Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 226: immortal mansion

However, when Guo Ning and the others heard his words, their hearts jumped, and they remembered the scene when they were calculating Lingqing.

You must know that they are only guilty now. If they can't reach the standard of Lingqing in a few months, they will inevitably have a reincarnation.

So he quickly replied: "Yes, the subordinates will surely free them."

The rest of the people also responded.

"Then let's go, although the poor road separated the four of them, the magic was strange.

If you let him get away, it would be bad if you hurt other people. "

Ling Qing nodded, and with a flick of the whisk, he entered the stone gate. .

When Guo Ning and the others saw this, they quickly followed.

It is said that although this cave mansion is fake, it was also created by Lingqing, Guo Ning and other ghosts and gods.

It can be said that all the skills Lingqing knows now have been displayed one by one.

Maybe not as majestic and grand as the Qinghuang Lingfu, but it is slightly better in the subtle changes.

When the monk Zhigu displayed his wonderful Dharma, fragrant and obstructed the Buddha's light, and shook the door open.

Indeed, as Li Zixuan said, he touched the formation that guards the cave.

Then the two monks, one old and one small, Quan Anguo and his four subordinates, together with Xia Tingyu, were captured in the formation.

A few people came back to their senses, and saw that the surroundings were dark, with scarlet mist drifting from time to time.

This formation is the Earth Demon Formation, and there are also Star Demon Gods floating around.

"Everyone, be careful, don't let that red mist touch you!"

When Monk Zhigu saw Hong Wu, his heart froze and he reminded loudly.

"Master, is this Mr. Tongxuan's cave?"

Although Quan Anguo didn't know how beneficial the red fog was, he was also frightened when he saw it, and naturally he didn't dare to take the risk.

"Naturally not."

Zhigu shook his head, remembering Li Zixuan's original appearance, and his hand twirling the rosary immediately froze.

"We are just paving the way for Daoist Zixuan.

That being the case, if you want to come to that wonderful magic fairy recipe, you will not be out of the hands of the Taoist brother. "

"Master, don't you really want to dedicate Taoist magic to Your Majesty?"

Seeing his expression, Quan Anguo suddenly moved in his heart and asked.

"If His Majesty really uses Taoist secret techniques to live forever, do you think he will still believe in Buddhism as he did before?"

"Amitabha, what does General Quan mean?"

The tin stick in Monk Zhigu's hand buzzed slightly, and his eyes were slightly closed.

"Everyone knows that Your Majesty is destined to have a relationship with my Buddha. My Buddha's pure land has its own honorable position. What's wrong with the dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism."

Quan Anguo glanced at the buzzing tin stick and said meaningfully.

"Our majesty is unfathomable, ruthless, and self-willed.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, what the master is waiting for is not the great prosperity of Buddhism, but another act of destroying the Buddha.

It should be noted that the emperors of my dynasty, even if so many people died because of the elixir of life, never gave up searching.

Just because of this Buddhism, in the eyes of sages, it is nothing but Huawaifanism.

And Taoism is the ancestor. "

When the monk Zhigu heard the words, he was silent for a moment. It is true that when His Majesty was not in possession of the great treasure, he was quite favored by Buddhism.

Of course, since his ascension to the throne, although Buddhism has indeed prospered, he has also been somewhat suspicious of Buddhism.

The most obvious is in recent years, for the sake of immortality and eternal honor.

In addition to still burning incense and worshipping Buddha, he devoted more attention to Taoism.

Then Li Zixuan was directly appointed by His Majesty as the order of the Imperial Physician Office because he claimed to be able to refine longevity medicines, and was in charge of the Taiqing Palace, which was in charge of royal sacrifices.

This is evident.

"I don't know what General Quan has taught me?"

After a long time, the monk Zhigu closed his eyes and asked softly.

"My lieutenant Ma means that there is no magic here."

Quan An Guo pressed the sword on his waist and said coldly.

"So, the old man understands."

Monk Zhigu's eyelids trembled for a while, and then suddenly opened.

"Whether there is or not, you have to leave here first before you can count.

Otherwise, if Li Zixuan finds it, then it's not up to you and me. "

"Then there is Master Lao."

Seeing him like this, Quan Anguo threw his cloak behind him and bowed in a salute.

Make a look that he is leading the way.

Since Monk Zhigu has made up his mind, he naturally does his part.

With a shake of the tin stick in his hand, bursts of Sanskrit sound were shaken out, rippling all around.

The two formed an alliance and were preparing to break through the shackles of the formation.

It is only said that after Li Zixuan and the two Taoist boys behind him slammed into the stone gate, the world changed before they met.

The starlight in front of him filled the air, the sky was so cloudy that one could not tell the direction, and the surrounding red mist was faint, revealing a vicious aura.

"Master, what is this place?"

A child looked at the scarlet mist around him and couldn't help asking.

"This is a cave protection formation, but don't panic."

Master Zixuan looked up at the stars in the sky and pointed to a star line.

"I just need to walk in the order in which the stars are arranged, and then I can get out of this formation."

After speaking, he took the two boys and walked forward according to the instructions of Tianxing.

After a while, the formation was formed, and he really entered the cave.

At this time, he was on the edge of a cliff, with a deep valley in front of him, and a gourd-shaped mountain in the center.

Among the white clouds, a waterfall hangs down from the mouth of the gourd.

Up and down the mountain there is a stone palace thatched cottage, and there are Bitan green pagodas on the left and right.

There are white deer and red foxes in the forest, birds and black cranes on the trees, and golden carp and green snakes in the water.

Surrounded by rare grasses and rare pines and green cypresses in Changchun.

At the end is a fairy family's birth house, a place where Taoists are pure.

There is an octagonal pavilion in front of it, and in the pavilion there is a stone tablet.

Letter: Yingxian Pavilion.

This pavilion has seven portals in addition to the one that leads to the gate behind it.

They are Mingjian Peak, Life and Death, Mingguang Palace, Gongde Forest, Wuchang Lodge, Hualong Pond and the last Ten Thousand Beast Garden.

Just as he was looking at the various portals and pondering in his heart, he suddenly heard a loud noise behind him.

"Come in, come in, thanks to the reminder from Brother Wang, otherwise we would never have imagined it for a while."

"Exactly, exactly!"

"Is this the Immortal Cave Mansion? Why isn't it a cave?"

"This is the real Xianjia Dongfu."

"Yeah, this immortal cave mansion is really imposing."



Zhenren Zixuan frowned at the disturbance, and he couldn't help snorting coldly.

A group of people who were constantly making noise felt a shock in their hearts when they heard the sound, couldn't help but shut their mouths and looked at him carefully.

At this time, a nine-foot strong man lined up the crowd and bowed to him.

"I've seen a real person, under Wangfu, I have no intention of disturbing, just want to be able to touch the breath of immortals.

Also looking forward to the real Haihan. "

"The avenues are boundless, and Purdue is destined."

Seeing this, Zhenren Zixuan nodded, flicked the ponytail in his hand, and said loudly.

"Since you can come in, then Mr. Tongxuan is merciful, and the poor man will not be a wicked person in vain."

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were relieved, and Wang Fu took the lead and bowed their hands happily.

"Thank you Mr. Tongxuan for your mercy! Thank you for your mercy!"

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