Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 593 Decisive Game

Today's game was too fierce!

It actually lasted until the fifth game!

This is also the only game in this S2 quarterfinals that lasted five rounds!

The war song is ringing in Incheon. Will RNG or SSW advance to the semi-finals and rush to Seoul?

The stage is set and the game is about to begin!

The exciting tunes of Silver Scrapes resounded throughout the stadium, and all the speakers in the stadium sounded exciting music. Tonight's game has reached its climax!

The two teams will also face the final battle of victory and defeat.

At this time, I am afraid that even the most confident fans of the team are not 100% confident that the home team will be able to win.

Whether it's the Royal Family or SSW, both teams performed at their peak today, playing with the most confidence in everything they've done this year.

Now is the ultimate sublimation of the final battle!

This battle is also a huge test for the players’ mentality.

If you cannot bear this heavy pressure and are afraid of taking the blame, you may become the sinner of failure and be criticized verbally and written by fans, leaving an indelible mark in the history of e-sports.


After four games, the ten players on the field have proven themselves that they dare to play, and regardless of their operational awareness, they at least have the courage to take the blame.

Among the fans, Yin Zhengtai is not as firm as before.

I have to say that the Royal Family is a really strong team, but I still support SSW. They will definitely be able to prove to the world that GCK is the first division!

He affirmed RNG's strength and his attitude was much better than before the start of the game, but he was still willing or hoped to see SSW advance and complete the siege of Emperor Star.

Liu Xingxing still shook his head, unwavering.

I'm sorry, the royal family will definitely win, GPL is the first!

Keep watching!

Yin Zhengtai stopped insisting for a while.

At this time, he was actually not as confident as Liu Xingxing in his heart.

In this BO5 match so far, the performance of the Royal Family is obvious to all. It can be said that the strength of the two teams is evenly matched. Can SSW really win the final victory?

No one can be sure until the second the crystal explodes!

GAG is a game full of miracles. Who hasn’t encountered the situation of a base with residual health coming back in ranked?

As long as you don't surrender, anything is possible!

After a short break, the two teams returned to the stage.

Summoners all over the world are watching the game!

Players from the RNG and SSW teams have arrived!

This final battle is about to begin!

“Who will get the last ticket to Seoul?”

“It’s all in the game!”

In the cold night, the wind howled by, and the shouts rang out in the open-air venue of Wenhe Stadium, making the stands roar, as if even heaven and earth were watching this decisive battle!

The hot air surged upwards, igniting the hottest flame in the minds of everyone present!

The next second!

Game start!

The fifth game, the deciding game.

This game is extremely important to both sides. They don't dare to make the slightest mistake, and they don't dare to attack rashly and choose a style of play with a high risk factor.

As early as the halftime break, the coaching staff of both sides had already made arrangements.


This is top priority!

While being stable, you must make decisive decisions. Don't be timid when it's time to fight. If you are timid, you may make mistakes.

Each position must bear the responsibilities of its own hero. It must know the strong period of the lineup, dare to attack, and also defend securely.

The coach's instructions are the purpose that every player dares not forget, but when it comes to a real fight, the battle is fierce and the situation changes rapidly, so decisions must be made based on the situation on the field.

Moreover, for the players who are in charge of the command, the psychological pressure is too great, and they can easily lose their composure and make wrong decisions.

On the field.

The BP of both sides is over and the game begins.

The center of the royal family is still placed in the bottom lane. Lucian, who is strong in the current version, did not get it. The dirty backhand showed VN first, which aroused the screams of the audience. In the end, it was replaced by Verus, who cooperated with the Bull Head, and the offense and defense were all full.

On the opposite side, IMP uses the Big Mouth and Thresh. Its online ability is slightly weaker, but it is extremely painful to develop.

As usual, the top lane is a fight between two big guys, Royal Dragon Girl versus SSW's Mundo.

The current version is the slag version. Apart from weapons, few heavy-armed warriors can appear on the stage. Most of them are big meat. One stop ahead, they are like two mountains of meat, so the choice of AD is also biased towards percentage damage. The meat is fast.

In the middle of the road, develop a bar on the 5th and 5th to defeat the fat general and the wandering mage.

The jungler RNG prince faced off against the big bug.

The lineup advantages on both sides of this hand are obvious. SSW obviously still wants to control resources and delay development. Royal Family has offense and backhand, preferring to fight, but it is not weak in the later stage either.

Both sides started normally, but neither dared to engage in a first-level team, fearing that mistakes would be made and they would be at a disadvantage at the start.

Until five minutes.

There were occasional clashes on both sides, but they had little impact and no casualties occurred.

At 6 minutes, the first dragon was refreshed.

This is a critical time point. The big bug shows up in the bottom lane to cause trouble. He wants to prevent the royal family from interfering with the dragon in the bottom lane. The prince also has ideas and is also counter-crouching.

The first wave of collision caused the dragon to be delayed.

But Big Chongzi counterattacked, and when everyone in the royal family thought he was retreating, he stole Xiaolong with his extreme backhand.

It's a bit of a loss. The royal family didn't expect that the big bug would dare to look back before it left.

But the impact is not big, it's just the first one. Royal Family's tactics are very clear. While maintaining the line, they must also control resources. This wave of decisions is correct, but I didn't expect the big bug to be too bold.

Miller analyzed the wave.

Losing Xiaolong does have an impact, but there is no problem with the play and tactics, and everyone in the royal family is sane.

8 minutes.

Vanguard refresh.

The big bug wanted to move immediately. Caoli saw the river crab's vision. After thinking about it, he went around to the middle and tried to cause trouble. However, he was seen by the vision and returned without success.

at the same time.

The prince GANK went on the road and helped the dragon girl with a wave of attacks, which reduced Mondo's health and the two of them went straight to the dragon pit.

The vanguard was successfully taken out, which made up for the previous wave that Xiaolong lost.

The situation is unfolding in tension.

Both parties exchange resources.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, the two sides had a winner and a loser, with SSW leading a bottom lane outer tower, which had little impact.

The key turning point occurred at 21 minutes.

The royal family's Niutou went to see the Dalong Pit, but was captured and executed. The prince's support was intercepted and killed on the way. Although he escaped with his life, he could only return to the city to resupply.

This time SSW seized the opportunity!

There was a mistake this time!

The prince is not here, SSW has a big mouth and a big bug, and the big dragon is not bad at speed!

Depending on the situation, they are really going to make a decisive move!

This wave, RNG has to take over, we can't let SSW get this big dragon so easily!

Verus, Dragon Girl, and Clockwork are all here, and the prince is also on his way to the battlefield!

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