Chen Yu looked in the direction of the sound source.

Sure enough, Sister Lion was standing next to the sleeping tree before him, yelling at him.

At the feet of Sister Lion, there is also a fresh little gazelle.

The gazelle’s four legs are still shaking slightly, proving that it is not completely dead.

There is something to eat!

Chen Yu immediately trotted to Sister Lion’s side.


Sister Lion let out a low roar and rubbed Chen Yu’s head affectionately.

Chen Yu immediately understood that he was not alone in the past few days.

Although the lions left and the lioness left, Sister Lion was always by his side.

In the past few days, Chen Yu’s body shape has changed a lot, and he is almost no smaller than Sister Lion.

Sister Lion did not show a trace of strangeness, which means that Sister Lion has been paying attention to him and witnessed his changes with her own eyes.

A lion cub, sleeping like Chen Yu, is generally considered sick.

Lions that are unable to move are often abandoned by the lions.

The lions will not put the entire lion in a difficult situation because of a sick lion.

Sister Lion stayed to take care of Chen Yu because she had personal feelings that transcended the collective consciousness.

Maybe it’s family affection, or maybe it’s the friendship that has been established in just a few days together.

The cuteness of beasts lies precisely in their simplicity and purity.


Sister Lion roared lightly twice.

She did not move the prey under her claws, but handed over the ownership of the prey to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was unceremonious, and directly lay down and began to tear the gazelle’s tender lower abdomen.

Sister Lion also came over and dined with Chen Yu.

Before Chen Yu ate some small human snacks.

But to be honest, those things had little nutritional value other than satisfying his few taste buds.

After the second evolution, Chen Yu’s food intake has also become much larger.

This gazelle, Chen Yu ate most of it alone, but only ate a seven points full.

Sister Lion ate less than Chen Yu, and obviously did not eat enough.

Chen Yu immediately decided to capture another prey and fill up his own first.

However, after sleeping for so long, he didn’t know where the lions had gone or where their prey was.

Although Sister Lion has been taking care of Chen Yu, she has just caught a gazelle, obviously knowing where to find prey.

Moreover, there is a high probability that there is no broken contact between her and the lions.

After eating the gazelle, Sister Lion led the way in front, followed by Chen Yu.

Sure enough, not long after walking, after crossing a high ground, Chen Yu saw groups of cattle, sheep and deer again.

The lions stopped just a short distance to rest.

During the rainy season, the grass is abundant, and these herbivores do not migrate purposefully, but go wherever they eat, so the speed of movement is not fast.

It took three days to cover a distance of several kilometers.

Some gazelles are constantly bouncing around, looking for the freshest grass.

Chen Yu can’t look at these small-sized prey now.

He was ready to grab a big one to prove his strength.

Wildebeest is undoubtedly a good choice.

Being able to hunt wildebeest alone proves that his strength is no weaker than that of a lioness.

Chen Yu selected a strong adult wildebeest at the edge of the group as a target.

He swaggered directly towards the wildebeest.

In the face of such a large group of wildebeests, there is no need to lurk at all.

After all, hundreds of wildebeest gathered together, it is impossible to flee en masse just because a lion approaches.

Even, some of the wildebeests in the herd were indifferent to Chen Yu’s approach, and continued to pick and choose the grass on the ground.

When Chen Yu walked to a distance of only more than twenty meters from the target, he immediately activated his skill and rushed towards the wildebeest.

Seeing Chen Yu move Zhenge, the nearby wildebeest immediately scattered.

Chen Yu ignored the other wildebeests, and his eyes were only the one he had set on at the beginning.

After the second evolution, because of the growth of his size, Chen Yu’s strength and speed have improved greatly.

If before, Chen Yu’s speed was only about the same as that of an adult lion, now he can race with an adult cheetah.

Even, the cheetah may not be his opponent.

Faced with such extreme speed, the wildebeest naturally had no possibility of escape, and was directly pressed to the ground by Chen Yu with a powerful flying pounce.


The wildebeest let out a long mournful cry, as if calling for help.

But the wildebeest asked his own group for help?

There is absolutely no one out of 10,000 who is willing to make a move.

At least, none of the wildebeest in this group were willing to ram a lion to save their companions.

At this moment, Chen Yu, turning into a cold hunting machine, did not have any unnecessary movements, directly held the head of the wildebeest, and lowered his head to bite the neck of the wildebeest.


Suddenly, Chen Yu heard a high-pitched hiss.

Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled slightly.

Chen Yu, who didn’t know why, looked up, but saw a group of behemoths with fanned ears and long noses, rushing straight towards the direction where he was.

“Groove! What the heck?! ”

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