336 episodes

Junho Choi has left. As I said at the beginning, he was going to destroy the league base.

“… … .”

Dahyun Jeong looked at the place as if staring at him in silence. Rather than resentment for not being with him, he felt more disappointment at himself.

If we were stronger than we are now, we could have been together.

Choi Jun-ho’s justice was radical, but he had the power to change the world.

Dahyun Jeong, who faced her own justice that was falling without strength, wanted to become stronger.

But this time I didn’t get it.

After much contemplation, she requested an interview with the president.

The president of a country is not something you can see right away just because you want to see it. However, Cheon Myeong-guk, who takes special care of Jeong Da-hyun, also made time to face Jeong Da-hyun.

“stop? What do you mean?”

“that is… … .”

Jeong Da-hyun tried to continue, but Cheon Myeong-guk cut it off.

“Are you from America? Surely you didn’t say that you didn’t think much of it until a while ago!”

“Oh, I don’t want to go to America.”

“Then where are you? Surely you knew that other countries were not approaching?”

“It’s not like that.”

Dahyun Jung expressed her desire to focus on training for the time being.

When I came to the Blue House, I could train while working, but when I found out that I couldn’t work with Choi Jun-ho to fight villains, I wanted to focus on training more than I do now.

“… … .”

Chun Myeong-guk, who was surprised at first, but then listened to Jeong Da-hyun with a calm expression, nodded his head as if he was convinced and revealed his thoughts.

“I personally am against it.”


“I know that you want to work hard to become a superman, but I heard that the more you try to grasp the state of being a superman, the farther away you get. It will be difficult to see a big effect if you focus on earnestly away from the existing routine. Especially for Awakeners who have a lot of training, like Secretary Jeong.”

“Still, I want to do it.”

“Are you saying you can’t do it together?”

“I can do it, but I don’t think I will be able to do it if I neglect it.”

At least it meant taking responsibility.

Chun Myung-guk, who was worried, said.

“Then let’s do this. Defeat me.”

“yes? President?”

Jeong Da-hyun’s eyes widened at the completely unexpected words. They do not know that Cheon Myeong-guk is an excellent awakening person. Still, he is the president of the country.

“Are you underestimating my skills?”

“It’s not like that. It’s not like that.”

“Don’t worry. I haven’t been able to go anywhere and be beaten up yet.”

It was after the simulation was opened that decided the fate of Cheon Myeong-guk. Before that, he had given up on his development as an Awakener, but resumed training to increase his gift utilization.

After giving up on achievements that had been sluggish for a long time, he found himself achieving amazing results when he gave up his greed.

As it is, there was an expectation that he might be the first superhuman president.

After becoming president and receiving thorough management, his efficiency increased even more.

In his current state, he was confident that he could defeat anyone if his opponent was not a superman.

“If you break me, I will consider Secretary Jeong’s wishes positively.”

The moment she heard those words, Jeong Da-hyun’s eyes changed.


“That’s right.”

“Then I will not decline.”

* * *

Yes, Dahyun Jung was the most promising talent among the young people. A super promising prospect who is said to be a superman within 5 years.

However, he was also a Level 7 Awakened, and he was a skilled person who had gone through all the preliminary tests. As a politician and as an Awakener, I thought that if I had a simulation, I would be able to overwhelm it enough.

And the moment a force beyond imagination intervenes, I realized once again that the simulation can be distorted.

“Are you okay?”

“… haha.”

The moment he saw the worried Jeong Da-hyun’s face, Cheon Myeong-guk shed a dismayed laugh.

It was literally a breeze. I allowed Jung Da-hyun to go deeper than I could have imagined, and in an instant, I was in a mess.

It was so secretive and quick that even the pain came late. Chun Myeong-guk realized that Jung Da-hyun’s skills were beyond imagination.

“A promise is a promise, and a promise will be kept.”

“thank you.”

“Instead, the secretary may continue. Even if you don’t go to work, I will take care of all the conveniences.”

“yes? Anyway, that’s a huge benefit.”

Dahyun Jung immediately tried to refuse. Cheon Myeong-guk smiled at the straight look.

“It’s a natural investment for the future superman.”

“Still, it’s embarrassing.”

“Then let’s do this. It’s taking a leave of absence.”

It is a common occurrence for employees to take a leave of absence due to sudden events.

Cheon Myeong-guk added a word to ease Jeong Da-hyun’s burden.

“Instead, if you become a superman, you just have to promise that you will not leave Korea.”

“Of course it is.”

“That’s it. All you have to do is leave the rest to me, and Secretary Jeong will do her best to become a superman.”

A genius like that was determined and determined, but what could he not be able to do?

Rather, it should be actively pushed.

“… thank you Instead, I will actively participate in the President’s plan.”

“What if you plan?”

“Do you think of your uncle as your next successor?”

“… … !”

I was blown away at an unexpected time. Jeong Da-hyun smiled at him as he was contemplating on what to say.

“You don’t have to worry. I haven’t told my uncle yet. I think my uncle can do well too. We will actively cooperate.”

“I don’t think Zuho will like this place that much.”

“Uncle is just released when he is released. If there is anything I can do for the country, I will accept it with joy.”

Both Cheon Myeong-guk and Jeong Da-hyun knew that there was no way, but they had one heart and one mind.

Some kind of transaction was made in the absence of the parties.

* * *

As I left the Blue House, I remembered the information Nakayama had sent me.

