Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 345: The identity is exposed, the [Warrior of Love] is Lin Pingan, and the patron saint of D

No matter who it was, no one expected that this scene would happen and that Lin Ping'an would actually kill him.

Moreover, it was still in full public view, during the live broadcast in Daxia.

He openly killed an eighth-grade grandmaster, and he was still a civilized master with a low reputation.


It's incredible!

At this moment, the entire Great Xia fell silent because of Lin Ping'an's crazy behavior.

After a short period of deathly silence, some Daxia warriors were filled with rage, bursting out with all their energy and blood, ready to fight for their lives.

But Lin Ping'an couldn't even give him a look. No matter how hard they tried, it was useless under their absolute strength.

Even if I exhausted all my strength, I couldn't move even a little bit.

Within the realm of mental power, no one could move if he wanted to, let alone resist.

At this moment, the three giants felt endless regret in their hearts. If they had known this, they should not have relaxed even a little bit, nor should they have any thoughts of testing again.

Otherwise, we wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation.

After a breath, Lin Ping'an's calm tone of neither joy nor sadness sounded on the scene.

Even the black dragon could only run away with its head in hand, running for its life like crazy, not daring to even have the slightest thought of resistance.

And among you, do any of you dare to have murderous intentions?

Did I act too kindly before? Huh?

As he spoke, the coldness in his eyes seemed to freeze the space.

At the same time, a monstrous demonic shadow appeared behind him, and the demonic souls howled like ghosts and wolves, arousing the most primitive fear in everyone's heart.

At this moment, the atmosphere at the scene seemed to be in the eighteenth level of hell, which was eerie and terrifying, and the sky seemed to have turned into an endless blood.

In an instant, the world was trembling with Lin Ping'an's thought.

All the powerful men in Daxia lost their composure in front of this scene.


It's so scary!

In front of Lin Ping'an, the ninth-grade experts were no different from ordinary people, just like ants.

On the Tiandao Network, the people of Daxia who watched the live broadcast were also exaggerated by the atmosphere of terror, and they did not dare to breathe.

The blood color on everyone's face also turned pale and dull.

This is the most primitive fear in our genes.

After a few breaths, Lin Ping'an calmed down slightly.

On the other side, Qin Hai, headed by the Big Three, took a deep breath, then straightened his back and clasped his hands in fists.

Senior Lin has saved the Great Xia people from danger time and time again. Qin Hai is deeply grateful. However, he innocently killed my eighth-grade Grand Master of Great Xia just based on his words. It is really inappropriate.

Although you are powerful, Daxia has its own laws and prohibitions, which cannot be surrendered by force, and cannot be moved by poverty or poverty...

Before he finished speaking, Lin Ping'an glanced at him casually, and at the same time, his mental power exploded to suppress him.


In an instant, Qin Hai was lying on the ground, as if there were more than a dozen mountains on his body.

The ground also shattered suddenly, with cracks appearing.

Not far away, Zhang Zheng and Feng Wu were a little anxious.

Qin Hai!

Qin Hai!!

While speaking, he also burst out with energy and blood and stepped forward, but what followed was two loud noises.

On the ground, two people lay down again.

In addition, some other powerful people from Great Xia also broke out when they saw this.

Unfortunately, compared to the Big Three, they are not even qualified to receive a special look.

After roaring angrily, he didn't move at all.

The energy and blood in the whole body exploded, but it seemed that there was no explosion.

It's completely useless.

Lin Ping'an's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes were playful, and his tone was filled with uncertainty.

With your strength, you dare to preach to me?

Strength is respected among all the tribes in the world. All prerequisites are based on strength.

I want you to be the Human Emperor of Great Xia, this time, forget it!

But next time, you have to be mentally prepared to fall.

As for the others, they're pretty good and a little bloody!

I know that some people are unhappy or even angry, but they are not strong enough, so they can only act like this. Apart from gaining more humiliation, nothing else will help at all.

The human race is the leader of all spirits, and it is also regarded by all races as blood food, which is like a treasure of heaven and earth. As long as it is devoured, it will naturally gain strength.

If you are not strong and have no ambition to strive for progress, you are destined to become food.

Having said this, he turned his eyes and looked at the civilized masters.

The leaders of the old faction and the reform faction all trembled and felt inexplicable fear.

The big devil's attention shifted over. The two leaders were the ones most likely to suffer.

At this moment, a trace of regret ignited in their hearts.

If I had known this, I wouldn't have acted like this.

Before you reap the benefits, you become a target in the eyes of others because of this.

After one breath.

Lin Ping'an's voice sounded again.

Don't you want to ask me what I think?

Civilized division...civilized division...civilized division!

It's a joke that you guys are worthy of discussing the direction of civilization in Daxia!

Throughout the history of Daxia, there are only a few who can barely get here, but you guys don't have the qualifications at all.

From now on, only if the sales volume of a single exercise that has been released exceeds at least 10 billion, and the achievement of national cultivation has been achieved, and affects all aspects of Daxia, can one call himself a civilized master.

If you can't reach it, you can only be a skill creator. Do you understand?

These words directly knocked down ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the civilized divisions in the entire Daxia.

Apart from him, the only civilized master who had ever achieved such an achievement had died hundreds of years ago, or even a thousand years ago.

Then, Lin Ping'an glanced contemptuously, tore open the space in front of him, and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, he seemed to remember something again and added a few words lightly.

By the way, [Warrior of Love] is also another account where I publish my exercises.

When you reach the tens of billions level and can influence the entire Great Xia, come and talk to me about the direction of civilization.

Now, you are not worthy!

After finishing speaking, Shi Shiran walked into the space and disappeared in an instant.

The suppression in the mental field also disappeared with Lin Ping'an's departure.

Many civilized masters, as well as Daxia's powerful men and the Big Three, also regained control of themselves as someone left.

The scene fell into a dead silence, and everyone's face was full of various expressions such as humiliation, depression, fear, and horror.

After a long time, Qin Hai sighed, walked out, and spoke slowly to various live broadcast equipment.

Dear people of Great Xia, Senior Lin is the mysterious strong man who defeated the black dragon with three moves.

At the same time, the two accounts [Warrior of Love] and [Ping'an'an] on Tiandao Network also belong to Him.

In addition, he is also the strongest person and patron saint in the entire Great Xia.

After saying that, he swept away his mental power and closed all live broadcasts.

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