk.

“He’s a guy who only uses his hands to sense energy. Even if I tried to hide it, one day it would be revealed. This is how much damage was minimized. It’s a high price for a young man.”

“… … .”

Daniel Logan shook his head.

Whatever it was, it was beyond imagination. Neither the guy nor Choi Jun-ho is normal. That’s why this clash happened, and it ended up in this bizarre form.

Don’t you know that you almost got brainwashed?

‘No, I don’t know.’

Although it seems infinitely light, it was Herbert who instinctively handled the situation perfectly.

In many cases, that choice became a paving stone that reached places that he had not explored.

It might be the same in this case.

Using Jun-ho Choi to expel power from the league is a dangerous idea, but there is no one who can cut such a bold and decisive sword.

“Being among crazy people makes me feel weird.”

“Hey, you still drag me too far.”

“Think about what you did and say it.”

“Thinking about it that way, I think it was cheaper to block it.”

Daniel Logan met Herbert’s gaze and smiled.

“It’s a gun that can punch a hole in our head at any time, but we managed to divert the gun to the other side.”

“From that point of view, it’s a huge success.”

“We ended up with a hole in the body, but how much damage can the League guys minimize? Probably not. Then this place is back in our hands. We can recreate the time when we will relive the old glory.”

Herbert muttered with a look of anticipation.

* * *

The next day, Zolaman, who visited my room, was startled by the horrors unfolding in the room.

“Jun Ho! what’s this?”

In the plan that did not completely erase the traces of the battle the previous day, anyone could see that there was a bloody clash.

Anna Christine said that it should be cleaned, but it was unnecessary to call in someone to do it for nothing. I didn’t have to tell the neighbors about what happened here, and I didn’t want anyone I didn’t know to enter the room.

So, despite the promise to change the room, I just rested comfortably in the broken room.

“not a big deal. We got to know each other.”

“Is that the end?”

“Oh, look. Who wouldn’t die?”

“Are there any bloodstains over there?”

“Who is going to die with that much?”

“By the way, ha! It’s fucking hot.”

Shaking his head, he didn’t ask any more about what happened yesterday.

I’m going to find out later anyway, but pretend not to be.

But most likely they didn’t know that the president of the United States was a follower of the league in the past. It wouldn’t be good to be known.

Instead, he explained why he came to me.

“You said it last time. There are a lot of talented people in my lab! I will introduce you to the university today.”

“Is that so?”

“Maybe it will be very helpful?”

“To me?”

“yes. There are a lot of people who have a lot to ask Junho. And this will help Junho.”

If Zolaman hadn’t come, I wanted to look around the city today, but the city can be viewed at any time. Zolaman said he was from Stanford, and this place was once the birthplace of some of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs.

It would have been nice if I could have hired a decent manpower, but I was wondering what it would be like.

And I wondered how it would be more helpful to me.

[What if it doesn’t help?]

Then, I’ll have to do a few battles that Zolaman likes so much.

After getting ready, I went out with Zolaman and got in the car. From the outside, it didn’t look like a place where all kinds of powers were mixed like junk.

It just seems like a good city to live in. That means that the balance of various powers is barely maintained. The decision to break that balance would not have been easy.

“Did anything change?”

“I have. There are so many.”

As he drove, Zolaman talked about changes all over California.

First of all, I became very insensitive to the crimes taking place in the city. Indoor parking was used when visiting all the stores, and ordinary citizens had to carry guns and move around.

As a result, the number of firearms accidents is increasing explosively every year, and most of them are caused by misunderstandings because they do not trust each other.

The seeds of evil are so deeply embedded in the ground that it is difficult to root them out, and the deterioration of public security is so severe.

“I can’t say that’s not right. The downstream people who couldn’t even enter the league often loot shops, and all kinds of criminal organizations are promoting the league name. If you show any signs of weakness, you will be eaten immediately.”


Even in the world of the weak and the weak, the reason that order is maintained is that it is possible to carry firearms. It would have been unthinkable in Korea.

That was then.


Doo doo doo doo!

A loud gunshot rang out along with the sound of glass breaking. From a distance, the masked villains were trying to loot the store.

What’s even more surprising is the reaction of those around you. The shops around the river lowered their shutters as if they were disrespectful, and prepared themselves to be vigilant against the intrusion of villains.

The series of processes was as natural as flowing water.

“Stop the car.”


Zolaman reflexively stopped the car and I got out and headed straight for the sound.

A gunfight was already taking place there. The owner of the shop was alone and the number of villains was ten, so it was clear that he would not be able to hold out for long.

“who… … .”


I twisted the villain’s neck and looked around. When the villains saw me suddenly appearing, they looked puzzled and turned their guns.

Phoebe! Phoebe Bit!

The bullet couldn’t penetrate my post and slid down. The other villain thought it was impossible with a gun, so he put force on his sword and hit it, but there were no scratches.

“Everyone run away!”

I judged fairly quickly, but after getting the sniper, no one could get out of my hand.

puck! Pub!

The heads of the villains hit by my sniper exploded. In an instant, all but one of them had their heads exploded and collapsed.

“Hey, monster!”

The last remaining guy also left those words as a will, then his head was broken and he collapsed. After completely repelling even the blood spatter with the possum, I raised my hand toward the shopkeeper who was watching me blankly, and then headed to the place where Zolaman’s car was.

“let’s go.”

“Are you going to go on like this?”

“Then what else?”

“Oh, no.”

Zolaman drove the car again. Silence fell for a moment.

I have a question, so I asked Zolaman.

“Does this usually happen?”

“Oh, that one?”


“It’s a lot more than you think. Without Junho’s help, the store owner wouldn’t have been able to hold on.”

