Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 200: True Essence and False Refinement

As for the merits and virtues of the heavenly way, Lingqing doesn't know much, after all, the heavenly way is very high.

He is now only a Taoist seeker who has just entered the path of Taoism.

Since he can't do it himself, how can he teach others?

Therefore, Lingqing only talks about how to spread the good way, how to save good people, and how to cultivate a good heart.

Thinking about these three-level means alone, it is enough for them to wash away their sins and nurture their good thoughts when they walk in the world.

In the future, he will either be reincarnated or reincarnated as a ghost or immortal.

As for washing away the yin body, regenerating the yang body from the negative pole, and rebuilding the immortal fetus, it is just a vision.

Although Lingqing said something mysterious when he taught the Fa, he only deduced it according to the law, and there was no specific method.

Now he is only deducing the method of purifying the yin body with merit and nectar.

If you want to achieve the pure yang body, the method will need to be learned by Xiaoqian and others in the future.

After finishing the teaching, Lingqing began to explain in detail how to save the talisman and turn it into a true seed.

How to capture the seven qi to transform the seven treasures, condense the seven treasures pool, how to nourish the eight virtues, and transform the true water. .

How to make oneself cultivate the cultivation base of the nectar purification method and the concept of spiritual symbolism.

Transform into this meritorious talisman, reduce wear and tear, get started as soon as possible, etc.

Explain the customs and get to the root.

Everyone was fascinated by hearing this, and even Yan Chixia, who was a good practitioner of her own method, felt that this method was very mysterious.

Not to mention Mu Jingrou, who only knew how to **** (defend) the blood and devour the soul before.

And Xiaoqian and others, who were originally just ordinary lonely souls, had only heard the secrets of cultivation a few days ago.

For a while, Zhiyu, who originally wanted to be reincarnated.

I also feel that if you can really refine yin into yang and reshape the body, who would want to be lost in the past and enter the sea of ​​misery again?

"Dare to ask the master, how can I find the Seven Treasures of the human body now that I am all in a yin body?"

After Lingqing finished explaining the trick again, Xiaoqian asked sadly.

Mu Jingrou, Zixiang and other demons have attained the Tao, although they belong to the genus of plants, animals, and beasts, but their bodies still exist in the end.

And since he has already cultivated the human body, it is not difficult to find the Seven Treasures.

However, although Xiaoqian and Zhiyu were human, they had long since died, and their bones were either turned into ashes or skeletons.

Where can one find the Seven Treasures of the Human Body?

"It doesn't matter, but by cultivating yin and yin, you can gain yin and yang."

Seeing her asking, Ling Qing shook her head lightly and smiled.

After all, there are mostly female ghosts in the view, and his practice is specially prepared for them, so how could he not consider it in advance.

Although Xiaoqian and the others are not human, this method is not only practiced in the yang body.

The foundation of this method lies in a magic talisman, whether it is the Seven Treasures and Eight Virtues or the golden lotus nectar, it is all derived from this talisman.

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Furthermore, we take visualization as the method of achievement, and what is lacking is naturally absorbed from visualization.

Just like alchemy alchemy and picking out great medicines, take the real essence of the fire, and support the falsehood of visualization.

Use the spirit talisman and the true essence to pretend to be the dragon and tiger, and then capture the vitality of heaven and earth to make firewood.

Doing the thing of cultivating the truth through falsehood will naturally become the Seven Treasures.

"Thank you, the watcher, for clarifying your doubts!"

Xiaoqian and the others were overjoyed when they heard the words, as if they had received sweet rain.

As the saying goes: there is no existence where there is nothing, and when the false is true, the false is true.

Take something that doesn't exist as something, and naturally create something out of nothing.

When you take what is fake as real, you can also turn the fake into the real.

This "Gongde Lingfu Law" is to transform one's own true spirituality into a spiritual talisman.

The rest of the seven treasures and eight virtues, the nectar of merit and deeds, etc., are just illusory visualizations, and then use the magic talisman to point out a little real essence.

