Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 422: The class war is endless. Daxia is preparing for war, and a new storm has arisen.

Maybe the ants over there from the main human race can just reuse the waste.

As thoughts surged in his mind, Lin Ping'an's original idea of ​​setting off immediately to wipe out these ant-like guys was quietly extinguished.

Meanwhile, another idea quietly took hold.

That is to use these powerful men from aristocratic families and sects from the main human race as the content of the second trial.

As for how many casualties the fierce battle between warriors would bring during this process, he did not care at all.

On the road to pursuing the greatest strength, every hesitation and retreat may lead to catastrophe. This is a cruel and true law - if you don't advance, you will retreat.

What's more, warriors compete with heaven, earth, and people.

For hundreds of years, Daxia has been instilling this kind of thinking in all martial arts practitioners!

Now, it just fits perfectly.

What's more, from beginning to end, Lin Pingan was not Daxia's personal nanny.

The role he plays is not a role that always cleans up the mess for civilization and withstands wind and rain.

His existence is more like a guide and guardian than a simple protector.

Daxia civilization is like a towering tree.

If you want to flourish and have deep roots, you must go through wind and rain, and you must absorb nutrients from hardships and setbacks to make your own texture stronger and stronger.

Only in this way can we stand proudly and independently in the torrent of time.

Any attempt to replace the self-growth and experience of civilization may cause this civilization to fall into a fragile situation like a greenhouse flower.

Therefore, instead of sitting back and watching various crises erupt unpredictably, it is better to strategize and plan cleverly.

In a more stable and controllable way, we will lead Daxia towards challenges and face difficulties head-on.

At this moment, Lin Pingan has completely emerged from the cocoon of a chess piece in the chess game, and has successfully transformed into the being in charge of the chess game.

The once high-ranking chess players have now become the manipulated pieces on this huge chessboard just like his former role.

Lin Ping sat quietly in the center of the villa's living room, his deep eyes seeming to reflect countless criss-crossing chess paths.

Each chess piece carries its own life and destiny.

Under his control, whether he attacks or defends, or advances or retreats, all of them will affect the trend of the entire chess game invisibly.

This chess game is vast, vast, and extremely complex. However, there is no one in it who can compete with it on an equal footing.

From a leap in strength to the ninth level of heaven, he is already like a black hand hiding behind the scenes and controlling the overall situation.

Every tiny movement may affect the changes in the entire world.

It is also like the axis of the world, which can determine the birth and death of all things in a single thought.

In an instant, countless intertwined paths of destiny can be woven.

Those living beings living in this world, no matter how strong or weak, no matter how high or low, cannot escape the seemingly invisible but omnipresent influence.

In this grand showdown where life is the chess and destiny is the game, Lin Ping'an is already above everything else.

He is quietly observing this endless game with a detached attitude.

On the other side, the strong men of the main human race still don't know that they have become pawns silently.

Its tragic ending has already come to an end.

Then, with a slight movement of thought, a piece of information was sent out.

Immediately afterwards, he once again immersed himself in practicing the Contemplation of the Chaos Demon God and continued to improve his mental power.

Those trivial matters were not worthy of his going out of the country to deal with them, nor did they require too much time.

Just sit back and watch the nursery grow.

At the same time, it is located in a solemn and solemn building in the bustling city.

Zhang Zheng, the president of the Martial Arts Association, was originally concentrating on handling a mountain of official duties.

At this moment, a look of shock suddenly flashed across his majestic and resolute face.

It's as if a stone was dropped on the calm lake surface, causing ripples in circles.

In the spacious and bright office, sunlight shines on the honor wall through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Those maps that symbolized the glorious history of Daxia Martial Arts shone brightly in the sun, forming a sharp contrast with the shock on his face at this time.

At that moment, a piece of information suddenly appeared in my mind like a bolt from the blue.

The content is astonishing, related to the secrets of the main human race and the power of the aristocratic families.

This information came so suddenly, yet so clear, as if someone had directly implanted a memory into his mind.

Faced with this sudden change, Zhang Zheng's heart was filled with ups and downs.

But years of composure allowed him to calm down quickly.

This abnormality can be understood clearly after just a moment of thinking.

In the entire territory of Daxia people, except for the mysterious old monster with unfathomable strength, whose pseudonym is Lin Ping'an.

No one else can do this.

The existence of that old monster is like a dark cloud hanging over the Daxia martial arts world.

It is both a shock and a refuge in another sense.

Of course, this information will not be false.

Because the other party has absolutely no need to deceive.

After a breath, Zhang Zheng closed his eyes and concentrated, once again sorting through the information that came to his mind.

Every word is like a key, trying to open a secret treasure chest hidden deep in the years.

With the passage of time and the in-depth interpretation of this information, Zhang Zheng's expression gradually became more solemn.

The main human race where the sects and aristocratic families dominate?

How many exploration teams went deep in secret?

A large number of strong men stationed hundreds of millions of miles away from the light film?

A moment later, inside the office.

The originally quiet air suddenly surged with subtle spatial fluctuations, as if there were invisible forces moving through it.

The air in front of him was slightly distorted, with ripples appearing in circles like ripples on the water.

Immediately afterwards, the spatial fluctuations suddenly intensified, like a portal quietly opening.

The next moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the ripples.

It is the other two who are known as the Big Three of Great Xia with Zhang Zheng - Qin Hai of the Ministry of Education, and Feng Wu of the Military Ministry.

Qin Hai was dressed in a straight military uniform as always, with majesty and depth between his brows.

Feng Wu, on the other hand, was dressed in a capable military uniform and had a heroic appearance. The two appeared at the same time, and the atmosphere instantly became more tense and solemn.

Obviously, the appearance of the two people was not accidental, but they knew something.

Zhang Zheng raised his head, and the three of them looked at each other, although they hadn't spoken yet.

But his eyes showed his intention.

After a breath, a cold and heavy voice sounded in the office.

Zhang Zheng: Have you all received the message?

Feng Wu: Yes! Got it!

Qin Hai: This is about the main human race! We have to be on guard! These guys are coming with bad intentions!

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