Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 241 Weak players

Hearing the ID Froggen, Li Jiahui couldn't help but admire him.

It was one of the semi-finals of the Mass Competition.

EG faces FNC, whoever wins will advance to the finals.

In this game, FNC took the lead in winning two games and came to the third match point game.

At this time, EG was on the verge of elimination, and the team's morale was shattered. All the viewers watching the game agreed that FNC would win the game 3-0 and enter the finals.

As a result, Froggen became famous in one fight!

At that time, EG collapsed across the board, its economy was 20,000 behind, and the game almost entered garbage time, waiting for the crystal to be broken and declared failure.

It was at this time that Froggen stood up.

The ice bird in one hand accurately controls, divides the terrain, and decelerates wildly. It delivers explosive AOE damage in several consecutive team battles, dragging down the game. In the end, it wins the team battle, takes down the baron, and makes a comeback!

At this point, Froggen has been given the title of King of Ice Birds by European players!

Mr. Thomas, I agree with your point of view. Li Jiahui nodded: EG may really be more suitable than IN, but there is a problem. In terms of results on the field, there is no doubt that IN took second place and EG third. If If I choose EG like this, I’m afraid players will have objections.”

Then let them play another game. Thomas suggested: One game will determine the outcome. Whoever wins will represent the European Division in the Emperor Star Cup.

Li Jiahui thought for a while and nodded in agreement: Use version 2.1!


Southeast Asia Division.

Taiwan Island, Guangding Entertainment.

Wang Tianding and Su Shangqi had already decided on the candidates as soon as they received the news about Mo Yu.

They are the two teams TPA and AHQ that won the championship and runner-up respectively in the just-concluded C-level event-National Cup.

Come on, come on.

Wang Tianding smiled and greeted the ten cautious teenagers standing in front of him.

When you go to participate in the Emperor Star Cup this time, you represent the face of the entire Southeast Asian region. You must show our style on the field. Are you confident?

The ten teenagers were all ordinary people and young. They had almost never come into contact with leaders of big companies like Wang Tianding. When they heard his question, they all squirmed and didn't know what to say. In the end, they could only nod confusedly. , whispering a few words like I'm confident and Hmm, but without much momentum.

Seeing this, Wang Tianding couldn't help but raise his forehead, and waved helplessly to a staff member on the side: Forget it, take them down to record videos and take photos. Remember, they must be handsome and impressive enough!

The staff nodded in agreement and then called for the teenagers to follow behind.

The teenagers were relieved, breathed a long sigh of relief, and followed him out.

As soon as they left, Wang Tianding spread his hands to Su Shangqi beside him and said helplessly: I'm so shy. Am I that fierce?

Su Shangqi couldn't help but laugh when he heard this: It's not that you are mean, but that you have a high social status and they are too young. They usually come into contact with teachers, parents, and peers. A big boss like you wants them in front of you. It’s not realistic to let go!”

I'm just afraid that when it comes to the Emperor Star Cup, if I'm so shy when facing foreign players, I'll be in trouble if I can't compete. Wang Tianding sighed: I just hope I don't lose too badly.

No. Su Shangqi waved his hand and said: All the people participating in the competition are of the same age, and they will naturally let go when the time comes. But have the staff who took the makeup photos been arranged? They must take better pictures, and they will be hung up when the time comes. In the arena, thousands of people are watching, if it is too ugly, it will be a disgrace to the Southeast Asian region.

Don't worry. Wang Tianding said: They are all hired professionals, a professional team that specializes in taking photos of celebrities on weekdays. But I don't understand that competitions are just competitions, and they also have to shoot posters, record videos, and say pre-match declarations. What's the point of things? Mr. Mo is too troublesome!

Of course it makes sense. Su Shangqi said: If e-sports wants to become formal, it cannot be a small matter. There are only three A-level events every year, which represents the most important part of the entire e-sports system. This kind of The more formal the level competition, the better.”

Moreover, Mr. Mo also borrowed these links from other sports events.

Taking photos is to promote the players, and recording campaign videos and pre-match declarations is to enhance the viewing experience of the event. Each of them contributes to the event itself.

Not only the three major A-level competitions, but also the subsequent S-level competitions are the same, and may even be more complicated. Shooting MVs, wearing uniforms, holding expedition ceremonies, etc. In the end, everything is to reflect the honor of the competition area and make the audience feel a sense of honor. It’s very meaningful.”

Tsk, tsk. Wang Tianding clicked his tongue after hearing this: If the e-sports competition is held on that scale, I'm afraid one day, the whole world will know about e-sports.

Who says it's not!

Su Shangqi spoke with emotion.

Our Southeast Asia region also has the task of holding an A-level competition this year. At that time, other teams in the region will also follow this example. These things are not a trouble, but will greatly help e-sports itself.

Got it. Wang Tianding nodded and asked again: Mr. Su, let's talk about whether the S competition that Mr. Mo revealed before will be held this year. Do you have any inside information?

Su Shangqi shook his head when he heard this: It's hard to say, but if I were to speculate, Mr. Mo must be willing, but whether it can be done or not depends on the situation in each competition area, especially the situation in the Emperor Star Cup.

As long as the response to the Emperor Star Cup is good, there is basically a 70% chance. We will look at the situation of the two A-level events in the European and American divisions and our Southeast Asia division later. Once it is done, it will be 100% to hold the S competition, it is a certainty!

That's true. Wang Tianding nodded slightly: Now the five major competition regions are cooperating to promote the Emperor Star Cup. The popularity of the competition should not be bad by then. It seems that the chance of holding the S competition is very high.

Let's see what happens! Su Shangqi shook his head and said, Everything is still uncertain.

North American Division.

Also due to time constraints, the North American division has just held a C-level event. The first and second place teams are TSM and CLG, and they are also the teams that have qualified to participate in the Emperor Star Cup.

Photography interior.

Li An and Jiang Zhi were watching the ten participants recording their pre-match trash talk.

Rookies from other divisions, I will definitely defeat you!

CLG is a very strong team, no one can defeat it!

TSM is an emerging team, but we will never fail easily!


The players' trash talk was soft and weak, with no momentum at all.

OMG! Li An slapped his forehead, speechless: Jiang, these boys are so inoffensive. Don't they even know how to curse?

Rian looked devastated.

He often watches various events, such as the NBA and the Super Bowl. The players there are full of trash talk and taunting before the game, which is far from what TSM and CLG can do now!

Jiang Zhi looked at the contestants who were still recording on the stage and couldn't help but smile: Please forgive them, Mr. Li An, they are still a bunch of rookies.

No, I can't help it anymore!

Seeing TSM's AD player Doublelift sitting on the sofa, saying completely non-offensive lines with a serious face, Li An couldn't sit still, stood up and yelled: Hey, boy, haven't you ever scolded someone? Be fierce, be ruthless, don't be like a bitch, understand? Use all the words like middle finger and Fake!

Look at me!

Rian grabbed the microphone and started performing immediately.

You guys in the European Division, I will beat you up in the bottom lane, dance in front of the fountain, come out if you are unhappy, I will kill you!

I heard that the Chinese region is very powerful? Sorry, they are all bad guys!

South Korea? Let's win the runner-up title!

Southeast Asia? To be honest, there is nothing to study!

I'm already studying my opponents in the S competition!


Li'an's trash talk was simply that he didn't take the other regions seriously, he was full of arrogance, his main focus was to put his eyes above his head, not to be judged by anyone, and he was extremely arrogant.

The entire studio was stunned.

At the end, he stared at the ten stunned contestants on the stage and said fiercely: Remember, your expression must be fierce, your lines must be fierce, and your momentum must be strong!

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