For others, I must be very dissatisfied.

At that time, the night was alone.

Gao Jin has saved Lisbon at least billions of dollars and earned hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, for Gao Jin, this is enough.

He is clear about the facts.

Everything must be on his own.

Even if he became a billionaire as a banker, he was empty and inexperienced.

After transferring some money to his account, Gao Jin put down the phone, pointed to the note and laughed: “Old crazy, from today onwards, you will be a billionaire!” ”

“Billionaire! When Qi Yuan encountered such a thing, suddenly his brain could not turn.

There was a blank muttering in my heart, and I realized what Gao Jin said, excited, stood up, and the red tide on my face: “Really? Mom, He Hongsheng is really happy! Lao Tzu is also a rich man now! Hahaha…”

Qi Yuan’s madness quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of the other guests.

Qi Yuan originally wanted to be arrogant, but when he saw Gao Jin’s gaze, he immediately realized that he was really excited.

Squatting with his head down: “That, sometimes excitement is inevitable…”

“He Hongsheng can’t talk about anything, he should be careful with him in the future.

You may not know how much Witt bought outside, $500 million, $500 million… Gao Jin did not have any good feelings for He Hongsheng, and the old boy’s company had been paying dividends for only a few decades.

It’s really bungee jumping.

Qi Yuan stood up again, just not immediately shouting, if he understood if there was a small problem that Gao Jin had caught this official.

If Gao Jin had to pay at least $2 billion that night, he would have thought about it.

The only possibility he had was to make it to Macau to kill Ho.

“Oh, go back and talk about specific things!” Gao Jin didn’t want Qi Yuan to go crazy here, knowing that Qi Yuan’s old crazy nickname was not picked up in vain.

On the same day, Gao Jin and Qi Yuan discussed Chennei’s future plans and some very important things.

For example, if there is money, is it necessary to stay in Bihui? Qi Yuan certainly did not mean to continue to do this.

He did not perform well there.

In the past few days, he was discovered by Wang Jingui, and the days when he was turned upside down every day were really unpleasant.

Gao Jin thought for a while, nodded, and agreed to go downstairs.

After going to Macau, he found that the management of underground casinos like Bihui was not standardized enough.

Don’t learn non-standard management methods, it’s better not to learn.

It’s just that he quickly confused: “What do you want to do, don’t tell me that you want to be a young master …”

Qi Yuan’s hand patted his forehead and rolled his eyes: “I’m in your eyes, that’s it.”

Person? ”

“Do you think we’re all not like that? Gao Jin smiled softly.

He also remembered that his and Qi Yuan’s previous wish was to make money, eat, drink, and play without worrying about money.

Looking back now, childhood really had a long way to go.

Actually, Gao Jin has his own ideas.

He’s been thinking about how they make money.

It’s a really good approach, investigating the target, then making a plan, then setting up the bureau, and finally back online, and the benefits can be obtained far more than professional gamblers gambling everywhere.

He even believes that you don’t need to be confined to the casino, it can also be a rich stream.

In Macau, for example, Yang revealed in a conversation that some high-end clubs have poker games.

The difference is that this matter is just that the rich have their own play and win and lose.

It is said that the number of wins or losses is still large, and some professional players win money in such clubs.

As long as they can enter the upper class and smoothly enter such a club, then if Gao Jin can practice gambling, he can set up a victory.

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