Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 270 Signing Conditions

Mr. Zhang, who is he?

The five CCM people chatting in the lobby turned around.

I saw Zhang Zhaoyang and another young man not far from a few people.

Several people knew Zhang Zhaoyang, but they did not know Wang Shicheng.

Zhang Zhaoyang smiled when he saw this and said: Let me introduce, my friend Wang Shicheng, Mr. Wang, comes from Shanghai.

Mr. Wang.

The five people immediately said hello, and then they didn't dare to speak.

Captain PDD saw this and stood up and asked: Mr. Wang, what did you mean when you just said you wanted to be the boss?

You don't have to be so polite. Wang Shicheng waved his hand and said: I want to start an e-sports club, but there are no suitable players. Zhaoyang recommended CCM to me, so I came here to ask if you are interested in signing a contract?

As soon as these words came out, the five people in CCM were shocked.

Just now we were discussing how to find the boss to invest in setting up a club. Unexpectedly, Wang Shicheng suddenly came and asked them directly if they wanted to sign a contract?

Several people are not very old, and the oldest PDD has just turned 18.

No matter how intense the discussion was, when we actually faced it, we were a little timid and didn't dare to reply.

Recalling the several times they faced professional teams, CCM suffered huge defeats and never won a single game. If the status quo continues, CCM's future is completely predictable.

The future development of the e-sports industry will inevitably move toward formalization. Individual teams have no future. Only professional teams will be the mainstream of e-sports in the future.

Thinking of this, PDD plucked up the courage and said: Mr. Wang, to be honest, we do want to establish a professional club, but the money is simply not enough. Even if it is established, it will only have a name. Since you have this idea now, then It’s not impossible to join, but I just agreed in advance that our team’s results may not be that good!”

PDD Tell the truth.

Among the people in CCM, he and Zhou are currently contracted anchors of Moyu Live. Their income is considerable and it is not a problem to support themselves. However, if this money is used to establish a club, it will be stretched and cannot afford the operation of the club.

When setting up a club, you can't just add a name and a suffix and call yourself a certain club or a certain professional team, right?

Wouldn’t that just make people laugh and deceive ourselves and others? What's the difference from now?

Don't worry about the record. Wang Shicheng waved his hand and said: I can come to you, so I understand clearly. In my eyes, CCM is a team that lacks everything except strength. A poor record only means It’s just temporary.”

The CCM people raised their lips slightly when they heard this, and they were deeply proud of Wang Shicheng's words of praise for their good skills.

However, PDD did not get carried away and said calmly: Since you have already investigated, I won't say more. Mr. Wang, I would like to ask what the terms of the contract are?

Wang Shicheng glanced at him with satisfaction, nodded and said, Don't worry, just follow me and you'll be fine!

Zhang Zhaoyang stood up at this time and said with a smile: Liu Mou, don't you still believe me?

Of course I believe it! PDD argued: It's better to ask clearly.

You. Zhang Zhaoyang pointed at him with his finger, then smiled and said: Don't worry, Mr. Wang's family is engaged in real estate in the Magic City. He is rich and has thousands of employees. Are you afraid that he can't support you all? ?”

Shicheng, stop hiding it, just do it directly!

Wang Shicheng also said: Okay! Since you have said so, I am too lazy to talk in circles.

He found a place to sit down and directly talked about salary and club matters.

On the way here, he talked a lot with Zhang Zhaoyang, and he also knew the basic situation of the current e-sports circle. He already knew it in his heart, so of course he spoke clearly and logically at this time.

After the five of you sign with my club, you will be provided with food and accommodation, your workplace will be in Jingzhou, and you will receive a fixed monthly salary of 5,000 yuan. At the same time, I will also pay for five insurances and one housing fund. You don't have to worry about any of this. In addition, participating in the competition You will get half of the bonus for winning, and the club will get half. I will also get additional rewards for finishing in the top three in B and A-level events. At the same time, it will be adjusted according to the industry salary level every six months to ensure that it will not be lower than the industry average!

As soon as the words fell, the five people's eyes instantly shone and their brows were filled with joy.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shicheng said again: Don't be too eager to be happy. After you have received your salary, you will naturally have obligations!

Several people were shocked and quickly listened carefully.

I'm a businessman, so naturally I won't operate at a loss, so I have some conditions here.

The first is live broadcast. After signing with the club, your future live broadcast platform will follow the club. Of course, I know that you are all signed with Moyu Live. I will not make any changes before the contract expires. At the same time, your own I will also help and try my best to earn the profits.”

Since learning about online live broadcasts, Wang Shicheng has been very interested in live broadcasts. Although he doesn't know it yet, he has a keen eye and noticed something, so he made special provisions for live broadcasts.

Secondly, since you want to set up a club, you are no longer a straggler. You must abide by the club's rules and regulations. Those who do not comply will be punished.

Third, those who are capable will be promoted and those who are mediocre will be demoted. I have certain requirements for the performance of the club. The ugly words are in front. If it cannot be completed, I'm sorry, those who perform poorly will not be able to compete on stage and can only become substitute players, or wait until After the contract expires, quit the club!

There are also some commercial activities, and you also need to cooperate with the company to participate!

As soon as the four consecutive conditions were raised, the faces of the CCM people changed drastically, but after thinking about it, they felt that it was normal.

After signing a contract, even if you are an employee and someone else's subordinate working for the boss, you naturally have to abide by other people's rules, and these rules are normal and there is nothing extraordinary.

Besides, let alone working, isn’t it the same everywhere?

Life is full of rules and regulations everywhere!

It's just that, after all, they are young and used to freedom, so it is difficult to accept it for a while.

Seeing this, Wang Shicheng said again: Actually, don't worry, I won't deliberately make things difficult for you by deliberately making things that can't be completed, but don't worry! It will be normal requirements at that time. If you are not satisfied, you are not fools, I'm sure I won’t sign a contract.”

Zhang Zhaoyang also said: If you are worried about anything, come to Emperor Star with the contract and come to me. I will definitely help you. If it doesn't work, you can also go to Mr. Mo. I'm sure he won't ignore it.

When Mo Yu was mentioned, several people felt at ease.

As we all know, e-sports is a career promoted by Mo Yu. If any club scandal breaks out and affects the development of e-sports, Mo Yu will definitely help. It is impossible to let a mouse drop spoil the pot of porridge.

PDD thought for a while and said: Brothers, what Mr. Zhang said makes sense. If there is really a problem, Mr. Mo will not leave us alone. His words contained a warning.

Wang Shicheng smiled and did not criticize, but agreed: No problem, as long as you have any dissatisfaction, you can raise it. After all, I am a newbie in e-sports. I don't know many things as much as you do. As long as it makes sense, I can adopt it. .”

Besides, I think you also know that no matter what you do, you must have rules. The ancients said that there is no rule without rules. If some things are decided in advance, it will be of great benefit to the club, and it is not a bad thing for you and me.

Of course, I'm not just a Zhou Papi. After you sign the contract, I will equip you with the best equipment, arrange a dedicated person to manage all logistics, and find professionals to analyze your respective characteristics and help you improve your strength. The only thing you have to do is The only thing is to train, train, and achieve better results!”

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