
The other party was full of momentum, but the two leaders of the lion group, the male lion, had long been accustomed to the big battle, and immediately let out a heaven-shaking roar, and it was also colored.

Immediately afterwards, the two chief lions followed the source of the sound and walked in the direction of the other’s invasion.

This is a war where winner is king!

The other party is coveting their territory, and they don’t want to run away in ashes, so they can only face it head-on!

The lionesses, also knowing that the other party was not good, became vigilant and hid their cubs well.

If the new king ascends the throne and insists on killing the cubs, the lionesses will either give it a go or leave the pack with the cubs.

Of course, it is also possible to welcome the new leader and let him kill the cubs of the old king as a sign of submission.

Chen Yu didn’t seem to care.

He is such a big cub, invading a male lion has no ability to kill him.

In the direction where the leader of the lions left, there was a roar that came one after another.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

The lionesses looked into the distance, waiting for the outcome of the war.

The atmosphere is extremely dignified, and the air seems to turn into a lump of gum, which is suffocating.

After a while, a figure stumbled towards the lions.

It is the leader of the lion pack, the male lion!

In the end, it won the victory and defended its territory.

However, it was already seriously injured.

The originally shiny fur was covered with scratches, and many deep bite marks were still dripping with blood.

As soon as the exhausted male lion returned to the lions, he couldn’t wait to lie down and rest.

Time passed slowly, but the other male lion was still missing.

“Go and see what’s going on.”

Chen Yu stood up, sniffed, and followed the scent of another male lion.

He walked through a forest and eventually found the missing male lion in the field.

It fell to the ground, gasping heavily, and its injuries were terrible.

In addition to being covered in blood, its back half was twisted at a strange angle, and its two hind legs were so dead that they didn’t move at all, as if they didn’t belong to it anymore.

Chen Yu observed that on its back, near the back of its body, there was a deep bite mark.

The coherence of the entire back is split in two by that bite mark.

Apparently, it has been bitten off its spine.

In addition to the male lion of the lion group, there is an unfamiliar male lion lying not far away, and the condition is even worse than that of the male lion of the lion group, and it has completely lost its voice at this time.

“I wonder how lion meat tastes?” Such an idea suddenly appeared in Chen Yu’s heart.

Cannibalism is not uncommon for lions, especially male lions.

These male lions, who have wandering experiences, will show the same habits as hyenas and eat almost everything.

Stray male lions kill their cubs after taking ownership of the herd.

And some male lions, after killing the cubs of the old lion king, will directly eat them.

Even, some extremely cruel tyrants will kill and eat adult lionesses for some inexplicable reasons.

For example, after two male lions compete for mating rights without success, they kill the female lioness to solve the root cause of the problem.

For another example, when the lion is enjoying her prey, the lion tries to step forward to get a piece of the pie, but is directly killed and becomes another plate meal.

“Carnivore meat, the taste should not be good, or forget it.”

Chen Yu thought for a while, and then dismissed his own thoughts.

I have heard in my previous life that the texture of cat meat is old and woody, with a strong fishy smell, and a sour taste, which is difficult for ordinary people to swallow.

Lions are also big cats, and presumably their meat quality is not delicious.

Chen Yu walked to the leader male lion, ready to give it a pain.

In the wild, male lions with broken vertebrae have no hope of survival.

The lion herd does not raise a crippled male lion, and it has no ability to hunt itself.

Even if he hadn’t bled to death from his wounds, he would have starved to death a few days later.

After all, after getting along for such a long time, Chen Yu was willing to take action to end its pain.

The fallen male lion noticed Chen Yu’s arrival, and it roared weakly.

From its roar, Chen Yu heard his thoughts and worries about his brother and his homeland.

“Dying in battle is the last dignity of a king.”

“You defended your territory, you are a successful king!”

“Don’t worry, go!”

Chen Yu also roared in response.

The male lion seemed to understand Chen Yu’s appreciation.

It forcibly raised its head, exerted its last strength, and let out an earth-shattering roar.

Immediately afterwards, he fell heavily to the ground and fell silent.


Behind Chen Yu, there was a mournful hiss.

It’s the voice of Sister Lion.

She also ran out with Chen Yu.

The leader male lion, the patriarch of the lions, witnessed the growth of a group of lion cubs, and gave them protection and love.

Witnessing the end of the other party, Sister Lion will inevitably be a little sad.

“Let’s go, go back!”

Chen Yu yelled softly at Sister Lion, and then turned to leave.

Sister Lion walked up to the dead male lion, licked its scarred face, and made a final goodbye.

The life of a lion is a life of fighting.

It died defending its territory, and it died where it went!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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