Kick the door [1]

Port City.
City Council.
Hao Wei’s expression is a little solemn at this moment, because according to Li Ze’s analysis, he saw a terrible case, but now Hao Wei is not sure whether his guess is true or not!
This case is too deeply involved, once it is really confirmed!
Hao Wei couldn’t imagine the honors and merits he received in this case.
But at the same time, this case bears huge risks, because they may face far more criminals than they imagined.
“Find out all the owners of the golden pistols. Maybe we can fish in troubled waters. I hope we catch a big fish this time!”
Hao Wei thought.
Li Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression slightly excited.
Through the clues and gaps in those cases, he can obtain a terrifying factual proof.
And now Li Ze can prove his argument is correct!
“Okay, give me ten minutes!”
Hao Wei nodded excitedly.
He began to search for information in room 20 of the archives. This search for information was difficult and required great expectations and investigation.
You must know that the cases about the golden pistol are all old cases that have been around for a long time.
The most recent year was the mega murder case nine years ago, the murder case of a man with a tattoo in the Germanic language, and the murderer only killed the addicts.
Ten years ago, the case was a case of serial murder and dismemberment by a ghost mother. The murderer only killed those men who were handsome.
The two cases were just the beginning, and Li Ze’s expression changed.
If he guessed correctly, then this golden pistol was manufactured in China, and then it was in the hands of a few extraordinarily serious criminals, and finally returned abroad, and then the foreign crime chief Zack chose to give it to Su Su.
But this reasoning is still too far-fetched and has a fatal flaw.
That’s why this golden pistol was found at the home of the German tattoo killer!
Suddenly Li Ze was stunned. He stared at the golden pistol, and the countless logics in his mind were frantically conceived, and finally condensed into a thin line.
This line is!
The golden pistol is physical evidence for the police.
But for criminal groups, it may be a stepping stone!
“found it!”
Hao Wei woke up Li Ze with an excited exclamation, and he stood up curiously and looked.
Hao Wei at this moment!
Holding an ancient yellow case bag in his hand, he took out anything in the case bag, whether it was a photo or a written record.
At this moment, Hao Wei looked a little excited. He looked at the case bag excitedly, and his eyes began to glow.
Li Ze was looking at the golden pistol over and over with insulating gloves, so Li Ze asked Hao Wei.
“One of the cases you looked at before was nine years ago and the other was ten years ago. This one is not. This one was eleven years ago, which means the two cases were one year ago!”
“This is a very serious criminal case. Regarding the description of this case and its terribleness, the police called it: Crazy Chainsaw Demon.”
“This was a shocking case eleven years ago, which caused great social unrest and was also called a great social case.”
While Hao Wei looked at the picture of the case, he quickly explained the introduction of the case.
Li Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, and now his mind is quickly analyzing the implication of these three cases.
From the tattooed man killing a drug addict, to the ghost mother killing a misbehaving man, and finally to the chainsaw murderer.
From the tattooed man killing a drug addict, to the ghost mother killing a misbehaving man, and finally to the chainsaw murderer.
Thinking of this, Li Ze looked at Hao Wei and asked in a clear voice.
“Analyzing the case quickly, I’m very curious now what happened.”
At this moment, Li Ze’s eyes were full of playfulness and reminiscence, and he continued to ask decisively and in a clear voice.
“The Chainsaw Murderer is a teenager. He carried a small chainsaw to kill those whore clients.”
Hao Wei smiled bitterly, and now even he couldn’t help but his brain exploded.
He tried hard to analyze these three cases, but none of them were irrelevant.
“In the first case, the golden pistol was found in the tattooed man’s house. The second ghost mother case was also found in the ghost mother’s room. The third one was found in the murderer’s room. What about the other golden pistols?”
Li Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, and he asked in a clear voice, with a feeling of nostalgia in his eyes.
“Because the case took place in different places, some stolen goods were seized by the local criminal police brigade.”
Hao Wei said.
Li Ze nodded quickly. Now he is more certain, then his idea is right!
Right from start to finish.
The lines of thinking are reversed in an instant, and finally converge.
In Li Ze’s mind, lines are also born.
“Sure enough, the golden pistol is more like a stepping stone!”
“Or yes! Review firearms!”
Li Ze’s voice was clear, he couldn’t help exclaiming.
“What is reviewing firearms?”
Hao Wei asked.
“Now you quickly analyzeCases, tell me what the murderer’s motives are in these cases! ”
Li Ze did not answer Hao Wei directly.
“Criminal motive?”
At this moment, Hao Wei suddenly understood that he had been looking at physical evidence and the murder process.
Now he was suddenly clicked by Li Ze, and his mind seemed to be instantly clear.
The context of some events became clear immediately. Yes, the biggest curiosity in these three cases was the motive of the crime.
If the criminal motives of these three cases are compared one by one, then a terrible fact will be obtained in the end.
“Now look for the person who was alive in that case back then!”
Li Ze slowly put down the third case form in his hand, and said in a clear voice.
As the process of the case became clearer, Li Ze discovered an extremely terrifying fact.
“The murderers in these three cases are all dead!”
Hao Wei was stunned.
“Dead? Look carefully at the third case! This case eleven years ago was our breakthrough!”
Li Ze said.

(From the novel group 9♀*80;20’5,8″56)

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