The League’s secret base in Japan. It is because this secret base played a decisive role that the League’s invasions continued on a large scale at one time.

Because Japan is an island country with great economic power and power, the league has been working under the water for a long time, and even if it fails to advance into Japan, it does not expose its secret base to the surface to promote the future.

[I was here.]

“How did you know?”

The secret base was located in Sapporo, the central city of Hokkaido.

As soon as I arrived here, Yong-yong appeared.

[It’s easy enough to find out where you are.]

“Have you talked to Hyuna?”

[Oh, I did. There’s nothing to be problematic about. I have no intention of being more negative about Leviathan.]


If so, it didn’t really matter.

[To catch the villains?]


[I don’t care. Do what you have to do.]

It looks like they’re going to follow up with surveillance openly when they’re quietly retreating.

I decided to check it out later and started looking for the secret base.

This base has been supplied by Russia for a long time, and it is positioned as an ordinary Awakened Guild rather than a secret base in the League.

“It’s the same everywhere with a proper mask on in the sun.”

As soon as I arrived in Sapporo, I immediately permeated the road. It was May, but thanks to the chilly weather, wearing a coat didn’t look too awkward.

He didn’t seem interested in me right now. Thanks to this, I was able to confidently cross the street and head towards the target.

Still, they have a base on the outskirts of the city to avoid the surrounding eyes. The place where the main building was located was so rare that people in the league were free to enter and exit.

The place disguised as a league secret base was the Nishin Guild. It is also a word for herring caught in Hokkaido, but it also has a different meaning, meaning two hearts, different hearts.

It seems like he doesn’t want to keep this a secret.

I don’t know.

Because it was in a remote place, the defense was also very poor.

There were only two guards standing at the entrance.

[It’s like eating porridge.]

That’s it.

Do you have any certainty that you won’t be suspicious in the first place? I don’t care.

“Who are you… … !”


I simply dealt with the two and went inside. The internal structure of the building was ordinary. No, there were signs of trying to look normal everywhere.

I thought I had a pretty good haircut.

“Yeah, it doesn’t mean much.”

You have to deal with all the tribes you see.

Although this secret base is also the base for the league to advance into Japan, I think that concrete uses will come out if we dig deeper. But I had no intention of figuring out what it was, so I thought I’d kill them all and destroy them.

Then there will be something caught.

* * *

The mayor of Sapporo, Morita, has been paying attention to the Nishin Guild for a long time.

This guild is made up of all outstanding Awakeners and has good hunting performance, making it a very good guild to ensure the safety of Sapporo.

In any case, only on the outside.

What caused the Morita Mayor to sense the abnormal airflow was the fact that the quantity flowing into the Nisin Guild was higher than the average, and that there was a difference in the number of people when they went out hunting and when they returned.

While the guild hunted monsters, there were some injuries and deaths, but the numbers were very irregular.

When there are several strange things, the suspicion is bound to be true.

So I’ve been calmly gathering information, and I’ve learned that this place is committing a serious crime.

A search and seizure was planned as soon as there was solid evidence.

If it wasn’t for the sudden report.

“Is there a fire in the Nisin Guild building?”

“Yes! It is clear that something has gone wrong.”

“To summon the Awoken. Go directly to the site!”

Feeling ominous, the mayor of Morita immediately summoned the Awakened. And about an hour later, he moved to the place where the Nishin Guild was with about 100 Awakened people gathered in front of Sapporo City Hall.

There was no one who did not know the Nishin Guild, which had been established in Sapporo for a long time, so the sudden change caused a commotion.

‘There is definitely something.’

The mayor of Morita was busily rolling her head amid the commotion.

There is no way the Nisin Guild, which has been cultivating its power for a long time, suddenly gets caught up in an accident.

Even he would not have noticed that it was strange if he hadn’t dug into the strange points that coincidentally overlapped one after another.

They were so secretive. And among those who commit crimes, there is only one place that can move like this.


I was thinking that the Nisin Guild might be a minion of the League. However, if you push it without any solid evidence, you may get a counterattack, so we kept collecting evidence and estimating the timing.

It was around the time we arrived at the place where the Nisin Guild headquarters was.

Seeing the flames rising beyond, the mayor of Morita sensed that things had gone completely wrong and hurried his pace.


“… … .”

Taken from https://readwn.com

Mayor Morita took the lead without answering. The awakened people who followed in the chaotic atmosphere also came to their senses late and started to speed up their pursuit.

The mayor of Morita, who arrived at the headquarters one step earlier, burst into tears at the sight unfolding in front of him.

“ah… … .”

A man was standing in front of a place engulfed in fire.

He was a man who felt it natural to set fire to all of this as if he was burning the whole world.

Taken from https://readwn.com

Morita Mayor, as well as his close aides, stiffened. The presence of men was so overwhelming.

“no way?”

“There was someone who was quick-witted.”


It was the moment when the mayor of Morita was about to reveal the identity of the head breaker.

“Let’s do this for you.”

“What… … .”

“Since we burned down the secret league base that was hidden, the achievements should be sufficient. This is the proof.”

What was thrown in front of me was a pile of papers.

“Applause to you for doing a great job.”

The man who relentlessly applauded three times turned around and slammed the ground.

His body, which rose high in the sky, became blurred and then disappeared.

“… … .”

I couldn’t tell if it was a dream or reality, even though I had been looking straight ahead.

Only Mayor Morita, who knew who was responsible for this in the first place, let out a deep sigh.

“I think I have been possessed by a demon.”

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