Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 187: You can't bear it anymore. There is no need to bear it any longer. Let&#03

Therefore, peaceful coexistence is always a luxury.

As long as greed exists, there will only be endless racial wars.

Either the human race enslaves all races or exterminates all races.

Either all races enslave the human race or exterminate the human race.

Nothing else is possible!

Humans have selfish motives, and so do animals.

When all races have feelings, spirituality, and thinking ability


This means that they also begin to understand more.

Most alien beasts treat their cubs on a survival-of-the-fittest basis, ruthlessly following the law of the weak and the strong.

But there are also a small number of people who are selfish and want to give their babies the best things so that they can escape the fate of being like ants at the sixth level.

The human race is the most suitable target.

Compared with other so-called natural treasures that are rare in quantity and have an extremely long growth cycle, even up to hundreds or hundreds of years.

For the alien beasts, the human race is the real treasure.

Weak and small, with large numbers, fast growth cycle and strong edible effect.

Of course, there are also some large races such as the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, etc., who will enter high-level after adulthood, and even reach the eighth or ninth level as adults.

They don't care about the effects of human consumption, which is one of the reasons why the human race has not yet perished.

However, like those races, blood is respected. The stronger the blood, the stronger the adult.

Pure-blood dragons and phoenixes don't need to worry about the laws of all races, and can escape when they reach adulthood, but those mixed-blood dragons and phoenixes only have half of their blood, or even a few traces of blood!

If you can't use your bloodline to get rid of your fate, you have to find other ways, and devouring humans becomes the best choice.

All these constitute a somewhat complicated causal relationship between the human race and all races.

The sinister intention of the first article is also extraordinary.

If the powerful human race agrees, it can be said that the most basic principle of human race fighting against all races will collapse.

In addition, the second, third, and subsequent ones will also not be agreed to by the strong human race.

Article 2: Handing over Lin Pingan is tantamount to betraying the genius of the human race, which is tantamount to cutting off the future of the race and destroying the unity of the race.

Agreeing to these conditions is also a path to self-destruction.

The third article is the same, and no one knows who the civilized master [Warrior of Love] is, and even if you try to find someone, you can’t find him.

There are also many pitfalls in the subsequent conditions. Once agreed, there will be countless troubles and problems.

Listing these, I don’t know what those beast kings have in their minds.

Asking for prices all over the place, waiting for counter-offers?

Or maybe they are daydreaming, whimsically thinking that the strong humans are fools and will agree to it.

At the same moment, all the strong men from the human race had extremely ugly expressions on their faces, their eyes were full of murderous intent, and they were communicating with each other more and more frequently.

And the contents are all somewhat similar.

Damn beasts, you are really looking for death! They actually blackmailed us! Have you given them face during this time? Do you really think you can't kill them?

If you ask me, kill, kill, kill... kill all these beasts who have no compunction in their hearts, and replace them with some who do.

Hmph! Get ready! Let's fight! Let's fight! Remember to kill that mad cow first. It's been making so much noise lately, and I've long disliked it!

Be patient, bear with me... I've been bearing with you for more than ten years, and I still can't stand it. Let's kill a wave first.


Not long after, these powerful people finished communicating and reached new opinions.

The previous thought of not preparing for a killing spree was thrown aside.

It’s not that they don’t want to endure it, it’s just that these beasts bullied people too much, or in other words, they were too shameless, making these beast kings somewhat unable to distinguish between two, five, and eight thousand, three, four, and six tubes.

This time, we must give a bloody lesson and suppress all dissatisfaction forcefully.

In this way, we can once again strive for a period of peace, or it can be said that we can once again strive for a period of development time.

After all, looking at the menacing appearance of these beast kings, coupled with the demands that poke into the hearts of all the strong men.

It can be said that it is impossible to be good at all.

Since we are enemies and since we want to fight, we should simply go to extreme lengths.

Thinking of this, inexplicably, the atmosphere among the powerful men has quietly changed.

One of them stepped forward and roared.

Damn beast, you bullied others too much, you should die!

As he spoke, he burst out with energy and blood, rushed forward, and punched with all his strength.

This sudden attack stunned the beast king instantly, and half of his head was blown off by force.

That is to say, the ninth-level vitality is tenacious enough, and as long as the golden body is not destroyed and the mental power is not completely wiped out, it will not die for a while.

If you switch to level 7 or level 8, it is estimated that you have almost reached GG.

But even so, this first attack also crippled the beast king, basically unable to exert much combat effectiveness, and the only option was to run away with its head in its arms to escape.

At the same moment, more than half of the powerful human race roared and started fighting with all their strength, throwing out special moves and sure kills.

Suffer death! Heaven-Tearing Slash!

How happy is life, how painful is death, just take my Nine Heavens Splitting Earth Fist!

Kill, kill, kill... kill all the invincible hands in the nine heavens, kill all the beast kings who dare to claim to be king, the ultimate killing gun!


As for the other half of the strong men, they didn't even roar, they just killed them quietly and silently, and each of them pounced on the Beast King target that had been communicated in advance.

Each one was more ruthless than the other, and they were all rushing to kill the Beast King.

At the same time, each beast king was seriously injured with a confused look on his face, and even a few unlucky beasts directly showed what it means to form a group of ninth-grade beast kings and fall on the spot, causing the sky to weep and bleed one after another.

Over Shanhai City, the red sky seemed to be crying, one after another.

The impact of this series of visions was also immediately known to countless people and discovered by countless strange beasts.

In just a short moment, hundreds of beast kings came together in a fierce manner, but as soon as they met, they were disabled by about one-fifth.

Among the twenty, there were even six beast kings who played GG on the spot, providing a boost for the special effects performance of the sky phenomenon.

After the battle suddenly broke out, the remaining eighty or so beast kings were shocked by the scene.

The next moment.

Doubt, confusion, confusion, shock, anger...

Various emotions appeared in the minds of the beast kings one after another, and the order was surprisingly similar.

No matter what happened before, in the end there was only anger.

After all, there are only more than twenty strong human beings, but the number of beast kings appearing here alone exceeds hundreds.

With such a huge gap in numbers and collective strength, the other party actually dared to take the initiative.

This... this is simply provoking... seeking death... contemptuously ignoring their existence.

The reason why we didn't take action before was just because we were not united and no one wanted to be the beast king who was taken away to death together.

But now, dignity, life and death are all being tested. If there is no counterattack, a fatal attack will be carried out.

God knows whether he will be attacked in the future, just like those six idiot beast kings, suddenly hacked to death, turned into a corpse of a beast hundreds of meters away, and eventually become someone else's meal.

So, after the raid, the beast kings all had huge red eyes.


While swinging his natural abilities and swinging his huge body, he rushed forward with murderous intent and launched a shameless siege.

Anyway, as a beast, he never understands any sense of shame or morality.

It is natural to besiege and kill.

Besides, in their view, the human race was even more shameless, fighting without declaring war, and carrying out shameful sneak attacks. They simply didn't want Bilian.

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