In the future, if you nurture it with merit and virtue, you will naturally be able to create something out of nothing, turn the virtual into the real, and refine the fake into the real.

It's just that the fake is fake after all, and it must be even more difficult to make the fake into the real, which is why Lingqing said that the pure yang fetus is difficult to achieve.

But no matter how difficult it is, it is the last step in the practice of this method, and it is enough not to delay the achievements of its earlier practice.

After talking for nine days in a row, Ling Qing did not give up until everyone had obtained the true meaning.

During this period, Wang Boming and Ning Caichen were in the bookstore.

Meditately read the meaning of the scriptures, figure out the eight parts, and prepare for the exam.

The monk Faming also perfected his own method of purifying merit and virtue, and recited the Diamond Sutra every day to purify the stupa.

It is necessary to leave a legacy for the monks who sacrificed themselves in the temple to comfort the sages.

"I said Lingqing, should you help me refine that Dharma protector?"

On this day, seeing that Lingqing had already said everything, Zhu Guang couldn't help urging him.

The promise made before, because Xiao Zhuo and others returned to the mountain, Fa Ming sought the law, and preached Xiao Qian and others had been delayed for a long time.

Seeing that Lingqing was busy, he didn't urge him. Now that he was free, he naturally started to miss him.

"Okay, I'll help you tonight."

Seeing that there was really nothing wrong with Lingqing, after being urged by him again, he responded again and again.

This is about ghosts and ghosts and other spells, which are rarely practiced during the day.

Even if the sun really wants to come, you have to find a cave or a secret room to block the sun.

When he finished his homework in the evening, he ordered Zhiyu and brought Zhu Guang to the back mountain.

I found a small valley and covered it with shaking hands.

One is to prevent people from disturbing, and the other is the leakage of Yin Qi during the practice.

Seeing that Zhu Guang began to take out materials from his body to set up the magic circle, Ling Qing asked while helping him set up the altar.

"Which yin-shuai protector do you plan to use the ghost body of the green plague ghost? Is it the black impermanence paired with the white impermanence?"

This black and white impermanence is collectively referred to as the impermanent Yin Shuai, which is a pair of one and two, one of the two.

Zhu Guang's own mana is strong and yang, and he can only practice Bai Wuchang, who is also a yang genus.

Without refining Mingguang Baoyan to the state where yin and yang cannot refine the black impermanence of this yin.

If Lingqing didn't find him before, in order not to trouble others, he originally planned to train the yang gods first, and then train the yin in the future.

"No, I've saved up the materials for Hei Wuchang, and I'm asking you to help me practice together today."

After a while, Zhu Guang set up the magic circle and came over to check the altar he set up.

Then he said: "I am going to combine your strength and mine, which belong to yin and yang, and train them into a ghost king.

At that time, it will be equipped with a water fan and fire pot, plus its own wooden line, and become a long-lived ghost king who leads the Dharma protector. "

"You can make up your own mind, anyway, I'm a starter."

Ling Qing heard him say this, and said it indifferently.

Anyway, he is only responsible for providing mana and helping to take care of the formation and the altar.

One is practice, and the other is practice. For him, there is not much difference.

"What I want is you who start, otherwise I really can't practice on my own."

Seeing that everything was ready, Zhu Guang asked Lingqing to help start the formation.

According to the method of the previous sacrifice and refining of the bull-headed general, the black impermanence was first sacrificed.

This black impermanence is 10%, he is not busy refining the ghost king of longevity, but takes out the soul orb that represents the white impermanence.

Unlike the ox head and horse face, it is a skeleton **** with a solid body, which can be turned into a bone pill.

This impermanent ghost of him is made of ghost qi and yin evil, and there is nothingness and nothingness.

This white impermanence soul orb looks like an illusory incandescent ball of light.

Then he waved his hand, and the newly refined Black Impermanence also turned into a dark and pitch-black soul orb. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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