Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 297 Bold Idea

With many events being held one after another, especially the recent S1, which has been so popular, the college league that caused a lot of noise at the beginning of the year has received much less attention, and even Mo Yu didn't think of it for a moment.

It was only recently, after seeing the final stage, that people started discussing it again on the Internet, and it gradually became popular.

I remember it started in November, what day is it specifically? Mo Yu asked.

Yang Qiu remembered it very clearly. He was the direct organizer of all events within the company. He knew the time, participating teams, and costs of each event.

The fight will begin on November 5th at the Centenary Lecture Hall of Jingzhou University.

Mo Yu calculated the time and said in surprise: Isn't that the day after tomorrow?


Yang Qiu nodded.

Mo Yu heard this and asked with interest: Which universities are they?

Jingzhou University of Economics and Business versus Fujian University of Technology. Yang Qiu replied.

Jingzhou University of Economics and Trade, Minjian University of Construction and Engineering? Mo Yu thought for a moment and said curiously: I know about Jingzhou University of Economics and Trade, it's pretty powerful, but I don't know much about the Minjian University of Construction and Engineering. Let's talk about it.

He and Zhang Zhaoyang once went to Jingzhou University Town to watch a game. The two teams at that time were Beijing University and Agricultural University. Later, he went to see several other universities in the university town. Among them, the e-sports club environment of Jingzhou Economic and Trade left a deep impression on him. impression.

In the activity room, all high-end computer hosts were equipped, and the configuration was even better than that of the main store. The decoration was also elegant and full of style. The environment of the entire activity room was comparable to those high-end luxury e-sports hotels he had seen in his previous life, which opened his eyes. !

When Yang Qiu mentioned it now, he immediately recalled it.

The players from Jing Economic and Trade should be very skilled!

Both sides are very strong. Yang Qiu said: Jingjing Economic and Trade played all the way in Jingzhou, which is recognized as the most difficult match point. They were undefeated in the whole process. Minjian University of Engineering and Technology is not bad either. The competitive level of both sides is almost the same. They are both. The masters among college students are not much different from some professional players.

After hearing Yang Qiu's words, Mo Yu suddenly became interested.

Are you actually as good as professional players? Sure enough, the masters are among the people! Anyway, the S1 auditions haven't started yet. I'll go check it out the day after tomorrow. I'll pay a visit to Principal Liu and just relax.

Yang Qiu nodded in agreement: Okay, I'll prepare.

November 5th.

The campus of Peking University was rarely bustling with excitement. Students from other universities gathered here, preparing to witness the battle for honor among the most powerful student teams in the country.

In the Centennial Lecture Hall.

Thousands of seats on the upper and lower floors were all occupied. Among the crowd were local students and students from other places. There were two distinct groups in the middle. There were 1 or 200 people on the left, all wearing blue clothes and holding hands. There are small flags, posters, support boards, and the words Minjian University of Technology written on the north side of the clothes. He is obviously a student of Minjian University of Technology.

There were a little more people on the right, about 400 to 500 people, all dressed in red, with ribbons on their heads that said cheers. Everyone had a support item, and they were obviously students from Beijing Economic and Trade.

Both sides were shouting cheers, and there were young teachers leading the group in front of the crowd to maintain order.

The serious academic atmosphere changed inside the lecture hall. Many game posters were hung everywhere on the walls. Large red banners were raised and letters were written to warmly celebrate the success of the first Gods and Gods college league, welcome the Jingzhou University of Economics and Business team, and welcome Fujian Jianjian Words like Industrial University Team and so on.

At the front of the auditorium, Mo Yu had the honor to sit in the first row. To his left was President Liu Wenyun of Peking University.

Principal Liu, long time no see! Mo Yu greeted with a smile.

Liu Wenyun smiled and said: I haven't seen you for a while, but you are busy with the World Finals recently. You must be very busy at work. Why do you have time to come here?

Oh? You also know about the World Finals? Mo Yu asked in surprise, obviously not expecting that Liu Wenyun, a university president and a gentle intellectual, would also pay attention to e-sports.

Of course, do you think I am an old man who only knows how to engage in academic work? Liu Wenyun said with a smile.

That's not true. Mo Yu waved his hand and said, It's just a bit unexpected. I always feel that you, a university president, are not used to talking about young people.

Then you mean that university presidents can't talk about e-sports? Or are you saying that I'm old? Liu Wenyun joked.

Mo Yu apologized repeatedly: That's not what I meant, Principal Liu, please stop making fun of me!

Hahaha, okay, I won't joke with you anymore. Liu Wenyun laughed loudly, not like a university president at all.

However, Liu Wenyun does look very young, and in fact he is not old either. He looks to be in his forties at most. He is in the prime of life. He is indeed different from the image of an old man with gray hair as a university president in most people's minds.

And Mo Yu also heard some stories about Liu Wenyun.

In the eyes of Beijing University students, he has always been a very funny person who is good at accepting new things. He has a very young mentality and gets along well with the students. He is deeply loved by the students.

Actually, I pay attention to e-sports, partly because of the college leagues, and partly because of e-sports itself. Liu Wenyun said: You must still remember that I once told you about e-sports majors, right?

Yeah, remember.

Mo Yu nodded.

When hosting the college league, he invited Liu Wenyun and Lu Lin from the Agricultural University through Yan Kaixian. The two had completely opposite ideas about e-sports.

Lu Lin believed that students should do student things and was determined not to step forward to help lead the college league.

Liu Wenyun, however, feels that the future of e-sports is limitless, and has even suggested that e-sports majors may appear in some universities in the future, specifically to cultivate relevant talents for the e-sports industry.

Mo Yu was shocked at that time.

Although Liu Wenyun's idea is just talk, he knows clearly that e-sports majors will indeed appear in the future. It is not about cultivating professional players, but about cultivating some professional management talents related to e-sports, such as event hosting and planning. , game design, management, hosting, commentary, anchor and other positions are established in many universities and are deeply loved by a group of young people.

This year, I have been paying attention to the development of e-sports, which is developing rapidly! Liu Wenyun said with emotion: At the beginning of the year, I still remember that the number of e-sports viewers was not too large. You have to find a way to even find a college league. I helped, and now one year later, e-sports has been promoted to the world, loved by millions of people, and has become an emerging industry in the eyes of many people, with considerable influence.

Because of this, I am more certain that there will be professional courses related to e-sports in schools in the future.

For this matter, I actually just planned to talk to you. I want to ask you, a professional, if I set up an e-sports major at Beijing University, what do you think about it? Give me your opinion!

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