The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter III Compromise of Three Generations

A small fireball technique, so Sun Wukong has made such a great power, in fact, there is nothing to be surprised, the so-called strength has how strong, the skills of the show have a strong! With the strength of Sun Wukong, if you apply full strength, even if it is a small fireball, you can burn whole Earth!

Destroying the ecological environment is a bad behavior. Sun Wukong immediately learned a trick of water and water dragons! Ok! It turned out that he was miscalculated. A huge water dragon swept through the whole forest. The fire was successfully extinguished, but the forest was also ruined in the flood!

In this regard, Sun Wukong also got dozens of W energy points, it seems that there are many animals in the forest! There may be one or two people who may not be able to!

“It seems that I have to learn about Chakra’s control. Otherwise, it would be too inconvenient to display a small ninjutsu to destroy a city!” Sun Wukong shrugged helplessly and continued with his sisters. Research comes from ninja.

The sky is getting darker. “You still go back to the world and continue to learn! I still have something to do!” Sun Wukong had to take back the world papers, and he, an Instantaneous Movement, came to a building in Muye Village. Top.

Watching Not far from the Huo Ying office building under Huoying Rock, Sun Wukong’s figure disappeared again.

At this time, busy for a day, it is hard to find a time to rest. The three generations of old man are staring at a crystal ball with a white flower in it, I am grass! It turns out that this old man is peeping at a woman taking a shower!

Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly appeared behind the three generations of old man, but also extended his head to look at the crystal ball, tut tut praised: “Wow! The sister paper in this bathhouse is very punctual! It seems that all are wives! I didn’t expect you to be a good old man!”

“Yes! But the wife is the most… Well? Who?” The three generations of old men were suddenly shocked, and some people appeared behind him and found nothing. Is it because it is too invested? Still old?

“Hey! Don’t be nervous, I am not a bad person! Just have a small request and hope that you can help!”

“Required? What?” Three generations of old-fashioned watched Sun Wukong. Unexpectedly coming to the Fire Studio, it is definitely not a general generation.

“Can you take a look at your seal book?” Sun Wukong said his intentions!

“The book of seals?” Three generations of old man suddenly shocked: “I’m sorry, sir, the seal book is a banned book in our wood leaf village, it must not be used for people to watch! You still please come back!”

“I still banned the book!” Sun Wukong said nothing, said: “Don’t be so stingy, let me see you! I am really not malicious, I really want to come hard! No one can stop this world. I!”

“If you want to seal the book, let’s step on it from my body!” The three generations of old men are very hard-working and ready to attack.

“Since you sincerely want to be jealous, then I have to make it difficult for you to promise you this request!” Saying, Sun Wukong suddenly appeared in front of the three generations of old man, and then punched his abdomen!

“呃~~~” Three generations of old man suddenly fell to the ground and the colic in the stomach made his facial expression somewhat distorted! Sun Wukong is just a punch, and it has already caused the three generations of old men to completely lose the Battle’s Ability.

“Who are you in the end?” Three generations of old man looked shocked at watching Sun Wukong, he was actually put down by the other side? Is it really old? Still, is the opponent’s formidable too much?

“My name is Sun Wukong. Actually, there is really nothing malicious! Watching the seal book is just to learn a ninjutsu that’s all! If I want to take it, no one can stop me!” Sun Wukong is so polite In fact, he still wants to live in the period of time in the wood leaves, after all, there are many sister papers in the wood leaves!

The three generations of old men bowed their heads and pondered for a long time, and finally nodded. Not tolerate him not to nod, Sun Wukong’s formidable, far beyond his cognitive range. With his strength, even the nine tails can be battle! But in front of Sun Wukong, give a punch KO! The gap between the two is not to be considered by him. If you can use the seal book to save a disaster, then it is not a bad thing!

The three generations of old man came to a secret room with Sun Wukong, drank back the dark part of the guard, opened a thick and huge iron gate, took out a huge roll of deposit inside, and handed it to Sun Wukong: “This It’s the book of seals! I hope that you will keep the promise and return it to me after reading it!”

“Reassured! I always talked and talked!” Sun Wukong opened the book of seals, and the first ninjutsu in watching was very excited! The technique of multiple shadows is the purpose of his trip!

Sun Wukong looked carefully and remembered it deeply in his mind… Then he carefully looked back, each and every one familiar and strange names appeared in front of him! In particular, the corpse is sealed, the eight armor, the earth is reborn, etc. It is Sun Wukong’s most familiar ninjutsu!

However, these ninjutsus have no value for Sun Wukong! In the end, only two of the techniques caught the attention of Sun Wukong: the blood followed by the stripping technique and the ghost buds!

The technique of blood stripping is a kind of ban that can be used to separate other people’s blood from the limit and pass it on to others, but the success rate is very low! It also has some great side effects, so it is listed as a ban!

The technique of Ghost Bud, but in the Movie version, appeared in the successor of the fire! This is also a blood-winning technique, but this technique is more formidable with domineering! Can integrate other ninjas or psychic beasts with their own bodies, possess their Ability, and even the blood limit, as long as they absorb the five bloods and limit the boundaries, they can become the immortal Perfect Form Ninja!

“These two procedures are very interesting! I have a good time to study it! Maybe I can use it later!” Sun Wukong hurriedly remembered the two techniques and then sealed the book. It also gave three generations of old men, so that the hanging heart of the three generations of old man was finally put down.

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