288 episodes

I’d be lying if I said Zolaman didn’t feel shrewd, but I accepted the request.

The divine beast boasted a superior size compared to the existing monsters, so I thought it would be okay to give some of it.

In fact, there were many things that I liked, such as introducing professors at Stanford, and the graduate student theory of the gift self.

Above all, the hematoma guy’s dumbfounded expression was the best of the achievements I had achieved by returning to the past.

However, as Yong-yong did not respond, I felt rather awkward.

“Why are you standing still?”

[Why am I suddenly?]

“When you talk about Shinsoo, you run into it with bubbles in your mouth.”

[Oh, what? It’s not going to change just because I say it anyway, so what are you doing because it hurts your mouth?]

“Uh, um.”



It was difficult for Yong-yong to adjust to his normal words.

[I’m not going to argue over anything, so prepare well.]

I had no idea that Yong-yong would receive such meticulous consideration.

Not a bad word in my current situation. I put together the contents of the thunderbird in my head. According to information from the US government and the party, the Thunderbird’s biggest weapon is the power called ‘high-speed flight’.

It is said that this power, which can traverse the United States in a matter of seconds if one chooses, broke the will to fight back when it first appeared. This meant that you could leave your seat at any time when you were at a disadvantage, meaning you could grab it and miss it.

On the other hand, the weak point was the poor defense. Compared to monsters, it is superior, but it is said that it is a part that can be attacked, so when you first meet the Thunderbird, it seemed to be the key to hit the attack.

The focus is on how to block high-speed flight, and the presence or absence of a canceller who can cancel the power and the presence or absence of an Awakener who can cause a status abnormality or an Awakener capable of inflicting a powerful blow were considered very important. .

I heard that the canceller was in possession of the party, wasn’t the status ailment the witch doctor?

Looking at it this way, we could see that the party was preparing one by one to hunt the Thunderbird.

Argos struck him in the back, but he failed.


Perhaps Argos’s creation of the league itself was the Thunderbird’s intention.

The Phantom says Argos persuaded the Thunderbird, but you know the opposite is more likely.

“As soon as we see it, we can eat one and start.”

[The question is, isn’t that easy?]


Once the information was revealed, this was it, and it was impossible to know how much was hidden.

Thinking like this makes me look strong.

The more you think the hidden strength is superior, the more the monster called fear grows in its presence. I decided to believe in the gifts I had.

[And I have something to say.]


[Before you and the Thunderbird fight, I will return to Mt. Baekdu.]


Yong-yong’s words were unexpected.

[Perhaps if you get closer, you will sense my presence before you. Then I don’t know what choice he will make. There is a high probability that my presence will be in the way.]

“Since when did you start thinking of me like this?”

[No one thinks of you as much as I do? Anyone who sees it would think I was disturbing you every day.]

No way.

Although I scold Yong-yong, I never doubted his sincerity.

In the end, he leaves a space for me. Of course, the intention may not be pure, but even if it is neutral, we should be grateful.

“Thank you for your words.”

[Good if you know.]

Seeing you roar like that makes me want to tackle it again.

I thought that one of Yong-yong’s abilities might be aggro.

Come to think of it, it was speculated that if Go Ye-jin had awakened, it would have been that gift.

There is no reason to think deeply.

However, the questions that popped into my head could not be resolved.

“Aren’t you doing this to watch from the back and stick to the winning side?”

[hey! Do I look like such a vile divine beast?]

“… … .”

[What, were you really thinking that way?]

Or not, I don’t know why you’re so angry.

[Ha, okay.]

* * *

[I’m leaving.]

When departing for Seattle from LA, Yongyong said goodbye as he said.

Looking back, it must have been around the time when I was victorious against the Thunderbird.

The place where the thunderbird is located is Washington state, which is often mistaken for Washington DC, the capital, but it is located in the northwest of the United States.

Seattle is located here, and what has recently become more famous is that it has been called the place where monsters are least infested among states in the United States, and it has been selected as a good place to live.

Not many people knew that it was the effect of the thunderbird, but various bizarre phenomena were occurring and various pseudo-religions were rampant.

I boarded a flight to Seattle with Zolaman. The flight went very smoothly. When I landed in Seattle, the atmosphere was completely different from LA.

“Does it look good just by looking at it?”

“Actually, Seattle has been ranked as one of the best places to live in America in recent years.”

“Is that because of the Thunderbird?”

“Yeah, because there are no monster attacks.”

That’s why Seattle was giving off a more relaxed and glamorous feeling than LA.

If there was a big city before the monsters appeared, it wouldn’t have been like this.

“But it’s not that good. Because of that, pseudo-religion is in vogue.”

“Is that a problem?”

“If you go blind, anything goes wrong! And the impact is spreading everywhere!”

In fact, the religion had reached LA, but I was not impressed. Because there was bound to be a group of people who were obsessed with religion everywhere.

“You have worked hard to come this far.”

When we arrived in Seattle, it was a government-sent person to greet us. There have been several grandiose titles, but a brief summary is a guide.

The assistant, who identified himself as James Turner, told the story of the thunderbird as he traveled by car.

“The thunderbird hides its existence, so it is called a mysterious being here.”

You’re talking nonsense from the first word.

“Hidden? I don’t think it is at all.”

“… What do you mean?”

“If I had been hiding my existence, there would have been no such thing as a religion that worshiped me as a god.”

