Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 237 Promotion! Advance!

Even though he relaxed a little, when the Wandering Mage returned to the city for the first time to make up for the Tears of the Goddess and suppressed the opponent's mid laner, the opponent's jungler came again.

The vision in the mid lane is eliminated, people are squatting in the grass for a minute, the bottom lane assistance keeps disappearing, and almost everyone is putting pressure on the middle lane!

Danger looms on your back!

In a critical situation, Faker calmly commanded.

He doesn't require his teammates to take advantage, he just needs to stabilize their development.

He knew that his teammates were almost completely defeated, their spirits were on the verge of collapse, and they were unable to operate at a normal level. Everyone believed that this game was a sure loss, so they did not want to look for another chance.

But these are just appearances, and a comeback may only require one wonderful performance.

Let's kill!

The demon hiding in the shadows suddenly appeared, and the Widow emerged from the darkness, and cooperated with the opponent's mid laner Barrel E to flash Q to kill Wandering in seconds.

Between life and death.

The keyboard flies between your fingers, and the mouse moves within a fraction of a second.

Faker moved!

Level A accepts the minions, quickly levels up to 6, and at the same time activates the sprinting position to avoid the wine barrel E skill, and retreats back.

Widow and wine barrel followed.

Spikes of Pain came out of the ground, and the barrel was rolled to slow down. The Widow followed up with a flat A with a red BUFF, double slowing down.

Faker's eyes were fixed on the screen, and his concentration was at its highest.

When the Q skill barrel exploded, the wine barrel was also at 6. He threw his ultimate move and wanted to blow Faker back, but he didn't notice that he and the Widow pursued too deeply and left the line of soldiers. The heroes' figures overlapped each other. We are about to enter the tower.

The ultimate move of the wine barrel has not yet landed.

There was a flash of golden light.

Wandering flashed forward.

Keep chasing him, he will use both of his moves, he will be dead!

The widow player's eyes were red and she was roaring in her voice.

Wine Barrel is even more murderous. After being suppressed for so long, and seeing that he is about to get a head, he certainly has no intention of stopping. Moreover, now Faker2 is fighting 1, and he is a squishy wanderer. Even if he dodges the big move, he can use small skills to ignite. It can also be forced to death.

The two moved forward decisively and entered the tower. Due to the continuous damage of the red BUFF, the Widow took the lead in resisting the tower.

Seeing this scene, Faker had a sneer on his face.

The opponent took the bait!


The Wandering Mage quickly turned around, opened up his backhand, and threw a set of QWEQ skills onto the Widow. With the blessing of the ultimate move, the power of despair, arcane energy surged crazily. All Wandering skills came with AOE, spell blood-sucking, and extra spell power.

It is this skill that allows the Wandering Mage, who has all single-target skills, to deal high AOE damage in team battles.

At this time, the wine barrel and the widow overlapped, and the two of them suffered explosive output instantly, especially the E skill Arcane Surge. Energy surged crazily between the two. The widow, who was already resistant to the tower, was instantly disabled, and then was The next Q skill that follows takes away the kill.

The barrels weren't much better.

The wanderer who started sprinting moved incredibly fast, his EQR was all dodged, and his W regenerated blood. Now the widow died too fast, and he couldn't run away anymore.

Disasters are always one step behind me!

The wise voiceover of the wandering mage sounded, and arcane energy was freely swayed. The wine barrel could not escape at all and could only wait for death!

here we go again!

The opponent doesn't give Faker a chance at all!

Widow and Wine Barrel jump over the tower and kill them forcefully. They will definitely get their heads!

Nice move, all barrel skills are empty!

Are you going to fight back?

1 vs. 2, counterattack from the tower!

It's unbelievable. This wandering mage is awesome!

The commentators went crazy, the audience went crazy, and the teammates went crazy too!

A level 6 wandering mage, facing the Widow and Wine Barrel with full skills and red BUFF slowdown, was able to dodge all the wine barrel skills and even kill two of them. It was simply the most exciting operation on the field!

After a wave of double kills, the morale of the FG team began to rise.

At 8 minutes, the wandering mage faced another encirclement and suppression by three people, killed one person, and escaped with blood, FG's morale was all up!

Teammates began to take the initiative.

Top laner Olaf became more and more aggressive, and the bottom lane duo began to put pressure. The jungler squatted into the opponent's jungle area. Everyone began to move. The pressure on the opponent suddenly increased. Support and junglers no longer dared to be unscrupulous. Run to the middle to catch Faker.

In this situation, the opponent's single barrel, a violent and simple AP core, was actually suppressed under the tower by a mid-to-late game drifter. The lane rights were unavailable, and the line-to-line was unbeatable. It can't be beat with a knife, and it can be said that it is lagging behind in all aspects.

After the Wandering Mage took out the Banshee's Veil, the wine barrel became even more unplayable.

He was quickly single-killed online. He tried to fight back but was unable to defeat him. He wanted to enter the tower to save his life. Xiao Bingxin and Time wandered without realizing it. He chased him to death despite the damage from the defense tower. Even the widow tried to steal the head but failed to steal the chicken. Mi, the teammate who was supported by Faker was easily killed and then killed.

At this time, the wandering mage finally showed his fierce power.

As we all know, a developed wanderer who can resist, fight and deal damage is simply invincible.

What's more, Faker's wandering is a development that transcends time!

At 28 minutes, a wanderer with magic shoes, full-level Archangel, full-level Time, Bing Xin, Banshee and 1600 Magic Wand stepped forward, and the team battle was simply a massacre.

As soon as the Power of Despair was activated, all kinds of skills were thrown out like machine guns, the speed was ridiculous. After one set was fired, another set followed within two seconds, and the output exploded directly.

The little dragon, the baron, the jungle area, and the defense tower are all thrown away.

The wandering mage roared Let's go, let's go and led his teammates to the high ground. The rebel army got four kills in one fell swoop. Finally, he destroyed the team, pushed down the crystal, and won the victory!

2 to 1!

Under strong pressure from the opponent, FG came back from adversity and won the game!

Faker, the wandering mage, shines in the audience!

This player has once again proven himself that no matter how hard his opponent targets him, he can still stand up and win!

He is telling everyone that the game is not over yet! FG can still play!

Let the second team chase the third team, and it is often difficult for the team being chased by the third team to come back.

It was precisely because he had won two games in a row that his momentum and state were at their peak. At this time, he was directly killed by his opponent. At this moment, his peak state was broken. The feeling of disbelief was the most devastating. Heart.

The morale that was maintained at its peak was quickly dropped in an instant!

It's like a big drum. When it's full and most swollen, it hits the loudest, but it's also the easiest to break. Once broken, there's no sound in an instant!

The same is true for FG.

At 1-0, the opponent's mentality was good.

At 2-0, the opponent burst into laughter and his momentum reached its peak.

But in the third round, when he was about to win the game in one go, his opponent came back against the odds, and a man who was under siege came back against the odds. In an instant, his eardrum was ruptured!

Game 4.

The opponent attacked strongly and chose an extreme lineup, which was bound to end the game in the early stage. FG's morale was like a rainbow, and Faker's male sword came and went without a trace, and his sword was not bloody, leading his teammates to victory.

Game 5.

The opponent's mentality is close to collapse.

Faker picked Akali, and during the team battle, he hid his murderous intent and got the super god!

In the end, FG succeeded in chasing three from two and advanced to the Elite Cup finals!

At the same time, FG also obtained tickets to the Emperor Star Cup!

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