Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 276 Preparation and Update

The collision between the two professional teams on the field attracted countless people's attention.

This game has also become the most watched game of the Emperor Star Cup so far. Before the game, some people even called it a preview of the finals.

All tickets were sold out that day. Even so, there were still many people asking for tickets, hoping to enter the game.

Game day.

The live broadcast room had just opened, and the screen was still black. Thousands of people poured in, filling the room with barrages. By the time the game screen appeared, there were already hundreds of thousands of people in the Moyu Platform live room.

This scene made other live streaming platforms so envious that their teeth were broken.

No live broadcast platform can have such huge traffic. All online live broadcast companies have realized that e-sports competitions are currently the most popular online live broadcast project, no one!

The company entrance.

Shang Xingyue was waiting nearby, and Mo Yu took Huang Jiajian and Yang Qiu to tell them some things before setting off for the competition.

Yang Qiu, we can start preparations for the S competition. Now the e-sports atmosphere in the five major competition areas around the world is getting more and more popular, and the topic of e-sports is constantly getting out of the circle and being known to more people. At this time, let's have a grand competition. It will be of great benefit to the company's e-sports strategy. Mo Yu said: I have planned to hold the S competition in December at the end of the year. In addition, it will be officially announced at the Emperor Star Cup awards ceremony, so the preparations are Leave it to you, nothing can go wrong.”

Yang Qiu looked very excited when he heard this.

He has long known the plan for the S-Games, a world-class super event with tens of millions of US dollars in prize money and participation from dozens of countries on several continents. Once successfully held, how much benefit will it bring to the development of e-sports? Just think about it.

Yang Qiu had long been expecting Mo Yu to give precise information.

Don't worry, Mr. Mo. Yang Qiu said solemnly: I will immediately arrange for people to go to various cities to find venues. In addition, the event organization department has recently recruited a new batch of people to ensure that there will be no problems.

Yes. Mo Yu nodded: You can take care of your business. I can rest assured that the new batch of commentators are almost ready to start their careers. Give them more opportunities to perform in the group stage. As for the original old people, we will put them in later competitions.

In addition, you also need to coordinate well in overseas competition areas. Overseas development is not as fast as domestic. Both personnel and work capabilities are new. Although the company's personnel have established branches, time is tight and development is too slow. You have We urge you to do more, especially because there are still too few professional talents such as English-speaking commentators, hosts, referees, etc. in each competition area.

Understood, I will hold a video conference later. Yang Qiu replied. .

There is also the issue of the venue. Mo Yu said: Our country is vast and rich in resources. Since we are going to host the World Championships, you must try to choose the venue in some representative cities, so as not to lose the dignity of a big country and not let overseas audiences feel I’m petty.”

I have also been thinking about this issue. Yang Qiu said: There are many cities in the country. Some cities have developed construction and beautiful environment. Some cities have rich historical heritage. Some cities have rich cultural atmosphere and full sense of gravity. It can be said that every city They all have their own characteristics.”

I have already made a preliminary list. In addition to Jingzhou, the two cities of Imperial City and Magic City are the best choices. I will arrange manpower to inspect the rest.

The Imperial Capital and the Demon City are necessary. Mo Yu agreed: I can also recommend the remaining places to you, such as Chang'an, Shu Capital, Shancheng, and Jinling. These places are all good and have their own characteristics. They all have a certain appeal to foreigners, and the rest can be chosen among them.”

I know. Yang Qiu responded: I know it well.

That's good!

Mo Yu nodded and turned his gaze to Huang Jiajian who was waiting aside.

Jia Jian, before the S game, you need to make one last balance update, especially the AP gameplay of the recently emerged heroes. Although it is very interesting, the values ​​​​are too super model, so just cut off what needs to be cut. It’s not necessary to completely eliminate it, but you can be more thoughtful in terms of numerical values ​​and don’t go too supermodel.”

Huang Jiajian replied: Understood, Mr. Mo, I have been paying attention to the news about the arena and rankings. The AP Sword Master, AP Small Cannon and other gameplay methods are indeed a bit disruptive to the balance now. We are already calling everyone to study the modification plan.

Yes. Mo Yu patted his shoulder: Gods and Gods is now not only a game, but also a competition event. Balance is very important. You have to pay more attention to avoid any mistakes.

Don't worry, Mr. Mo!

Huang Jiajian nodded solemnly.

Well, I'll leave the matter to you. I'm leaving.

After explaining everything, Mo Yu turned to look at Shang Xingyue who was waiting not far away. When he saw her standing there, he waved his hand and walked closer quickly.

Have you been waiting for a long time?

No. Shang Xingyue shook his head: This little time is nothing. Your company is busy with affairs, I understand.

As long as you don't mind. Mo Yu smiled and said, Let's go, get in the car!

Outside the old stadium, there was already a buzz of people.

Driven by e-sports, this venue that has been immersed in it for a long time has once again regained its glory that has not been seen for a long time.

When the two arrived, the peripheral roads were blocked and the driver could not drive in at all.

Seeing this, Mo Yu simply invited Shang Xingyue to get out of the car and walk.

After walking for about ten minutes and passing through the crowd, the two finally passed the security check and entered the venue.

Inside the venue.

The audience had already filled up, and thousands of people were buzzing with discussions.

Upon seeing this, Shang Xingyue sighed: No matter how many times I see it, I still find it unbelievable.


Mo Yu asked with a smile, taking out a tissue and helping Shang Xingyue wipe the dust on the seat.

Thank you. Shang Xingyue nodded in thanks, sat down and said, When I think that such a grand event is actually a game competition, I can't believe it. It really subverts most people's stereotypes about online games.

Most people in society now probably have prejudices against online games. I'm afraid they never thought that there would be something like an e-sports competition. If the prejudices can be eliminated, the development of e-sports will be smoother. .”

Mo Yu heard the words: The prejudices in people's hearts are like a big mountain, and they are not so easy to remove. E-sports and online games are closely related. Once word spreads, it is difficult not to suffer infamy. To solve it, firstly, time is needed, and secondly, no effort is spared. publicity.”

That's the truth. It's a pity that I'm just a young reporter after all, and I don't talk much. Shang Xingyue sighed.

Mo Yu shook his head and said, It's enough that you are willing to help. In any case, it all depends on people. If it really doesn't work, it doesn't matter if you can't get it. Spend more money and do more advertising, and you can have the same effect.

Then it's too much investment, half the result with twice the result! Shang Xingyue nodded slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when he reached his mouth: I'll think of a solution when I get back to the imperial capital!

Thank you very much. Mo Yu nodded and chuckled.

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