Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 438: Everyone is a demon, there is a fire in the backyard, the new technique is making great

Therefore, in the recent period, within the vast territory of the main human race.

There are undercurrents and changes among various sects, families, and big and small forces.

The source of this turbulent turbulence stems from Lin Ping'an's unknown secret operation.

Those little secret actions under the control of the devil.

Like the storm at night, violent yet silent, leaving no trace.

Whether it is the intertwining of political intrigues or the disputes of interests, they are like the tip of an iceberg, quietly churning under the water.

A certain sect area.

Several disciples were walking and chatting.

I don't know what's going on recently? After Senior Brother Yuwen came back, he became very close to Senior Brother Tuo Lei who he didn't deal with before.

That's right! I remember they didn't fight over the fight for Junior Sister Tian! How come they suddenly reconciled now? It's really strange!

It is said that it seems to be related to the secret realm of light film. I heard that there is a big secret hidden in it. Maybe it is because of this that we let go of the past.

Even so, something feels wrong! However, I can't control senior brother's affairs, and there's nothing I can do about it!


In fact, although there have been ups and downs within various sects and aristocratic families, to the outside world, it is still calm as usual.

All the information was tightly sealed, and not a single bit was leaked.

Like an undercurrent surging beneath the surface of a calm lake, no one knows and no one can touch its true face.

In the areas where various aristocratic sects are stationed, scenes of similar plots are quietly unfolding.

No matter whether it is the world-famous ancient sect or the secretive and low-key emerging forces, they are not immune to this invisible storm.

Those disciples who strictly guard their character and have advanced cultivation, and even some highly respected elders.

Unknowingly, the soul has been quietly infected by the demonic seed.

The eyes no longer sparkled with clarity and determination, but were replaced by the confusion of being manipulated.

His words and deeds have become a puppet in Lin Ping'an's hands, at his mercy.

Become his tentacles that stretch out in this main line of human race, and will have an influential clone.

Moreover, these people who were corrupted by the demon species were unaware of their own changes, as if everything was taken for granted.

When driven, it is like a sharp blade that can be discarded at any time.

With just a thought, these people can rush towards any goal without hesitation and without any sense of self-consciousness.

Its existence is as cheap as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

It can be used as a one-time consumable at any time to complete various tasks and achieve different goals.

However, the strong men of the main human race who are studying and exploring how to better attack the Daxia human realm outside the light film, snatch the benefits, and obtain the benefits are not yet known.

The rear area was already on fire.

At the same moment, in the quiet and deep living room of Villa No. 1 of Daxia Academy.

Lin Ping'an's eyes were like stars, shining brightly, and every inch of his skin seemed to be breathing endless power.

The fingers dance with the movement of the mind, as if carving a mysterious talisman picture in the air.

Within his body, a unique power originating from the demon species was flowing and turning quietly.

The law of cause and effect moves with thoughts, and the demon seed is like a bottomless treasure house containing vast contents, continuously delivering mysterious and powerful cultivation knowledge and energy.

Every feedback is like a ray of wisdom, quietly integrated into the flesh, bones, and even the depths of the soul, becoming part of the foundation.

Mental power attracts this knowledge like a magnet, analyzing and absorbing it, and skillfully integrates it with one's own martial arts concepts.

Sometimes I close my eyes and meditate, sometimes my eyes flicker. Every time my thoughts surge, it is a sublimation and breakthrough in my understanding of the new technique.

At this moment, the atmosphere was tense and solemn.

Only the faint light that occasionally emitted from the body and the flash of aura when the demon species returned knowledge broke the silence.

At the same time, the progress of creating new techniques was steadily and orderly improved under Lin Ping'an's operation.


One day, two days, three days...

Days pass by, and Daxia changes every day.

On the streets, on the banks of parks and lakes, and even on school playgrounds.

Every inch of land in Daxia is filled with vitality and vitality.

Nowadays, in this country, martial arts is prevalent and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Just like the spring breeze turning into rain, it moistens things silently and becomes an indispensable part of people's lives.

The morning sun is like a golden painter.

Using the sky as the curtain and the earth as the paper, vivid pictures are painted.

In those ancient streets and alleys, strong old men faced the morning sun and sweated in the cool air.

They clenched their fists, and every move contained strength honed over the years.

The sound that breaks through the sky, with its priorities and priorities, is both a low-pitched chant that has accumulated over the years and an echo of a passionate war song. It travels through time and space and reaches people's hearts.

By the lakeside, the willow branches swayed and the water rippled, reflecting the figures of the warriors.

Whether with fists or swords, or as still as a virgin, or as moving as a loose rabbit, the power of both strength and softness is vividly demonstrated.

And the children who were watching also followed the practice in a decent manner.

On the school's spacious playground, the breath of youth is blowing against our faces.

The students wore uniform training uniforms, lined up neatly, followed the martial arts teacher's movements, and performed each move rigorously and conscientiously.

The sun penetrated the mist and shone on everyone's determined faces, reflecting the light of hope for the future.

These scenes together build the unique scenery of Daxia.

The martial spirit deeply rooted in the bones and blood has taken root in everyone's heart and blossomed like a brocade.

On the Tiandao Network, the atmosphere has also changed accordingly, and countless people are discussing cultivation tips.

The Three Swords of Abi Dao is the number one offensive technique, and it can be said that everyone must practice it!

That's right! It's not that Seven Devil's Swordsman is unaffordable, but Three Swordsmen of Abi Dao is more cost-effective.

The Retention Technique and Hidden Technique have gradually become useless techniques! When training the next generation, these two techniques should be deleted from the training plan!

The patron saint seems to have gone into seclusion again! There is still a terrifying atmosphere near Villa No. 1 of Daxia Academy!

I don't know when I will set off for the war. I can't help but want to bring light and freedom to the so-called main human race!

Agree +1.


In addition to cultivation, there were also many discussions about other things, including expeditions.

Some people agreed when they saw it, and some lurkers were so angry that they almost chewed their teeth.

Bullshit light and freedom, these stupid people from the human race actually have such contempt for the sect family.

It is obvious that only they can dominate the human race and guide the future.

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