Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 591 Lose the first round

LGD of Spring, Emperor Star of Summer.

It's a pity that S2 belongs to the second half of the year!

So far.

Emperor Star advanced and LGD was eliminated.

This result was not unexpected. It was reasonable for everyone. After replacing the bottom duo, Emperor Xing once again regained the dominance he had in S1. Even before the start of the game, many people considered him to be the S2 world champion. A strong contender, there is a high probability that he can defend the title.

Although LGD is not bad either.

At the end of this round, there are already SKT, SSB, and Emperor Star among the top four teams, with the last spot left.

The audience comes in at night.

Someone in the stands held up a promotional poster, which was the Wuzhishan released by RNG last night.

The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly boiled.

Turn your hands to become clouds, turn your hands to become rain, suppress the three stars!

Stained Mountain, Tathagata Buddha!

Remember, don't put water on my middle finger!

The royal family will win!

Enter the semi-finals and meet for a semi-final!

The sound of encouragement filled the screens of major live broadcast rooms.


As the competition progresses, S2's ratings are getting higher and higher. Today, it finally exceeded 5%, and it is expected to compete for the December ratings championship!

Inside the studio.

Several hosts were sitting on the sofa, all discussing the game.

Although I really don't want to dampen morale, I feel that the Royal Family's winning rate today is not high after the game. Wang Duoduo analyzed: SSW's operations are very good, and the Royal Family is used to playing guarantee tactics, especially wanting to delay in the later stages. , sometimes even selectively giving up some resources in order to delay the development of stains, which SSW is actually very willing to accept.”

That's right. Shang Xingyue followed: And if the royal family focuses on only protecting one bottom lane, then there will be flaws in other places, and it will be easy to give opportunities.

But we still want to believe in the Royal Family. Wang Zhicheng said: After watching so many games, we should make special changes.

Definitely. Duan Xuan said with a smile: You can't just let it go in vain, right? Anyway, I 100% support the royal family today to definitely win SSW!

Come on, Royal Family!

After saying that, he shouted to the camera.

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast on CCTV couldn't help but be infected, and couldn't help shouting Come on Royal Family.

Incheon scene.

At this time, the stadium was filled with excitement, and the cold wind could not dissipate the enthusiasm in the hearts of the audience. Fans of the royal family were scattered everywhere in the stands, including local students and supporters who bought air tickets from all the way home to watch the game.

In the corner of the stands, Yin Zhengtai waved a small flag specially made to cheer for SSW, turned around and said: Look, today is the last game. The royal family will definitely lose, and the emperor star will be surrounded and suppressed!


Liu Xingxing was not to be outdone.

In order to support the Royal Family, he specially wore a peripheral jacket launched by the Royal Family Club today. The big golden club LOGO is very conspicuous.

The royal family will win!

He shouted with all his strength, and several fans around him who also supported the royal family also shouted after hearing it.

The camera happened to capture this scene and it was reflected on the big screen. Suddenly, all the royal supporters in the audience also cheered. Although the number of people was small, the volume was so loud that it was deafening.

On the stage.

Players from both sides have already taken their seats and are checking the competition equipment.

For the players, they have also heard about the heated battle for the first division outside the court. This game is very crucial, and both sides are fully prepared.

Even before the game starts.

Other teams that are also competitors have specially arranged training matches with the two teams to pass on some of the experience and tactics they have developed in order to maximize their combat effectiveness.

It can be said that this game is not just about victory or defeat, but also carries more things behind it.

Welcome Summoners from all over the world!

The quarter-finals of the S2 Global Finals have come to the final round!

Royal Family vs. SSW, the game starts soon!

The host gave an order, the screen switched, and the game entered BP!

First round.

The Royal Family still uses the four-guarantee-one strategy that they have played the most and are familiar with. They seek stability first, and only seek changes when stability fails.

SSW also had the same idea and did not come up with some weird new things.

This is considered a head-on battle.

At the beginning, the two sides were very stable in the line. The game broke out with first blood in four minutes. The royal jungler successfully ganked in the bottom lane. Although the stain did not get a kill and only got an assist, the appearance of first blood greatly boosted morale.

This time, the bottom lane has a slight upper hand. This is the early situation that the Royal Family most wants to see.


The advantage didn't last long.

At 6 minutes, the SSW jungler's rhythm was full, and he directly stole Xiaolong, turned around and harassed the middle, knocked Waite home, and then found the advantage of starting the vanguard.

There is no way to support the 55-5 attack, so the vanguard has no choice but to give way.

At this time, the two important resources in the early stage were obtained by SSW.

Although the royal family has the upper hand on the field, the economy is lagging behind.

At 14 minutes, the royal family liberated the bottom lane. On the way to the lane, the stain was caught and sent away. The advantage accumulated in the lane was sent out again.

16 minutes.

A team battle broke out in the middle, and SSW seized the opportunity in the middle. Imp Mouse scored a double kill, and all the disadvantages in the line were eliminated.

18 minutes.

SSW got the second vanguard and pushed down the royal outer tower.

20 minutes.

Taking advantage of the field of view, SSW actually succeeded in stealing the big dragon. When the royal family found out, SSW decisively stopped and counterattacked. The rat poison arrows flew wildly and produced explosive output. The royal family sent three heads, but the big dragon was also lost.

After this wave of fighting, there is basically no change in the outcome.

SSW's mid-low double C is very well developed. As long as the mouse's equipment finds a good position in a team battle, it can melt the royal lineup in an instant. Even if the stain can be developed, unless the mouse can be killed first, it may be impossible to save it.


The game lasted until 31 minutes before it ended.

The score is 0 to 1.

The royal family lost the first round!

The situation is not good!

This front-end attack is okay, but it ignores the importance of dragons and vanguards too much!

And the wave in the middle gave the rats an opportunity.

With this rat together, it will be difficult for the royal family's lineup to resist his output!

I feel that the Royal Family needs to adjust its strategy. It must pay more attention to the jungle position and control resources. It can no longer give SSW such a good rhythm.

With Tainsui's ability in the bottom lane, as long as it can keep his development, it doesn't have to be a kill!\

,"The analysis of the commentary desk was deeply recognized by the audience.

The performance of the first team of the Royal Family was actually above the standard, but they overly ignored the operating rhythm of SSW and did not put too much pressure on this aspect. This allowed SSW to develop, and even the bottom lane seized the opportunity to rely on it. The team's economy keeps up with the equipment, and finally everyone gets killed.

The royal family needs to find a way and can no longer be led by the nose!

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