
The spotted hyena leader roared lowly from the side.

It was asking Chen Yu if he would kill the woman.

“Yes, don’t I still have subordinates?!”

Chen Yu’s eyes lit up.

He didn’t want to follow, first because he was afraid that he would be in danger.

After all, he has not yet confronted the power of human high-tech head-on.

The second is not to waste too much time.

He hunts and eats, practices his skills and then rests and recovers, all of which take a lot of time.

But these dogs are different, even if they die some, they are not very distressed.

It’s just that how to get wild animals to track a person, that’s the problem.

So, Chen Yu roared while gesturing with his paws.

Try to make the spotted hyena leader understand the concept of “tracking”.

Originally, Chen Yu did not have much hope.

But the result surprised him, and the spotted hyena leader seemed to really understand what he meant.

It whispered a few spotted hyenas, hanging far behind the blue rain string.

Chen Yu was afraid that it would be wrong, and he also followed behind to observe.

After walking for half a day, the spotted hyenas still followed from a distance, keeping a distance from the blue rain string, without the slightest intention of attacking.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yu was completely relieved and turned to leave.

He only felt that it was a wise choice to give the leader of the spotted hyena the blue fruit!

When Chen Yu returned to his habitat, it was late at night.

Sister Lion is sleeping next to the herd of herdsmen.

Some of the spotted hyenas that remain in their habitat guard the herding animals, while others take advantage of the night to catch their prey.

The three male lion brothers were nowhere to be seen, and they didn’t know where they had run.

Chen Yu rested on his stomach for a while, completely sleepy.

He was full of thoughts about how he could get more strange things through her if he knew the whereabouts of that woman.

Ming robbery is definitely not good, then only when she goes out on a mission again, she secretly follows to find an opportunity.

However, even if he finds a strange thing, he may not be able to defeat an elite special forces.

“I have to accumulate a little more evolutionary energy, if I get news of strange things in the future, my strength is not enough, and I can also temporarily upgrade my talent.”

While Chen Yu was pondering hard, he suddenly heard an extremely penetrating roar in the distance.

Pride, rampant, invincible!

It is the voice of the three brothers of the lion!

“What the hell are these goods doing?”

Chen Yu got up and traced towards the source of the roar.

After galloping for about seven or eight kilometers, Chen Yu found the figures of the three brothers of the lion.

At the edge of a sparse forest, they roar wildly while peeing on tree trunks.

Even if you pee, you can sprinkle it very economically, sprinkle a little in one place, sprinkle a little more in another place, the amount of urine is controlled very accurately, and never waste a drop.

“These goods TM have prostatitis? Frequent urination, urgency and inexhaustibility? Chen Yu secretly complained.

After galloping for seven or eight kilometers, Chen Yu also consumed some physical strength, so he stood aside to rest, and by the way to see what kind of moth these three brothers were going to make.

After a while, the three brothers ran out of bladder stock and finally stopped peeing while walking.

However, they are still marching forward with their heads held high, roaring as they go.

Chen Yu followed behind them, and soon found a group of lions.

There were several lionesses with cubs in the lions, who formed a defensive line and roared at the low grins of the three brothers.

Chen Yu finally knew what these three brothers were doing.

Thanks to the ghost sapphire, although they did not evolve into the upper race, the golden lion, they entered the peak state of adulthood in advance.

Moreover, the strength is extraordinarily strong.

Driven by instinct, they found a herd of lions and prepared to claim them and reproduce.

Chen Yu was noncommittal about their behavior.

Just because he doesn’t want to reproduce with a lioness doesn’t mean he doesn’t allow his other animals to breed.

The three brothers want to kill the lion cub, but the lioness desperately stops.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, the roar of other male lions finally came from the silent night sky.

It is the male lion, the leader of this lion pack.

They sensed the invasion of the three brothers and finally rushed back.

Due to the dim night, Chen Yu did not notice that not far from the three male lion brothers, there was a strange stone that was moving with the three brothers.

There is also a bunch of bushes growing on this stone.

But if you look closely, you can see that this shrub is plastic.

The “stone” is also not a real stone, but a shell camouflage.

Look closely, there are two tracks at the bottom of the stone!


In a large camera car, twelve screens are playing real-time shots.

A white man is looking at his phone, and next to a white woman is staring intently at the screen.

“The Dragon Kingdom leased a hundred square kilometers of land in the Akash steppe from Daschenas to establish a wildlife research institute? Lease for 99 years? Suddenly, the white male screamed in disbelief.

“Will military forces be stationed to protect and assist in research?”

“Oh – Shet!” The white male scolded, “I have reason to believe that the damned Dragon Kingdom is coming for our Akash military base in the Great Free Country!” ”

“What the damn wildlife institute?”

“The people of the Dragon Kingdom are engaged in an arms race with us! They want to start a war! ”

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became, and the volume gradually increased.

The woman on the side immediately cursed angrily: “Xiate – A Po! Bruce, shut your damn mouth! Leave me alone! ”

“I’m sorry, Ms. White, I’m so excited.” The man smiled and said, “Did the camera capture something noteworthy?” ”

“It’s the Latmia lions!” The woman’s angry expression turned to excitement, “There are three stray male lions that have invaded the Latmia lion herd!” ”

“Oh my God, I can’t believe these intruders are so majestic!”

(This book is on the shelves at 8 p.m. tonight, please order first!) )

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