Because they wouldn’t even know it existed.

I don’t know why you say the thunderbird hides its existence. Just by looking at it, it seems like he’s putting out t-shirts here and there because he wants to show his presence.

“You might see it that way.”

James Turner answered. You agree with what I’m saying, but planting seems pretty uncomfortable.

I don’t know.

“What kind of religion worships thunderbirds?”

“It is literally a religion that worships the gods who appeared here. It is a situation where public opinion is focused on that because it is more divine than a god that has no substance.”

Actually, it would seem that the gods are closer to the gods than the gods with nothing. Or give something like a god worshiped by a saint.

No matter how great a person is, the one who gives me one more piece of bread is the greatest.

Listening to James Turner’s story, I thought that cults in Korea and cults in America are equally dangerous.

“I believe the thunderbird is keeping the peace here. In fact, Washington state centered on Seattle is safer from the threat of monsters than anywhere else. It was recently voted one of the best places to live in America.”

“I think it’s thanks to the gods.”

“Because it’s true.”

“You seem to be pretty generous with that religion.”

James Turner, who was driving at my horse, glanced at me and answered.

“I think it is because I heard stories from many people while staying in the area.”

“Jun Ho! In fact, this religion is showing signs of spreading across America. There are a lot of applicants who want to move to Seattle.”

He said that Americans’ aspiration for safety is so great.

Well, Anna Christine said, the villain ratio is overwhelmingly high because there are no gun restrictions.

“Im here.”

After driving for over 3 hours, we arrived at the northernmost city in the United States. We dropped off our luggage at the hotel there. The next day, they were going to move to the government house.

Built in the shape of a mountain hut, it is said that it is a structure that can prepare for the attack of monsters in case of emergency, and in the worst case, it is possible to escape over the mountain through an underground passage.

And it is said that the inner house was the first place where the thunderbird came into contact.

“That’s the closest thing to the thunderbird realm.”

James Turner explained that once you enter the Thunderbird realm from this lodge, everything changes completely at the will of the Thunderbird from then on.

“The Thunderbird Doctor?”

“It is a story about beings who are not allowed to return safely. In fact, religious fanatics enter the realm of the thunderbird to find a god and never return.”

In Washington State, strangely, the number of people missing in search of God is higher than the number of people killed by monsters.

“You didn’t die because you were lured by a thunderbird?”

“… Will the gods eat humans?”

“Even demons are eaten, but there is nothing that cannot be done by being called a divine beast.”

“I do not know. No traces of that have ever been found.”

James Turner said he judged as dry as possible from an informant’s point of view.

Zolaman, who was watching from the side, added a word.

“Jun Ho! I think it can be seen as a sudden move of fanatics who want to receive God directly.”

“Well, I don’t know why the fanatics went missing.”

“right. It’s a bit harsh here.”

I came here to catch the Thunderbird, not to find the missing or to do so.

I’m just curious about the reaction of the guy in front of me.

“So what are you thinking?”


“The idea of a fanatic.”

“… … !”

Before James Turner could react, I snatched his arm, broke it, and kicked him in the shin and smashed the bone.

A terrifying sound resounded, and the boy sat down.


“Jun Ho! What are you doing!”

The startled Zolaman yelled at me, but I fixed my gaze on James Turner and grabbed his head with his left hand to meet his gaze.

“Because this guy belongs to that cult.”


“Isn’t it?”

James Turner, who was groaning in pain, made eye contact with mine, and his eyes began to tremble uncontrollably.

“how… … .”

“Just because you’re good at hiding your emotions doesn’t mean you can deceive even me.”

The subtle reaction he showed whenever he mentioned pseudo-religion led to conviction.

By the way, the person assigned by the government is a spy. It seemed that the religious influence was stronger than it was intentionally intentional.

While the world was groaning from the attack of monsters, they were enjoying peace, so their loyalty to the Thunderbird seemed to be deep.

“What were you planning to do?”

“… … .”

“It’s pretty hypothetical to see you don’t answer.”

Anyway, that doesn’t matter to me.

“for a moment… … !”

Zolaman tried to dry me out, but he was faster with brainwashing.

The determined light that had stood in his eyes disappeared, and the blur was released. I started figuring out what the plan was.

James Turner, as expected, was a member of a cult. Originally a government agent, he changed his mind while staying in Washington State and followed the Thunderbird.

Then, I heard the news that I was going to meet the thunderbird, and I tried to inform the religious headquarters of this and prepare.


Having obtained all the information, I did not hesitate to smash James Turner’s head.

The corpse was spread helplessly on the floor, dripping with thick blood.

Zolaman, who was trying to stop me, shook his head in a slumped posture.

“Thunderbird wasn’t the only one to deal with.”

“Junho, what are you going to do… … .”

“Just looking at it, it looks like you have a lot of intentions to interfere. We have to deal with the pseudo-bastards first.”

From the looks of it, it could be that these guys are the hands and feet of the Thunderbird. First of all, it seemed right to get rid of the forces that had infiltrated the human forces and then deal with them lightly.

“Still, the opponent is also a mixture of ordinary civilians.”

“If you are intelligent enough to be fooled by a villain, it is better to disappear from the world in advance. If you are dissatisfied, don’t follow me.”

“… I’m going.”

I left for Seattle again with Zolaman. The main headquarters of the pseudo-cult was there.

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