Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 269: Looking for 3 Trident

Arthur followed Mela to leave, chopping through the thorns, getting the trailing chaser, and finally came to a place where the secret of the trident was hidden.

Although here, after spending some wonderful time, Arthur still has little interest in being a king.

He mainly wanted to give Aum a slap in the face.

To be human, the most important thing is to make yourself happy, nothing else.

But at this time, the black manta that had killed his father before came.

In revenge, he fought against Arthur and used a modified helmet, which almost killed them.

Arthur couldn't help being furious, and eventually used the strategy to seriously injure the black manta and threw it into the river.

He followed the guidance and came into the deep sea, but he unexpectedly met the Haigou tribe.

A group of horrible murlocs almost ate him, but fell into the abyss at a critical moment and were rescued by the mysterious man.

Unable to understand Arthur, he finally saw the true face of the other party.

It was actually a slightly vicissitudes woman, looking familiar.

Soon, he recognized the other party as his mother.

Mother and son reunited, very warm.

Atlana looked at her son happily, telling her parting feelings for years, and also telling her that she was not willing to leave him.

It was really forced by the situation and had to do it.

Arthur did not understand why her mother wanted to hide here, is there any hardship.

He later realized that because the Neptune Trident is here.

Atlana has worked hard for many years to get a trident and change her fate.

Arthur couldn't help taking it seriously. After all, this was what his mother expected. He also wanted to do something to change himself.

So, the current challenge is the trident?

Lin Yi, who witnessed all this, knew at this point that it was time to come out and pretend.

It is not so easy to get a trident.

Lin Yi said that you have to suffer a little bit. He squeezed out a little snake and dropped it here, becoming a terrible sea monster.

That is the big monster who guards the trident, the legendary Karasen.

This monster has lived for thousands of years, and has captured many desperate people who coveted the trident.

The creatures eaten by her are countless, and even the terrible Haigou tribes are afraid of tigers.

However, Karasen is lonely like snow.

After all, there is only one person here. After spending so many years, he also wanted to go out for a stroll.

As soon as Arthur came in, he did not receive much preferential treatment. Instead, he was beaten up with fat, almost unable to find North.

Life is really full of twists and turns.

But he quickly reacted and exploded directly.

Played with Karasen.

As a lonely female snake for many years, she was also impressed by this masculinity.

Karasen finally fell down at Arthur's feet, willing to be his pet.

Later, Arthur came to the place where the trident was stored and took it down with his own hands.

The mountain was shaken at that moment, as if a catastrophe broke out.

Arthur felt that he had infinite power, and it came from the trident, which made him happy both physically and mentally.

This force is too strong!

The trident has given him magical powers, and he can even cast magic. With the original ability to psychicize with sea creatures, Arthur has become stronger.

He looked like he had changed his shape, wearing a fish-shaped uniform with a wind, and reappeared in front of his mother and Mela.

The miraculous look convinced the two women.

"Boy, it seems that you really succeeded. You really are the son of heaven!"

Atlana said happily, hugging her son tightly and congratulating him.

Arthur was also a little ignorant at this time. After all, are we really heirs?

However, he could tell from Mela's sobbing eyes that it was.

"So, now let's go to Aum and dare to calculate this account with him!"

Neptune is ready to re-start and decides against Oum.

Atlantis was not calm at this time.

Because the countries of the Seven Seas disagreed and other aquariums did not agree to fight against humanity, Aum had to lead troops to fight against it.

Mela's father also stood on his side, but did not expect to encounter unprecedented resistance.

At a critical moment, Arthur rode Karasen with countless marine creatures and rushed to the war.

A Karasen, it has managed to get a lot of soldiers, plus the appearance of Mela, it is almost no one.

Aum looked at his half-brother and was so angry.

Why are you still here?

Arthur doesn't have any good temper, you have my mother for so many years without seeing the sun, and you have sent someone to chase my father and son, especially now that you want to mess around the world, you are the **** stick.

The two disagreed and went on stage again, but this time Arthur had a Neptune trident, but it was very different.

After all, the Divine Soldier is in hand, I have the world.

I shoved at Aum, knocking him down.

Aum was brutally killed, and his heart was suffocated.

Why the Son of Destiny is not himself, and why he has failed to plan for many years.

Why should it be his trident?

Despite his reluctance, he lost his throne.

With the support of Mela and others, Arthur officially took over the throne of Atlantis and became a recognized hegemon of the Seven Seas.

Since then, he is a veritable Neptune.

Arthur, ascended the throne, was not very happy.

After all, the responsibilities shouldered in the future will also be huge, and there are still many things waiting to be dealt with by yourself.

For example, the contradiction between human beings, the former enemy black manta, and the outside world also began to shake up.

Vico and Mela told him a terrible thing about the mother box in ancient times.

The terrible enemies will eventually arrive, and everything has to be prepared early.

The Qihai tribe is celebrating, but some people are complaining.

The unlucky black manta was rescued by one person, it was Lin Yi disguised as a doctor.

I have to continue to play the game!

He rescued the black manta rays, and helped him transform his armor, and he asked about gossip about the sea king.

The black manta that hates Arthur is full of anger and nowhere to vent.

He said he would revenge sooner or later.

"It's not impossible to get revenge. I know that there are many powerful criminals in the world who are waiting for the opportunity. You can go with them, but I have only one condition."

Lin Yi showed a sly smile on the corner of his He had to talk to the black manta rays.

The black manta was surprised, but did not expect to meet a noble person and said he would help himself.

He thought about it and asked.

"What are your conditions?"

Lin Yi pretended to show excited eyes, he said: "I want to know everything about Neptune, and the secret of Atlantis?"

Two ambitious guys looked at each other and understood each other.

The deal is concluded!

The black manta will be planning here, and sooner or later one day he will find the King of Shanghai and make trouble again.

Will the death of Neptune's arm and the marriage with Mela be smooth sailing?

Welcome to the next episode of Atlantis.

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