After Gao Jin and Xin Ru left, the casino was gradually calmed by extreme excitement and noise.

After people let Tan fly away, Luo Yuanpei and Qian Huaisheng returned to the office to continue talking, but the topic became very high!

“So proud, if he hadn’t asked me to help, I wouldn’t have bothered to care about this kid who didn’t respect the old man! Luo Yuanpei is actually the technical consultant of Lingbao Casino.

This was only a matter of a few years ago.

This is the relationship between the customer and the Tan family.

“However, I really can’t figure it out, it’s time for Gao Jin to steal the scorpion, what method to steal!” Qian Huasheng and Gao Jin made second contact.

According to his experience, Gao Jin was actually not hostile to Bihui.

It can also be seen that Gao Jin is an evil evil.


This problem not only troubled Qian Huasheng, but also troubled Luo Yuanpei.

They were convinced that the scorpion had been swayed by Gao Jin, but neither on-site observations nor post-mortem surveillance cameras found any clues, which was unbelievable to them.

“The first time I met him, I thought he was like the gambler in that movie and loved it very much.

“Qian Huaisheng” said to himself, hesitating for a while before being shocked: “Judging from the results of these games, his comprehensive strength will definitely not be lower than Yang Chengjun!” ”

“It can’t be counted, that is, Bolin can’t steal scorpions, if so, then isn’t he stronger than Brin!” Luo Yuanpei’s cousin was full of doubts, but he was not sure: “However, his strength is not bad, that’s for sure.”

Unfortunately, this time he didn’t play with him, otherwise he would have had a chance to see his way! ”

Qian Huaisheng took a glass of white wine and handed it to Luo Yuanpei and shook his head: “There is always a chance, no matter what, next time we have to tell him a hundred powerful competitions, I believe his character should not be missed!” ”

“In other words, with such a young master, I believe that in a few years, the Tang Shui people will soon have a place in the gambling world!” Luo Yuanpei was stunned, and then smiled, it was a very happy thing to see that the young man had such a level: “However, I really don’t understand why there are suddenly two masters…”

Explain again: the reason I wrote about this gambling topic is because I don’t want to live with the success of a tycoon.

I have to try other topics, other methods, so I don’t want to repeat myself.

Whether it’s regression or progress, as long as it’s not in the same place, that’s a good thing.

Because this time if you take a step back, it means experience, which means success next time.

Update note: I understand everyone’s expectations and see that the speed now is inevitable.

However, what I want to say is simple.

I have an updated plan.

I just need a little buffer time to coordinate.

By then, it will be faster.

Chapter 16: Test Results

Back at the residence, Gao Jin lay on the bed and thought for a while, and suddenly said with a smile.

He wondered if he needed to go to Macau to find Yang Chengjun to take two actions.

Yang Chengjun was not the first Tang Shu master.

In Mi Wei, there is also a Tang Wei family who controls Las Vegas.

The family has a master and is the only one who can surpass Yang Chengjun in the global rankings.

However, for Tang Miao’s gambling, everyone respects Yang Chengjun more, which is very interesting.

The reason is simply that Yang Chengjun completely relied on his talent and diligence to achieve today’s achievements and status, while the growth of the family owner is completely different.

Yang Chengjun still had nothing to do while he was still wandering around the casino.

The family owner has been washing hot spring water and milk, etc. for at least eight years, and there are some instruments to help with training.

Therefore, the high score can be seen at a glance.

Most importantly, Yang Chengjun’s hand speed was the first Tang Shu who deserved it.

Gao Jin didn’t know how Yang Chengjun’s relevant information was known, but when he appeared in his mind, he began to appreciate Yang Chengjun.

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