“What if I couldn’t stand it?”

“It all goes away.”

to speak casually. Anyway, seeing that such a thing was everyday, I knew it was going to end.

So we arrived at Stanford not long after.

There I was thinking of meeting talented people and getting someone to do research for me.

What unfolded before my eyes was an unexpected sight.

“Is this a gym or a lab?”

Besides, everyone that Zolaman introduced me to was better than most bodybuilders. All of them are people who have gone through a Ph.D. course from Stanford, which is famous for being vicious.

What’s more ridiculous

“Jun Ho! If you have a strong secret, tell me!”

“Why can you come out without mercy?”

“The principle of this gift is so complicated, how did you solve it so easily?”

“Jun Ho! sleep… … .”

They all seemed to have learned Korean from the Zola Man, so they were putting Zola on every word.

It’s not just one, but several.

It’s ridiculous.

But it was not without harvest.

“The principle of the gift is so unique, isn’t it? Does the gift have the ability to think for itself?”

“Then, can you stimulate yourself with a gift so that you can grow on your own?”

“Is the gift personality theory followed by the evolution theory? Come on, you’re fresh!”

Dr. Lee’s bodybuilders were interpreting the gift theoretically and combining their specialties to expand their imaginations.

Hearing those words, I felt a surge of interest.

He was inferring whether the gift actually had an ego or whether it could evolve on its own.

Aren’t they normal heads?

I wondered what the results would be if I had this brain research my gift.

[You might end up being treated like a test subject, is that okay?]

Yong-yong made a sound close to a scream.

Oh, you might think so. But it doesn’t matter if you can get stronger, right?

No poison or drug can affect me anyway. I survived even after being covered with the venom of the pangolin, but there’s something more poisonous than that.

Right now, my interest was focused on getting stronger.

I looked at Zolaman smiling bitterly and asked.

“Are they really like this?”

“I’m crazy about research. However, I believe that this research will make humanity stronger and allow it to survive the threat of monsters.”

“You brought me here to show you this.”

“I know Junho needs my friends. That would certainly be beneficial to mankind. But I want to dig a little deeper. And this will help Junho more directly.”


I’m not saying it’s wrong.

Zolaman’s persuasion continued.

“The choice is yours! I don’t resent Junho no matter what choice he makes!”

[Do you think he’ll cry if he refuses?]

Your words are cool, but your actions are not at all. I fell into trouble for a moment at the gaze of Jollaman full of earnestness.

I said I was worried, but in fact, my mind was leaning toward cooperation with them.

You have a chance to pamper the smartest people in the world, and if you don’t take it, you don’t deserve to be strong.

Especially now with the enemy called the Thunderbird in front of them.

Rather, it would be more helpful to draw out the various imaginations of smart people and graft them together than to tie my hair alone and think about it.

“I’ll show you one.”


“Things you are curious about.”

The doctor’s bodybuilders’ eyes grew tearing at my words.

“Jun Ho! Don’t lie! Then we’ll all cry!”

“You know it’s ugly when we cry, right? You have to show it.”

Their voices were so loud that they resounded throughout the lab.

The muscular bodybuilders threatened to cry, so they didn’t even pray.

“Okay, I need something.”


“Bring the poison of the most toxic monster from this lab.”

The best employees should be demonstrating.

* * *

All monsters have their own poison, and especially those with poison as their main weapon are mixed with the Force and turned into deadly poison.

Naturally, monster poison was an important research material. What Zolaman brought to my request was a powerful poison that met my expectations.

“This poison is from a brown fox caught in the desert of Nevada… … .”

The poison of Brown Fox, a harmful level 8 monster, was a powerful poison that melted everything as soon as it touched it.

Barely stored in a container with 12 layers of special coating, this poison had an acid that caused hallucinations in all areas of its scent and melted everything on contact.

“This poison can kill even a superman. Dangerous.”

Zolaman said to me with a serious expression. But I didn’t mind the words and looked at the poison contained in the special container.

You seem to be terribly frightened, so it looks perfect for a full-fledged performance.

“Look Carefully.”

I just picked up the container, opened the stopper, and poured the contents into my hands.

“uh! danger… … !”

As soon as the container was opened, intense toxicity spread. It was about to spread throughout the lab space in an instant.

It was a blast to go out at that time. Man Deuk-yi grabbed the poison that was about to go wild and started showing a performance of detoxifying the poison that had fallen on my hand in an instant.

It was like erasing a whiteboard with an eraser. It was useless in front of Dokdo, which was said to be capable of killing even superhumans. It is a performance like an excellent employee.

“Hey, this!”

“It’s ridiculous!”

“You’re Zola-chan!”

Surprisingly, it is a gift that is invincible.

What’s even more surprising is what comes next.

“It’s just a gift use, and it’s possible.”

I turned my hands over so that my palms were exposed.

A poison that smelled badly started to form on the palms that were cleanly detoxified and left no trace.

It was the poison of Brown Fox, which Mandeuk deciphered a while ago.

Not only detoxification, but also being able to create poison by recording information about the poison.

This was a purely fortuitous achievement. And, following my instructions, the poison was destroyed without a trace.

I didn’t even know Mandeukyi could do this. The ability of the gift ego to think and move on its own opened up the scope for more gift use and broke the limits of gift applications.

What kind of synergistic effect would be generated if the world’s best-known heads suggested a direction for further development?

I’m looking forward to it.

“… … .”

When I glanced around, everyone could not hide their astonishment.

I asked, raising the corners of my mouth.

“What do you think?”

There is nothing more to ask and do.

I’m totally over it

Now it’s time to put the wedge in.

“I am willing to let you study if you meet my requirements.”

Everything was turned upside down by my words.

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