At that time, Gao Jin slept for two days before he regained his spirits.

Since then, Qi Yuan has been taking care of Gao Jin very carefully.

He knew it was tiring, but he was a friend of Gao Jin, and he promised to report on Gao Jin.

However, under the normal cyanosis of Gao Jin, there will be such a cyanosis at least once a month, even if there is no external stimulus.

This time, Qi Yuan didn’t want to know what it was for.

All he knew was that the doctor had told him that if he could get Gao Jin to try to have a nervous breakdown, he had to do so.

Otherwise, once dragged on for a long time, Gao Jin will be schizophrenic.

Yes, Gao Jin suffers from mild schizophrenia.

Thinking of what I just said about blue cesium, Qi Yuan suddenly felt bitter and bitter.

They used to be just ordinary hooligans.

The best thing is that Gao Jin’s brain must be shattered, but this is only forever.

The small fish and the small fish began to make waves, and no one knew and did not want to know why such a thing fell on Gao Jinyu.

The mild schizophrenia suffered by Gao Jin is actually not serious, at least manageable.

But if you don’t want to heal again, then you can’t imagine it, maybe Gao Jin will really become a madman.

For this matter, he has tried various means, but still has not improved.

He even reluctantly asked Gao Jin to waste his addiction within five years and extend a helping hand to the outside world to avoid causing illness.

I didn’t expect that today the girl inadvertently stimulated it.

“Stinky rascal, be sure to take care of yourself, I’m waiting for you to do something big! Qi Yuan stared at the sleeping Gao Jin for a long time, and finally said a word, but it seemed heavy.

Blue cesium was very aggrieved on the way home, and very chaotic.

This is fraught with skepticism.

Why Gao Jin suddenly became like that, she couldn’t get any answers, but she told herself that she would never give up.

Qi goes to work, the casino work is always lively at night.

I saw that the number of alarm clocks on the bedside table in the bedroom had just jumped to twelve.

Gao Jin suddenly opened his eyes and shone in the darkness like a black wolf.

“Why am I here? In spite of! High, no, it should be a high-intensity light, look at the bedroom, look at the mirror in the toilet for a moment.

He remembers his last victory at the Bihui Casino.

He liked the feeling, the feeling of the world’s capitulation.

Thinking about it softly, Gao Jin remembered the experience that popped up before the last time he went to the casino.

Those experiences of unknown origin taught him that not only is the earth very dangerous, but the casino is also very dangerous, so he put on makeup for the last time.

However, at this moment, he found that something was wrong with him.

What’s wrong? After closer inspection, I noticed that my beard was shaved off and my hair was cut short.

The last time it looked like I just woke up in the trash, and this time it looked like a handsome king who had just woken up in the palace.

Looking for it, I didn’t find the wax from the last combing.

His head was on his shoulder for a long time.

Then he complained that he came to the bedroom and found a lot of unwashed clothes.

Last time he wore it.

The clothes that have been passed are inside.

After a moment in my pocket, I quickly took the check, as well as wax and some makeup tools.

Finish your makeup and give yourself a beard, it looks as good as the old-fashioned beard in “Blood and Blood”.

He likes the look.

Give myself a back with wax and change into the last clean clothes, and I’m ready to cover the clothes I used when I came back.

He was proud of his departure.

After wandering the streets, I bought what I needed, then bought a small package that was easy to hide, and went to Bihui Casino.

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